^ You know the airheads who would justify these attacks on campuses because of events in other parts of the globe would be the first to cry racism if someone were to point that so-called attacks on Muslims were directly correlated with international terrorism carried out in the name of Islam, let alone anyone who would justify such actions as a response to terrorist attacks carried out in the name of Islam.
Actually, Netanyahu explained the root cause of extremism and terrorism in the world today when he said:
... what you have is an implantation in North America of this same unforgiving fanaticism that says “we will not allow the engagement of a contest of ideas, we will not allow a free market of ideas,” which is precisely a microcosm of the problem that we have in these societies that spawn and produce terrorism. They rigidly control what their people hear and see so that they can control what they think and feel. And this is the essence of the problem. If the real solution to this fanaticism is ventilation, the aeration of various ideas, then you got a whiff of the underlying root cause of terrorism in Concordia. That is the unwillingness to have a free exchange of ideas. The root cause of terrorism is totalitarianism.