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9/11 Mar 02, 2011
http://800pg.co.cc/geeklog//staticpages ... p?page=911

Israel did 9/11

Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF YOU NEED

“[The Israeli Mossad is] ruthless and cunning, with the capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian-Arab act.” -Report issued by the U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS); September 2001

open the link,please,
http://800pg.co.cc/geeklog//staticpages ... p?page=911

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Re: 9/11 Mar 02, 2011
I don't see enough evidence, its all who? who? who?
the report has points which is interesting to know but doesn't really link directly to 9/11...
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Re: 9/11 Mar 02, 2011
Welcome to The 800 Pound Gorilla Wednesday, March 02 2011 @ 02:18 PM GMT
Nick Berg: Mossad operator with ties to 9/11 hijackers?
Wednesday, November 10 2010 @ 03:21 AM GMT

Views: 3,013

Originally posted on: September 20, 2008

In April 2004, US civilian contractor Nicholas Berg was allegedly executed by al-Qaeda terrorists in Iraq. Although the fact was largely ignored at the time, it is notable that Berg -- a Jewish-American telecommunications expert with likely ties to the Israeli Mossad -- also seems to have had a connection with alleged 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui.
“Mr. Berg’s e-mail password was obtained by an associate of Zacarias Moussaoui,” the New York Times reported in the wake of Berg’s death. “FBI agents interviewed Mr. Berg in 2002 and came away convinced that he had either shared the password with someone who passed it on to Mr. Moussaoui or that the password had been stolen from him.”

For several mainstream media reports on Berg's suspicious associations, and the bizarre circumstances of his alleged execution in Iraq, READ MORE.

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Mossad in America
Wednesday, November 03 2010 @ 02:16 PM GMT

Views: 958

The American Conservative; August 25, 2010
Israeli government claims that it does not spy on the United States are intended for the media and popular consumption. The reality is that Israel’s intelligence agencies target the United States intensively, particularly in pursuit of military and dual-use civilian technology.

Among nations considered to be friendly to Washington, Israel leads all others in its active espionage directed against American companies and the Defense Department. It also dominates two commercial sectors that enable it to extend its reach inside America’s domestic infrastructure: airline and telecommunications security.
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