Humbleman wrote:“It seems you may have been influenced by "liberalist left winger" propaganda while living in some Western country which makes you accept gays and faggots.”
Sorry guys if this is off-topic, I just have to reply to Muslimbangladeshion this one.
Muslimbangladeshi, my dear friend, you sound an intelligent and nice guy.
However I beg to differ with on you on this one.
Here is my personal opinion about whether I think gay/lesbian is right or wrong. From humans off-spring point of view it’s very wrong, because you need a man and woman to make a baby. However, from a scientific point of view, I must say the majority of Gay and lesbian go through gender confusion. In other words, they don’t have a sense of what part of the aisles they are in, a male or female. Scientists called them “the third gender”. At the university we studied a subject called “genders and societies”, and it was terrible what these people have to go through just to discover who they are.
If liberalism refers or emphasizes on, true justice, human right, respect others point of view/their personal circumstances, respect women, dislike those governments in some countries especially in African and in Asian who are corrupt/self-served and give it damn about the development of their own people and countries. Then my friend my proud to say yes I am a liberalist.
There are so many killers and murders out there who don’t get the same hate as these groups of people (Gays Lesbian), just look at the Israeli government for instance. At work we have two gays and I must say that they are the friendliest and politest people that ever met, moreover, they don’t impose their beliefs or lifestyles on others at all, and that’s suit me very much.
So would I pay less respect or think less of someone who is gay or lesbian, absolutely not. They are human first and for most, and for that they demand a fair treatment from me. Would I want my son or daughter to be that way, absolutely not, but would I hate or cast him/her aside, absolutely not.
Muslimbangladeshi, you know that Islam is a religion of mercy, understanding, tolerance, and all those good traits. If Muslim people see Islam as what it is, and stop cultural values from hijacking it and interpret it according to how they see the world around them, Islam would be sought after by so many people around the world.
By the way, you do actually not alone disliking these groups of people. We have some Christian groups whom from time to time run covert campaigns targeting these harmless people.
Finally my brother, you have all my respect, but on this one I just have to differ with you
Humbleman brother, again another well thought through post.
I dont agree with your views on gays/lesbians at all, but I will try not to derail this thread Inshallah.
If needed, we can discuss this issue elsewhere. The following is a brief summary of the issue at hand. Perhaps we can discuss this furhter in another thread. To be honest, because some gays/lesbians aren't violent doesn't mean they are harmless. They harm the entire foundation of your society. You admitted you won't like your children to be one of them.
Hypothetically speaking, what if tomorrow I say, I just have a penchant for holding "Auschwitz" style concentration camps, it's not harming any one just my personal trait. Will I be liked, adored, allowed to freely conduct these activities in let's say countries like Germany or Austria? No!
Yet these very countries spring to the forefront when it comes to defending supposed 'freedom of speech' (which doesn't exist at all in their own countries) by insulting Islam and the Prophet (PBUH).
It is these countries, morally depraved ones with youths gone astray, where family structure is breaking apart, and relationships outside marriage are the norm.
These very same countries advocate and preach the harmlessness of 'gaiety' by inducing gullible people to fall for their trap. Firs they ask for gay rights, then reduce you to their level by imposing ban on Sharia laws, imposing their culture on the local populace in Dubai by having intercourse openly in beaches, walking around semi naked in bikinis, always drunk/semidrunk, and many other lascivious activities to weaken the very foundation on which the society of Emirates and many others around the world are built.
This treacherous tendency unfortunately is not easy to see and only the most prying eyes with a penchant for analyzing social trends in various countries, cultures and regions can sift through them for relevant facts. You will find that many Emiratis are very disgruntled by these Westerners 'ruining' the world.