This UAE Faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed On Torture Video

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This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 11, 2010
This faggot prince Shaikh Eisa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan must be brought to justice and taught the meaning of real pain and suffering. I’m from Arab decent (Gulf Area) and am feeling so angry and speechless about this ill-treament to a human being from a brat who is being protected by dictators, and so loved by those Western governments. This act should never happen to any human being - never. I wish I was there to rip off that brat’s head.

Shame on all of you UAE people if you failed to bring this f……cker to justice.
Those Prince and Shaikh throughout the Middle East have nothing to fear, they can kill, torture and f…ck whoever they like with no regard to any law. This is why the ordinary people in the Middle East had it with those dictators and their faggots.

When will you Middle Easten dictators stop torturing people and set them free, and stop claiming that you are Muslims - Islam is pure and cannot accept you no matter how much you try to pretend. You must stop associating your names with it, because Islam cannot accept such dictators or blood thirsty morons.

The funny part is that, this faggot has been acquitted from UAE court – crazy aye. If I was living in the UAE I’d be scared because its law is at the hand of those dictators.

Here is the link to the acquittal news story ... y-1.566301

And here are some video links to actual scene of the torture. Please be warned that, the video is very graphic and horrible to watch. ... video.html

Am sorry about the language, am just sooooooooooo angry and furious about this brat’s treatment to this Afghani. :evil:

If you are angry please register your thought

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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 11, 2010
For some odd reason this does not surprise me that he was found innocent :roll:
There is not much justice in the UAE courts when their own man is on trial. ... rture_tape
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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 11, 2010
These so called rulers are nothing but thugs, whom have been protected by the US government in return for oil.

Look at those Middle Eastern countries, and one by one you will find a dictator who has been sitting in power God knows since when. They have established dodgy laws which only apply to those poor citizens and visitors - in other words, these faggot rulers can free and imprison whoever they wish to for no reason.

It’s ironic that people outside the Middle East don’t know why the Middle East is full of resentment and unhappiness when it comes to their governments. The answer is quiet obvious, people are sick and tired of their dictators, not to mention Israel from the other side.They want to be free but they have no clue how to do it.

I just feel that the Middle East is going through ominous time, probably a similar to the time when Western countries about decades ago had to go through wars and suffering before becoming free of tyrants.
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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 11, 2010
but UAE kid told us this doesn't happen anymore ;)
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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 11, 2010
The Afghan man wasn't 'tortured', he was punished for a crime he committed.

Just ask shafique what the definition of torture is.
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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 12, 2010
Local papers here in Taiwan today are filled with this story. Pretty much everyone in the world knows he was guilty. Papers also mention that he was guilty but was found not guilty.
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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 12, 2010
Mate, believe me people throughout the Middle East are nice and hard working people. It’s just their dictators who have been holding them down. The governing style of those self-centered dictators and the American double standard toward them, and toward Israel is what have been driving many people to extremism and hapless state.

We all know that American took its prisoners to Morocco, Egypt, Jordan etc to be tortured their– so what does that explain.

The motto and philosophy of Saudi Arabia’s monarch is, “keep you dogs hungry and they’ll follow you, but overfeed them and they’ll repel against you”. They refer to their own citizens as dogs – this true.

There are so many poor Gulf citizens whom struggle to make end meat, when their countries have made trillions of dollars from oils just last year and still doing so. Whereas, every member of the monarch families gets a very generous yearly income without doing anything, on top of other things – and yes they are above the law.

How they want to advance themselves if there is no one law apply to all. :idea:
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Re: This UAE Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 14, 2010
shouldn't you also be concern about yourselves ! when an Arabic guy torture one guy he gets all the world attention and when a country wipeout a hall nation you look the other way ? no comments no questioning no trials no fair media coverage no regrets what so ever no mercy to our children and women. not even paying a penny to their adds what does that makes you ? advanced.

the issue got your attention bcz you all shallow ppl regardless off ESSA barbarian act , but you will never have principles or value of humans rights, you can open all the organization you want and name them what you want or create your won defensive reason of why you are killing our children and women with your won taxation, being hapless what your governments do with your money and calling it democracy . advanced ? I think not. you can overlook those facts all you want but deep inside your black hearts you know that you contribute to the suffering of millions. so yaa you can concentrate on this faggot Prince all you want but you are not better than him in anyway
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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 14, 2010
True , I dont know why do we have to make a big deal out of it ?! at the end , it's obvious that the purpose of this video is to blackmail the man for money. I am sure that prior to publication of this vid some negotiations took place.

humbleman is aparantly mad at UAE for some reasons, me too I am glad that you dont live here.
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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 15, 2010
Uaekid and Mesheditor, I meant no disrespect to you guys or to the awesome people of the UAE. In fact I always brag about the success of the UAE to others, even though I’m not from there.

Look, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid is a leader who I look up to and have tremendous respect. However, he is only one smart leader in the Middle East and one hand can’t do it all. Believe me, if he has his own way he would’ve changed the whole governing system throughout the Middle East, and tries to push them to be up there competing with those advanced countries.

My friends, Islam taught me this. A good Muslim, shall never hurt no one, degrade no one else’s religion or dignity, and most importantly shall never be hypocritical, in other word, shall never criticizes others’ behavior before making sure that his/her own behavior is not a bad one.

Islam is one of the beautiful religions out there. I always appreciate that moment when I go a Mosque and see people from all walk of live, race, colour, and rank talking as they are brothers –to me, that’s a proper portrayal of civilized human beings.

Islam is forbidden the torture of animals let alone a human being. Not to mention, Islam is demanding that every Muslim must speaks up against such humiliation or injustice to any human being, or animal in that matter.

To change the world, you must start with yourself, your neighbors, and only then you can hope to change the world. UAE has sat unprecedented example to other Middle Eastern countries, and forced reluctant countries to recognize it as a major player on the world stage.

I got so angry and still do about this faggot drug addict prince who tortured this poor Afghani, and tarnished the image of a beautiful country that you and likeminded hardworking UAE people have been building? I just wish he got the punishment that he deserves?

If you wanna be on the top, you’ve got to play the game right, if you know what I mean

Respect :)
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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Jan 15, 2010
shouldn't you also be concern about yourselves !

How do you know if he is not an arab or an arab descent?
Go humbleman go..We should all examine every individual, society or nation who do not serve well to the benefits of mankind.

I am ashamed of him as I am a muslim too. One of the 5 core principles of islam is to protect one's honour.
So may be we should start a campaign for them to go back to school to study islam again.

Here, read the following to see what I mean....why don't you mail them what I provide here..

1. Life
This is the right that your body as an individual or any one of your bodies as a group is safe from harm.
2. Property
This is the right to own property safe from any attempts to force it away from you or to defraud you.
3. Freedom of conscience
This right is the right that no one can try to force you into having any opinion or belief and is closely related to 4.
4. Freedom of religion
This is a lot more than freedom of conscience. It implies that you are able to follow the teachings of your religion so long as it doesn't infringe on the freedom of others to do likewise. An Islamic state would try to ensure that each religious group could have its own laws and own legal system for matters of distinctive religious laws (e.g. marriage , divorce, inheritance etc.)
5. Honour
This is the right not to be defamed and libelled in public.

These rights were recognised as universal rights of every human being living in the Islamic state.
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Re: This UAE faggot Prince Caught Red-Handed on Torture Video Mar 02, 2010
I totally agree with you fella's (Humbleman and Berrin)

Say Berrin, what topic did we disagree over some time ago? Can't find it.
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