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desertdudeshj wrote:According to the data provided by the NTSB
desertdudeshj wrote: And the defying the law of physics last second maneuvers.
desertdudeshj wrote: Why did he not just nose dive into the pentagon on the east side when he first had the chance, Instead he flies out miles away does a U turn.
desertdudeshj wrote: Any airline pilot will tell you that takes a great amount of skill to pull off.
desertdudeshj wrote: Also being the center of defense for the biggest military in the world you'd expect it to be protected by some sort of SAM support or was the American military in such a state of denial and hubris it left such an important military assest totaly unguarded, even if not. Andrews airforce base is minutes away across the river and they let a plane know to be hijacked through ?
kanelli wrote:The US government would have quite a complicated time hiding flight 77
desertdudeshj wrote:Oh and BTW this warning goes for Berrin too.
EH your are just being condesending now and not providing anything usefull to the debate, any further such posts will be either edited or deleted.
Does anyone really believe that 9/11 was a "terrorist" act? I mean I know that the media has successfully brainwashed most Americans into believing that, but are there others who believe that?
Berrin wrote:Nex time you give people warning you be careful otherwise I’ll get you kicked out of forum moderation you spoilt c.cky pr.t...
kanelli wrote:There is no such thing as an indestructible passport, it is simply one of many pieces of debris that were found from the disasters. Other passengers possessions were found as well.
kanelli wrote:Why should the lawn be disturbed if the plane hasn't come into contact with it? Eyewitnesses saw the plane clip the light poles just before accelerating and ploughing directly into the Pentagon.
kanelli wrote:Many eyewitnesses saw an American Airlines plane hit the building. There is debris from the American Airlines plane in the building and on the ground. I guess those witnesses are a bunch of liars
Kinda convenient isn't it ?
There are many credible witnesses including but not limited too, Sgt Lagasse and Sean Boger who was the air traffic controller for the pentagon helipad, just feet away from impact zone, who saw a low level, slow flying, white plane with no marks on teh tail except humbers north of the Citgo station, the disputed North Path. Are they all liars then ?
JoeTGF wrote:that the data that they were posting was not verifiable
JoeTGF wrote: and I think DDS deserves credit in that he did.
Instead of trying to discredit the information, maybe should have checked with the source first ?
Which goes to show you did not even look at the thing with more than a blink of an eye
Just goes to show you have no intention of looking at anything that remotely deters from the official narrative, even though the sources are official, and are just here for conformation bias.
And if you are a part of or wish to take part in this debate then you are required to back up your beliefs instead of just dismissing/mocking/shrugging off others who have provided evidence
I dunno if your good at reading maps
Again you disregard everything else and pick out one single piece of information and try to "critizise or mock it" You can do simple math can't you and I assume you have atleast normal deduction capabilties.
JoeTGF wrote:I don't think comments about elves or such like are helful to the actual discussion.
JoeTGF wrote: If there is a point being made lets hear the debate and not detract from the points. Some of the comments in all honesty remind me of the tv interview that Glen Beck gave to the maker of in Plane Site which is just shocking an attempt to mock the person/topic and a refusal too have a serious discussion.
desertdudeshj wrote: Even from the original NTSB data which you cannot disqualify now as its from the orginal source now.
desertdudeshj wrote:The planes were too high to have clipped the light poles
desertdudeshj wrote: The devil is in the details. Just as someoe is sentenced on the testimony of one witness and later that witness is proved to be a liar, then the sentence is revoked and the person exonerated.
kanelli wrote:And there are official explanations for all of those things DDS, you just choose not to believe them. Some things will never be known unless they directly replicate which is of course impossible, e.g. how the lamp posts were hit. Witnesses seeing the plane clipping the light poles and slamming into the Pentagon is pretty conclusive to me.
Flying Dutchman wrote:Which NTSB data are you talking about now? Pin point to it.
Flying Dutchman wrote:Show me exactly how you reached this conclusion. For now its a baseless statement. And your track record is already very bad. May I remind you of your own words:
kanelli wrote:Sorry JoeTGF, are you posting something constructive to refute my theory that it was elves?
desertdudeshj wrote:The altitude, heading and speed. Is mentioned in almost every graph at the bottom
desertdudeshj wrote:Something you and friend EH have never done even when shown whatever is being said is utter bollocks in the many threads spread over this section of the forums. Anyways thats another story all toghter and lets not detract.
desertdudeshj wrote:Come on man the graphs are there are in almost every NTSB link I provided
desertdudeshj wrote:And just incase you think I was making this up or you can't see it clearly
Go to page 9 of this link. Its a decluttered graph with each value at on a seperate graph