Tedx Prestn - Lesley Hazelton

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Tedx Prestn - Lesley Hazelton Dec 11, 2010
This could also be in the 'religion forum' - but as Hazelton addresses the point why Islamophobes (and extremists) can and do misquote the Quran - in this Tedx presentation. It took her 3 months to read the Quran - 'reading slowly' - something that people like Bob Spencer and Gert Wilders (who both admit to having read the whole Quran) should take note of:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7yaDlZf ... _embedded#!

Lesley Hazleton explores the Koran and finds much that is quite different from what is reported in commonly cited accounts.

A psychologist by training and Middle East reporter by experience, British-born Lesley Hazleton has spent the last ten years exploring the vast and often terrifying arena in which politics and religion, past and present, intersect. Her most recent book, After the Prophet: the Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split, was a finalist for the 2010 PEN-USA nonfiction award.

She lived and worked in Jerusalem for thirteen years -- a city where politics and religion are at their most incendiary -- then moved to New York. She came to Seattle to get her pilot's license in 1992, saw the perfect houseboat, and stayed. By 1994, she'd flown away all of her savings, and has never regretted a single cent of it. Now her raft rides low in the water under the weight of research as she works on her next book, The First Muslim, a new look at the life of Muhammad.

TEDxRainier is an independently organized TED event held in Seattle Washington.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Tedx Prestn - Lesley Hazelton Dec 11, 2010
at around 1m 20:

"Yet the fact that so few people actually read the Quran is precisely why it is so easy to quote - that is to MISQUOTE.

Phrases and snippets taken out of context in what I call the 'highlighter version' which is the one favoured by both Muslim fundamentalists and anti-Muslims, Islamophobes. "


and at 5.50 she covers whether the Quran tells Muslims to kill disbelievers or not.

And then she also quotes 3v7:
"Some of the verses are definite in meaning" it says "and others are ambiguous.

The perverse at heart will seek out the ambiguities, trying to create discord by pinning down meanings of their own"


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