This One Is Worth Reading - For The Laughs!

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This one is worth reading - for the laughs! Jun 02, 2010
Apologies - yet another article on Israel's latest fiasco, but I thought it deserved its own thread for the wry observations. eh - you may wish to not read this one. ;)

Of course they were asking for it
Mark Steel

It's time the Israeli government's PR team made the most of its talents, and became available for hire. Then whenever a nutcase marched into a shopping mall in somewhere like Wisconsin and gunned down a selection of passers-by, they could be on hand to tell the world's press "The gunman regrets the loss of life but did all he could to avoid violence." Then various governments would issue statements saying "All we know is a man went berserk with an AK 47, and next to him there's a pile of corpses, so until we know the facts we can't pass judgement on what took place."

To strengthen their case the Israelis have released a photo of the weapons they found on board, (which amount to some knives and tools and wooden sticks) that the naive might think you'd expect to find on any ship, but the more astute will recognise as exactly what you'd carry if you were planning to defeat the Israeli army. It's an armoury smaller than you'd find in the average toolshed in a garden in Cirencester, which goes to show the Israelis had better destroy Cirencester quickly as an essential act of self-defence.

It's a shame they weren't more imaginative, as they could have said "We also discovered a deadly barometer, a ship's compass, which could not only be frisbeed at someone's head but even had markings to help the assailant know which direction he was throwing it, and a set of binoculars that could easily be converted into a ray-gun."

That would be as logical as the statement from the Israeli PM's spokesman – "We made every possible effort to avoid this incident." Because the one tiny thing they forgot to do to avoid this incident was not send in armed militia from helicopters in the middle of the night and shoot people. I must be a natural at this sort of technique because I often go all day without climbing off a helicopter and shooting people, and I'm not even making every possible effort. Politicians and commentators worldwide repeat a version of this line. They're aware a nation has sent its militia to confront people carrying provisions for the desperate, in the process shooting several of them dead, and yet they angrily blame the dead ones. One typical headline yesterday read "Activists got what they wanted – confrontation." It's an attitude so deranged it deserves to be registered as a psychosis, something like "Reverse Slaughter Victim Confusion Syndrome".

Israel and its supporters claim that Viva Palestina, made up of people who collect the donated food, cement and items for providing basic amenities such as toilets, and transport them to Gaza, wanted the violence all along. Because presumably they must have been thinking "Hezbollah couldn't beat them, but that's because unlike us they didn't have a ballcock and several boxes of plum tomatoes".

One article told us the flotilla was full of "Thugs spoiling for a confrontation", and then accused them of being "Less about aid and more about PR. Indeed, on board was Swedish novelist Henning Mankell." So were they thugs or about PR? Did they have a thugs' section and a PR quarter, or did they all muck in, the novelist diverting the soldiers with his characterisation while the thugs attacked them with a lethal spirit level?

But some defenders of Israel are so blind to what happens in front of them there's nothing at all they wouldn't jump to defend. Israel could blow up a cats home and within five minutes they'd be yelling "How do we know the cats weren't smuggling semtex in their fur for Hamas?"

If this incident had been carried about by Iran, or anyone we were trying to portray as an enemy, so much condemnation would have been spewed out it would have created a vast cloud of outrage that airlines would be unable to fly through.

But as it's Israel, most governments offer a few diplomatic words that blame no one, but accept the deaths are "regrettable". They might as well have picked any random word from the dictionary, so the news would tell us "William Hague described the deaths as 'hexagonal'", and a statement from the US senate said "It's all very confusing. In future let's hope they make every effort to avoid a similar incident."

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: This One Is Worth Reading - For The Laughs! Jun 02, 2010
Chuckle for the day. :lol: Israel may want to hire him to do their PR. He is as creative if not more than Israel's current PR spin on what "really" happened.
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Re: This One Is Worth Reading - For The Laughs! Jun 02, 2010
Sometimes the funny side of the story is the most serious! :)
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: This One Is Worth Reading - For The Laughs! Jun 02, 2010
And most of the time with Israel, all you can do is laugh.
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Re: This One Is Worth Reading - For The Laughs! Jun 02, 2010
shafique wrote:Sometimes the funny side of the story is the most serious! :)

There is a saying: "a lot of truth is said in jest".
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Re: This One Is Worth Reading - For The Laughs! Jun 02, 2010
Bora - you're avatar and this quote made me laugh:

Israel could blow up a cats home and within five minutes they'd be yelling "How do we know the cats weren't smuggling semtex in their fur for Hamas?"

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: This one is worth reading - for the laughs! Aug 14, 2010
Mark Steel has another hilarious take on the subject (which seems to keep on giving!) - he points out how ridiculous the 'evidence' the soldier who shot 6 people gave for them being terrorists - you have to read it to see (I mean, I had to check that Steel wasn't just making it up!)

He concludes with some sound advice:
But bit by bit Israel is finding it has to answer for itself publicly, and the old excuses are not so easily accepted. From now on they’ll have to put a bit more thought into their bollocks, which has got to be for the good.

Mark Steel: No guns? They must be terrorists
08.05.2010 | The Independent

.. the Israelis have agreed to co-operate with a United Nations inquiry into the episode in which nine people died after the Israeli Defence Force went aboard the Mavi Marmara as it sailed towards Gaza.

But it seemed to matter to the Israelis, because until this week they insisted their own inquiry was sufficient, and that was already under way. One fact emerging from this process was that the victims, according to “Sgt S” who shot six of them, “were without a doubt terrorists”. And he produced evidence to back this up, which was: “I could see the murderous rage in their eyes”.

This matches the classic definition of a terrorist according to international law, as someone “with murderous rage in their eyes”, and shows the key witness in any terrorist trial isn’t the forensics expert or explosives analyst but an optician. If they’re trained well enough they can shine a light at the iris and tell whether you’re short-sighted, long-sighted, Hamas or Basque separatist.

But there was more. According to the Jersusalem Post the IDF told the inquiry that the group on the boat were “well-trained and likely ex-military” because “each squad of the mercenaries was equipped with a Motorola communication advice, so they could pass information to one another”. A Motorola communication advice? So these so-called peace-activists were armed with mobile phones! It’s a wonder the whole Middle East wasn’t set alight. And to think Motorola and other sinister arms dealers such as Nokia and Orange go round trading in this deadly merchandise quite openly.

If the IDF were asked to police a rock festival, at the moment when everyone used their mobiles to take a photo they’d open fire on the whole crowd. Then once 3,000 were dead, Sgt S would say: “Well done, boys, if we hadn’t been so careful that could have turned quite nasty.”

One possible difficulty in proving the optically murderous gang’s intent could be that none of them had guns. But the IDF dealt with that by saying the “mercenaries” preferred to use “bats, metal bars and knives, since opening fire would have made it blatantly clear they were terrorists and not peace activists”. So this was another cunning trick of the terrorists, to disguise the fact they were terrorists by not doing anything terrorist. My neighbour’s much the same; disguising her terrorism by being 74 and spending all day peacefully doing the garden without ever shooting anyone, the evil witch.

Even more blatantly, the inquiry was told the group did have guns on board, but “the mercenaries threw their weapons overboard after the commandos took control of the vessel”. Because that’s classic guerrilla training, to carry guns right up until the moment when the enemy arrives, and then throw them away. This is the strategy of all great military thinkers. That’s why Nelson, at the Battle of Trafalgar said: “Men, I see the French, and so let every Englishmen do his duty, and chuck all our weapons in the sea. That’ll teach the bastards.”

On and on this goes, with Prime Minister Netanyahu making it clear he agrees with it, himself calling the victims “mercenaries”. Because these mercenaries were trying to get goods such as medicine to an area that’s under a blockade, which is typical mercenary behaviour, except instead of gun-running, they were inhaler-running.

But bit by bit Israel is finding it has to answer for itself publicly, and the old excuses are not so easily accepted. From now on they’ll have to put a bit more thought into their bollocks, which has got to be for the good. ... 43379.html
Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: This one is worth reading - for the laughs! Aug 15, 2010
Gaza flotilla video mashup: Internet Killed Israeli PR ... r_embedded

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: This one is worth reading - for the laughs! Aug 15, 2010
Sorry, didn't enjoy so much watching Hitler.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: This One Is Worth Reading - For The Laughs! Aug 15, 2010
^Ah, the selective loon argument and expected sense of humour failure.

You would have seen the comment left by the creators of the clip:
There has been some speculation that this video has been blocked due to a depiction of Hitler which appeared onscreen for approximately one second. This clip was used to illustrate the idea that the IDF's "go back to Auschwitz" release constituted an accusation that flotilla passengers were supporters of Nazism.

It would be difficult to misread this as any sort of glorification.

All of us in Minor Demographic Threat are in 100% agreement that Hitler was a complete putz.

I agree with their sentiments about Hitler - but I would understand why you're not amused by the rest of the video as well. The internet did indeed kill Israeli PR! ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: This one is worth reading - for the laughs! Aug 15, 2010
It is already know that the extreme left and Islamofascists like nazi symbolism. Another good example.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: This One Is Worth Reading - For The Laughs! Aug 15, 2010
I agree, it is a good example of loon smoke and mirrors - making something out of one second of the video which the makers rightly say: It would be difficult to misread this as any sort of glorification.

I guess they didn't allow for the sense of humour failure of those who have egg on their faces for believing the IDF version of events.

Cheer up FD (or may I call you 'officer Crabtree'? ;) ) - I mean Steely has a point, hasn't he?, when he says:
But bit by bit Israel is finding it has to answer for itself publicly, and the old excuses are not so easily accepted. From now on they’ll have to put a bit more thought into their bollocks, which has got to be for the good.

If they stop with the 'bollocks' for excuses it would make your life easier when you defend their actions - so surely you must welcome this? ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: This one is worth reading - for the laughs! Aug 15, 2010
Youtube 'music' videos are appropriate sources for the loons to quote from.
event horizon
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Re: This One Is Worth Reading - For The Laughs! Aug 16, 2010
Yes, it is in a thread about laughs! (But only the loons that can laugh at themselves, of course. You guys seem to have a collective sense of humour failure!)

Try and keep up, young one - and lighten up (and you too should heed the advice about bollocks!)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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