This Took Place In UK In 1905, Its The Reason Of WAR

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Feb 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:Initially, I wasn't talking about Western governments. I was talking about Western people - citizens, people who live in Western countries, or Western people living abroad. What should WE do, not what should the government of X do.

There are plenty of discussions about what Western governments should do, but that is not what I was asking about!

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Feb 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:XRW, I am not a buddy - I'm a female - thanks :)

Your comments are completely irrelevant to this thread. Did you read the topic and actually see how the thread progressed, or are you just trying to jump in here to defend your buddy?

Has there been a thread about what individual Western people should do to make relations better with Arab/Islamic peoples? I haven't seen one in the few months I've been on this board.

Apologies Kanelli, you shall be upgraded from a "buddy" to "dear" - better? jks.

But in my own defence I think I strung together a meatier contribution than "yawwnnnnn" and was in no means a defence for anyone.

If you read beyond the months you have been here you might get what I'm on about. Its something along the lines of what Choco has already suggested.

But hey, if you think you can change the world, power to you sister.
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Feb 20, 2006
I haven't seen what Choco wrote...
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:I haven't seen what Choco wrote...

Sorry, who wasn't following what now?
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Feb 20, 2006
I'm looking for a "I hate the West" proponent's opinion on what Western people need to do in order to make relations better. Did Choco handle this topic somewhere? Also, I want Liban and Intimacy and others who dislike the West to give their opinions.

Don't you think that everyone should be interested in making the relationship better? I mean, a clash of civilisations between the West and Islamic nations could mean WW3. With the way that Western and Middle Eastern governments are dealing with each other, we could see a war in the future. If the governments aren't doing what the citizens want, or the citizens are being mislead - how can they reach out to each other to set things right before the situation gets out of hand?

If every thread that brings up how the West is abusing the Arab world ends in "Let the West burn in hell" - it isn't very productive, don't you agree?
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Feb 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:Liban, you post general statements again! Do you ever tackle a subject beyond one-liners? If you've answered this before then get off your a#s and cut and paste the relevant info into this thread. It isn't feasible to have a discussion splitting into different threads.

Initially, I wasn't talking about Western governments. I was talking about Western people - citizens, people who live in Western countries, or Western people living abroad. What should WE do, not what should the government of X do.

You know that I am intelligent Liban, so stop the childish insults like "for the brain dead".

You bore me... If you are as intelligent as you claim to be. Perform a search function.

Your question has been dealt with a while ago. Before you came on board.
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Feb 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:I'm looking for a "I hate the West" proponent's opinion on what Western people need to do in order to make relations better. Did Choco handle this topic somewhere? Also, I want Liban and Intimacy and others who dislike the West to give their opinions.

Don't you think that everyone should be interested in making the relationship better? I mean, a clash of civilisations between the West and Islamic nations could mean WW3. With the way that Western and Middle Eastern governments are dealing with each other, we could see a war in the future. If the governments aren't doing what the citizens want, or the citizens are being mislead - how can they reach out to each other to set things right before the situation gets out of hand?

If every thread that brings up how the West is abusing the Arab world ends in "Let the West burn in hell" - it isn't very productive, don't you agree?

I repeat. Learn how to use a search. This subject has already been touched before you came along...
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Feb 20, 2006
Thanks Liban, you are very helpful and polite as usual. :roll:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Feb 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:Thanks Liban, you are very helpful and polite as usual. :roll:

I strive to be as nice to you as possible. :roll:

You deserve no less...
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Feb 20, 2006
Liban, I post constantly on this forum about tolerance and peace and I am obviously trying to understand all sides to the issues. You, on the other hand, are the complete opposite. You are so full of hate that it is no wonder that you have a hard time being nice to me.

I will never agree with your messages of hate against the West and against Jews. If that makes me an enemy, than so be it. I'll tell you this though - I am not going anywhere and I will continue to post when presented with hate, intolerance, hypocrisy, and one-sided views.
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Feb 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:I'll tell you this though - I am not going anywhere and I will continue to post when presented with hate, intolerance, hypocrisy, and one-sided views.

Similar to a bug or a fly.... You just like to be pesky... Thats OK, you keep on truckin' little soldier... You just keep going what you have to in order to feel better....

Go go Kanelli.... woo hoo!!! :lol:
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Feb 20, 2006
Also, I like how you admit to being blind to the truth....

If I was to say God bless the West you would cheer... If I was to say power to the Arabs, you would jeer...

Hypocrite. 8)
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Feb 20, 2006
Liban wrote:Also, I like how you admit to being blind to the truth....

If I was to say God bless the West you would cheer... If I was to say power to the Arabs, you would jeer...

Hypocrite. 8)

Where did I admit being blind to the truth, and what truth are you talking about. Is there ever only one truth Liban? Maybe that question is a little too intellectual for you :)

As I have said before, I'm an atheist, so no, I wouldn't cheer if you said God bless the West. If I was religious, I'd say that God blesses EVERYONE.

Any time I have written that I agree that the West was doing something wrong, you ignore me. When I say hey, that is incorrect, or there is another perspective to that, you call me a bigot, racist etc.

I feel really sorry for you Liban because you lack credibility, consistency, tolerance, and logic.
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Feb 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:Where did I admit being blind to the truth, and what truth are you talking about. Is there ever only one truth Liban? Maybe that question is a little too intellectual for you :)

As I have said before, I'm an atheist, so no, I wouldn't cheer if you said God bless the West. If I was religious, I'd say that God blesses EVERYONE.

Any time I have written that I agree that the West was doing something wrong, you ignore me. When I say hey, that is incorrect, or there is another perspective to that, you call me a bigot, racist etc.

I feel really sorry for you Liban because you lack credibility, consistency, tolerance, and logic.

bla bla bla....

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Feb 20, 2006
kanelli wrote:Where did I admit being blind to the truth, and what truth are you talking about. Is there ever only one truth Liban? Maybe that question is a little too intellectual for you :)

As I have said before, I'm an atheist, so no, I wouldn't cheer if you said God bless the West. If I was religious, I'd say that God blesses EVERYONE.

Any time I have written that I agree that the West was doing something wrong, you ignore me. When I say hey, that is incorrect, or there is another perspective to that, you call me a bigot, racist etc.

I feel really sorry for you Liban because you lack credibility, consistency, tolerance, and logic.

bla bla bla....

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Feb 20, 2006
I'm looking for a "I hate the West" proponent's opinion on what Western people need to do in order to make relations better. Did Choco handle this topic somewhere? Also, I want Liban and Intimacy and others who dislike the West to give their opinions.

Dear kanelli … you still don’t get it.. don’t you?!!!

When u are saying that I and liban dislike the west, then.. you are generalizing.

I have no problem with the honest, kind people in the west or in the east, the problem is with the Governments who are misleading the people with their propaganda dear.

Those governments who are making conspiracies since the dawn of history to wipe us off. And the article at the beginning of the post is showing so.. have you read it???

I have many good westerners friends who are so kind and nice .. and I almost consider some of them as family.

They are using the propaganda to create this ugly picture of Arabs and Muslims even the Christian Arabs are being judged by the same way.

Tell me, why the killing the destruction is going in since ages and ages…

You still don’t understand that we don’t hate you people, we hate the governments them selves whom are misleading this world and subsequently your nations.

I don’t think that the post is ambiguous that much.. I think nothing is simpler than the facts which have been mentioned to be understood.

I am saying it again.. we have no problem with the people… the problem is with the governments. Otherwise you don’t see such tolerance in the street with westerners.

Kindly … keep that in mind.

I mean, a clash of civilisations between the West and Islamic nations could mean WW3.

Dear, you can read the history .. up tell the last 100 years (not far from now) islam was the most tolarent cluture with any other cultures. Whenever islam happens to be in a country… there were nothing as a "clash" between it and anyother civilization… choose any time and country…

The people of whatever country regardless what were their ethnicities, they were very comfortable with islam… that was mentioned everywhere I think.

The propaganda is savataging this picture to create the reason to execute what came in the conference mentioned before.

If the governments aren't doing what the citizens want, or the citizens are being mislead - how can they reach out to each other to set things right before the situation gets out of hand?

after all this, do you still treat them as 2 entities?!!!! :shock:

They are the same !!!

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Feb 20, 2006
Why bother Intimacy... She simply doesn't understand... I dunno anymore if its blindness or sheer stupidity....

But I do not want to insult her so I will stick to blindness. All we can do it pity her.
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Feb 21, 2006
"We hate the governments, not the people." That is the same bull that you and Liban always say, yet you treat any Westerner who responds to your posts with complete disrespect. I do understand and I have said before that the West has caused problems in the Middle East, but you ignore me. There have been a billion threads on here where some Muslims members post topics about how historically Muslims and Arabs have been wronged in history, and how they are being wronged today. What is the point? To keep stirring up bad feelings and making the Westerners who post on here feel uncomfortable? If any one of us posted articles or thread topics that were anti-Arab or anti-Muslim you'd all be pissed off. As you have noticed, no one here has done that. It is only some of the Muslims and Arabs on this board who constantly moan about the West and try to stir up anti-Western sentiment. If you don't want a dialogue with anyone but Muslims or Arabs who feel the same way as you - go and post somewhere else where you find exclusively those people.

I don't need your posts and your attitude to help educate me about the problems between the West and Arab and Muslim nations. I'm already reading more and becoming more aware of it that when I lived elsewhere. I will make no apologies for not slitting my wrists because Western governments have been dominating Arab and Muslim ones. Throughout history there have been many civilisations that dominated other ones, but somehow they can get along in time. That is what I hope too, and I can do my part towards that. If some of you would rather spend time hating, then that is your choice.

You two could learn a lot from Shafique who actually has substance behind his posts. He never posts inflammatory things and then insults and patronises anyone who doesn't respond with "Yeah, let the West burn in hell." He educates and discusses and he cares about our opinions and perspectives. He is tolerant and feels secure in his faith. Now that is what this forum needs.
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Feb 21, 2006
We keep stirring up things???

I asked you before and do so again, why do you not object to having the holocaust of the Jews mentionned time and time again all over the place?
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Feb 21, 2006
We hate the governments, not the people." That is the same bull that you and Liban always say,

I dont, but should i be surprised by this tone?! i think i am.

yet you treat any Westerner who responds to your posts with complete disrespect.

[b]show me where i have ever disreaspect anyone here?!

- kanelli even when i am addressing you, i use the word "DEAR" do u consider this as a disrespect? i think its the bad doubts about us which make you think that "dear" means something bad.

you are still taking things personally, and i really have no idea why.
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Feb 21, 2006
Its the trademark of a closet bigot.... Thats why she is like that Intimacy...

PS - Who is the cute little girl in the avatar?
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Feb 21, 2006
I myslef still dont get it.

is it that artical speak for itself?!!!!!!!!!

why we are being blamed for it? why were are accused what we hate weastreners when we mention it???

the one who worte this.. is not a musilm or an arab!!!
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Feb 21, 2006
Liban wrote:We keep stirring up things???

I asked you before and do so again, why do you not object to having the holocaust of the Jews mentionned time and time again all over the place?

First of all, haven't noticed it being brought up at all. Where are the threads that keep mentioning the holcaust as the main subject of the thread? If it was mentioned recently it was because a) Ahmadinejad recently made comments about it - so it is a recent story. b) When Muslims on this forum slam Jews and basically say that they deserve to be exterminated - you are bloody well right that people will speak up in defense. If someone said that Muslims should all be annhiliated we'd still be speaking up to defend Muslims! I doubt you believe that though.
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Feb 21, 2006
kanelli wrote:If someone said that Muslims should all be annhiliated we'd still be speaking up to defend Muslims!

Sure you will... :roll:
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Feb 21, 2006
Liban wrote:
kanelli wrote:If someone said that Muslims should all be annhiliated we'd still be speaking up to defend Muslims!

Sure you will... :roll:

Please quote one instance where I have been hostile towards Islam and supported calls for Muslims to be harmed? You won't find anything because I would never support such a thing.

I have even started a thread for reading materials about Islam so that people can add useful resources and learn more about the religion. I have NOTHING against Muslims or Arabs for that matter - I just ask for more tolerance and that less hostility and anti-West sentiment be thrown in our faces all the time when we come to Dubai Forums to post.
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Feb 21, 2006
Save your fingernails on the keyboard K.

They just dont get it.
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Feb 21, 2006
I suppose so arniegang. Too bad :(
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Feb 21, 2006
arniegang wrote:Save your fingernails on the keyboard K.

They just dont get it.

Interestingly enough, the rumor is we don't get it but the fact is that you do not.
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Feb 21, 2006
kanelli wrote:I suppose so arniegang. Too bad :(

I agree.

It is a shame that you are blind to the truth.
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Feb 22, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Oh Kanelli, Intimacy is going to be the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood - 'I'll shall dig his heart out with a spoon...... because it will hurt more!'

Oh you guys are so boring, what's the point of bringing up stuff which is in the past, it happened - leave it there! The point is to look to the future!

Well I agree with every point Inimacy said.It's beacause any goddamn country in West b4 and during worldwars needed colonies so they can grow and prosper, so they do have to play politics. They found good way to dump Jews as they (especially Brits) hated em and create chaos and they can sell their military goods, come to Arab as allies and take oil. Even Chinese woud do that (that's how they got Xinhua province and check where the phrase 'chinese whisper" comes from). All balme shouldn't be lumped on West cos lack of good leaders in Arab world who could point and unite Arab ppl. Well it seems they arent many revolutions in Arab world and ppl are happy as it is. So in the end everybody wins.West needs the resources bcos they are making good use of most of it compared to Arabs who are spending on lavish stuffs instead on investing on other projects.
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