On The Radicalization Of Anders Behring Breivik

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On the radicalization of Anders Behring Breivik Aug 07, 2011
Should be required viewing. It's 18 minutes long but the video dissects the media's blame game and double standards. The first two minutes criticizes those who would deny the direct link to Muslim acts of violence and the texts and teachings Muslims quote as justification and motivation for their actions while blaming Robert Spencer, et al. for Anders' violent actions. The rest of the video looks at Anders' own writings - something the media has not done - to see that it was not internet bloggers but what Anders' saw first hand in his own city that influenced his views and finally the media's censorship tactics and smearing campaign in silencing anyone who attempts to openly discuss the role immigration has or should have in Norway that drove Anders away from politics to militancy.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3uTPcxL ... r_embedded

event horizon
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Re: On The Radicalization Of Anders Behring Breivik Aug 07, 2011
It is interesting how desperate the far-right are to link the Terrorist attack with Islam - but they have to resort to bible-camp myths about Islam. Sad really.

However, what is extremely disgus.ting is the way the darlings of the right have turned on the victims of the Norwegian Terrorist:

Debbie Schlussel
More proof that Glenn Beck was spot on when he compared Norway’s Utoya Island political camp, shot up by Anders Breivik, to a Hitler Youth camp.
Karma is a princess . . . especially for Jew-haters who were Fatah’s princess. You hang out with snakes, you get bitten.
I can’t feel sorry for those who support my would-be assassins.

http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/08/debbie ... e-bitches/

And of course Pamella Geller has bad mouthed the kids too:
Utoya Island is a Communist/Socialist campground, and they clearly had a pro-Islamic agenda.
Glen Beck was not far off when he compared it to the Hitlerjugend or Young Pioneers.
Breivik was targeting the future leaders of the party responsible for flooding Norway with Muslims who refuse to assimilate, who commit major violence against Norwegian natives, including violent gang rapes, with impunity, and who live on the dole… all done without the consent of the Norwegians.

http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/08/a-craz ... st-attack/

“Note the faces which are more MIddle [sic] Eastern or mixed than pure Norwegian.”

http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/08/pamela ... -or-mixed/

Sad, sick people - making up excuses for this Terrorist. Sad.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: On the radicalization of Anders Behring Breivik Aug 08, 2011
Everyone agrees that making excuses for terrorists is sick and beyond disgusting.

Good point.
event horizon
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Re: On The Radicalization Of Anders Behring Breivik Aug 08, 2011
It is strange then that you still can't join me in condemning all acts of terror - including that of religiously motivated terrorist Baruch Goldstein.

Are you similarly sickened by the rants by Pamella and Debbie bad mouthing the victims of the Norwegian Terrorist?

As pointed out before, the most extreme religious fanatic poster here is event horizon for, in part, justifying the killing of children:

This thread just brings the points gleaned from those threads and crystalises the proposition that the most extreme religious fanatic, in terms of condoning violence against civilians of other faiths, is event horizon (who formerly went by the names of ikka, and freefromrats).

In the first, event horizon does not only refuse to condemn the the enslavement of 32,000 virgins after their families (men, married, women, boys) are all slaughtered in cold blood after their towns are captured, he argues that this is no different from an 'act of God' such as an earthquake.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: On The Radicalization Of Anders Behring Breivik Aug 08, 2011
It is nothing short of aboslutely dizgusting trying to blame the victims for this. Would you blame your mother for getting raped eh, just because she was wearing tight or revealing clothing ? Its ok for people to molest children because they themselves were victims ? Yes never blame the perpetrator when he or she is not brown and muslim ! In that case is still the brown guys or muslims fault somehow. Damned if you do and damned if you don't eh ? FFS !

Oh btw, where is our drama queen ? Last time this topic was being discussed she seem to be very highly offended by it all, wonder why she is quite now when her fanboi has started such a dizgusting thread ? Or maybe shes fresh out of tears !
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Re: On The Radicalization Of Anders Behring Breivik Aug 08, 2011
I was disgusted by the remark of the Norwegian ambassador in Tel aviv, that Palestinian terrorism is because of the occupation.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: On the radicalization of Anders Behring Breivik Aug 08, 2011
Breivik's motivations are a moving and harrowing account by a man who wishes the control of his city by non-Norwegian gangsters and criminals to end. Can't spin the rape and violent crime monopoly of Oslo by immigrant youth or the desire of those living under the immigrant gangsters as anything other than what it is.
event horizon
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Re: On the radicalization of Anders Behring Breivik Aug 08, 2011
It is indeed disgusting that Pamella Geller etc are blaming the victims - and eh and FD are playing whataboutery (pretty ineffectually).

Nice try eh - but fail. Again.

DDS - you're right - where is the drama queen?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: On the radicalization of Anders Behring Breivik Aug 08, 2011
Nope, no response to the actual video.

I don't see why we shouldn't examine whether violent immigrants couldn't be blamed for Anders' path to extremism.
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