The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!!

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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 19, 2010
Well ..first of all, I hate to disappoint you EH, but I don’t drink Kool Aid at all. Never did. I’ve always hated it….even when I was young. But of course I know what you mean by that!!

To that I say, if you knew me well, you wouldn’t be saying something like that. In fact, you’d be hard pressed finding a more open-minded person than me.

I’ve been all over the world, and have dealt with all kinds of people from different nationalities, different religions, different cultures…. you name it.

And I can easily say I have gotten along nicely with all of them (except for a very few rare cases).

Having said that, I can also tell you that I really could careless if the Mideast conflict is resolved or not, although I‘d love to see permanent peace in that part of the world, hopefully before I kick the bucket. I have dear friends from both sides, and I hate to see them, or their children, continue to live in fear the rest of their lives.

As to the Helen Thomas case, I stand by everything I said. I called it as I saw it. But I’m also willing to re-consider my views if I saw evidence to the contrary.

I’ve seen enough people in the US who lost their jobs (either fired, forced to resign or got railroaded out of office) because they criticized you know whom. From Senator Fulbright of Arkansas , to Paul Findley, the congressman from Illinois, to Senators Adlai Stevenson and Charles Percy, and to Reps. Pete McCloskey, Cynthia McKinney, Earl Hilliard..etc. All of them were defeated at the polls by candidates heavily financed by pro-Israel forces. There are more, but I can’t remember all of them. The latest victims are of course Helen Thomas and Rick Sanchez.

As I told you before, I really admire this group for being able to gain such control, despite their small numbers. And I won’t be lying if I said I have high regards for them. They obviously knew how to play the game right, and eventually succeeded. They educated their children very well, and now it’s paying off for them!!!

But, of course, that’s the reality of life. Survival of the fittest!!!!



Tom Jones
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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 19, 2010
Tom Jones wrote:As to the Helen Thomas case, I stand by everything I said. I called it as I saw it. But I’m also willing to re-consider my views if I saw evidence to the contrary.

Guilty until proven innocent.

Tom Jones wrote:I’ve seen enough people in the US who lost their jobs (either fired, forced to resign or got railroaded out of office) because they criticized you know whom.

You know whom? Right, 'you know whom' is guilty until proven innocent. Nice! Thats what it has become!

Problem is that Helen didn't just critizise Israel. People are far gone if they consider what she said is just critizism. Whether she should be fired or not is something between her and her employer. If she thinks any wrong is done to her, she can go to court. I understand people in the US love to go to court. Or does she also claim Jews control the US justice system?

You cannot critizise Israel in the US media? What about CBS:,_Time_Running_Out_For_A_Two-State_Solution?_Palestine,_Israel_Part_1_Must_See

Thats some hard-core critizism!

Did Bob Simon get fired?
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 19, 2010
Oooo...Israeli spin bois in over drive mode !
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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 19, 2010
Are there Mexicans stealing land of Americans on the basis that their ancestors lived in Texas (which was, after all, part of Mexico)??

Thomas said that European (and American) colonists depriving the natives of Palestine of their land were the problem. I couldn't see where she said she had a problem with natives of the land who were of the Jewish faith - she was quite clear and precise.

She got fired for her comments.

TJ certainly hasn't drunk the Kool-aid, but those who say stating the obvious is equal to 'denying thousands of years' of history etc - certainly can't claim the same! :roll:

What is funny is that young fanbois is strongly supporting the decision to fire Thomas and yet denies that it was because she was critical of Israeli colonists!

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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 19, 2010
Oh great, trollies getting personal again, when no substantial replies can be given.

For those that believe that you cannot critize Israeli in the media:

Do you really believe if she would have said during the civil war in Liberia that blacks in Liberia should go back to the cotton fields of the southern US would have been without consequences? I dont think so!
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 19, 2010
I thought that my question about whether Mexicans were stealing American land because their ancestors lived there, was quite relevant. This is because young loon has kept making a comparison with Mexicans.

As for Liberia - no, I don't think she would have been fired if she had said she thought the issue was one of immigration from the USA in the previous few decades (and besides, if she knew what she was talking about, why shouldn't she be able to make that call and state her mind)?

But you're grasping at straws with that analogy - far better to say that American Indians or Australian Aborigines should be able to kick out white Americans and Australians from their homes - for they were both unquestionably living in the land of the USA and Australia a few centuries ago.

Would any American journalist be fired for pointing out this logical argument (that if it is ok to support Israeli colonization, then you should support Native Americans taking back the USA.. or even Mexicans taking Texas!)


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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 19, 2010
Thomas said that European (and American) colonists depriving the natives of Palestine of their land were the problem. I couldn't see where she said she had a problem with natives of the land who were of the Jewish faith - she was quite clear and precise.

Spectacular lie.

Why not quote Helen for a change instead of putting words into her mouth?

Who said Muslims don't lie to the infidel?

The quote from Thomas was given on this thread, what you think she said is not what she actually said.

I thought that my question about whether Mexicans were stealing American land because their ancestors lived there, was quite relevant. This is because young loon has kept making a comparison with Mexicans.

Their ancestors lived here?

Wow, did you take your history classes from La Raza by any chance?

BTW, Thomas said that Israelis should get the hell out of Palestine after she was asked, three times, what she thought of Israel.

But I see our usual spinsters are up to their old smoke screens once again.
What is funny is that young fanbois is strongly supporting the decision to fire Thomas and yet denies that it was because she was critical of Israeli colonists!

Well, at least Tom hasn't addressed my question about what would happen to any one if they made a similar remark against Blacks or Latinos.

However, our resident loon has actually claimed that someone in America could get away with saying the same about Mexicans - that they should go back to Mexico and Europe or wherever, as long as it isn't here.
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 20, 2010
So, are Mexicans stealing land of Texans or not?

I couldn't quite see the young loon's point in amongst the smoke and mirrors rant. ;)

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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 20, 2010
According to many, illegal immigrants are stealing jobs.
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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 20, 2010
event horizon wrote:According to many, illegal immigrants are stealing jobs.

I'm sorry but that's laughable!!!!!!

Illegal immigrants are doing jobs Americans won't do: farming, gardening, house cleaning, janitorial work...etc.

America would come to a grinding halt if, tomorrow morning, they're all sent back home!!!

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Tom Jones
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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 20, 2010
Not so sure about that, Tom.

Americans did these jobs themselves for decades before Mexicans crossed the border illegally in the numbers they have starting in the 80s - and yes, there have always been migrant workers to pick strawberries in California going back to the 30s, but the sheer number of illegal immigrants has never been so high as it has been recently.

I think that's a nice cop-out employers like to promote because they do not have to pay illegals as much as they would legal citizens.

Anyways, speaking as someone with a lot of people in the trades on one side of my family, I can definitely say that mass illegal immigration has meant that illegals will perform carpentry, painting or other skilled labor jobs for wages that a man in that field would not be able to compete with because he has a family to feed.

Anyways, I can only imagine the number of Americans who would kill for a ten or eleven dollar an hour menial labor or custodial job right now just to pay the bills.

Illegal immigrants are doing jobs Americans won't do: farming, gardening, house cleaning, janitorial work...etc.

That, or it means that employers would have to pay their workers minimum wage. There is no shortage of people who would work as a janitor, gardener, etc, right now if these jobs were available.
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 20, 2010
Another loon belief crumbles at the merest hint of a reasonablity test!

Mexicans apparently are stealing Texan jobs - LOL.

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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 20, 2010
Ah, the loon wants to lecture others about what's going on in their own backyard.

What, does Wikipedia have a good article on illegal immigration to tell all you need to know?

Maybe if Google told you the sky were green you would huff at anyone who dared question O Wise One
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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 20, 2010
event horizon wrote:Not so sure about that, Tom.

Americans did these jobs themselves for decades before Mexicans crossed the border illegally in the numbers they have starting in the 80s - and yes, there have always been migrant workers to pick strawberries in California going back to the 30s, but the sheer number of illegal immigrants has never been so high as it has been recently.

I think that's a nice cop-out employers like to promote because they do not have to pay illegals as much as they would legal citizens.

Anyways, speaking as someone with a lot of people in the trades on one side of my family, I can definitely say that mass illegal immigration has meant that illegals will perform carpentry, painting or other skilled labor jobs for wages that a man in that field would not be able to compete with because he has a family to feed.

Anyways, I can only imagine the number of Americans who would kill for a ten or eleven dollar an hour menial labor or custodial job right now just to pay the bills.

Illegal immigrants are doing jobs Americans won't do: farming, gardening, house cleaning, janitorial work...etc.

That, or it means that employers would have to pay their workers minimum wage. There is no shortage of people who would work as a janitor, gardener, etc, right now if these jobs were available.

Giving the illegal immigrants amnesty and legal status will deal a devastating blow to the US economy (because these workers will then demand higher wages, and that may kill the already teetering US economy).

Carrying out a mass deportation of these millions of illegals will also devastate the US economy.

The US government is between a rock and a hard place.

That's why they're not doing anything about this problem!!!

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Tom Jones
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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 21, 2010
I don't know Tom.

I hear different things from different sources - the usual talking point is that without illegal (Mexican) immigrants, this nation would fall apart or come to grinding halt.

But in reality, how many unskilled workers can a nation take?

How many people qualified to pick strawberries are really needed?

The demand is probably the same now as it was in the sixties before the massive amounts of illegal immigration we are now experiencing.

But regardless of whether or not unskilled labor drives our economy - I'm not convinced it does - what about money that is sent back to Mexico or Central America?

Or the fact that illegal immigrants are W-2, their pay checks aren't deducted for Uncle Sam, and at the end of the year, their employers fire them when their Social Security numbers turn out to be fakes. (that's even assuming many employers even bother to verify their Social Security numbers).

And since illegal immigrants don't have insurance, when they get sick, they visit the ER rather than the local doctor for treatment.

I don't think you'll find a consensus that illegal immigration necessarily benefits the economy. Sure, employers are happy about hiring cheap labor, but is exploitation a valid reason to justify it?
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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 21, 2010
event horizon wrote:I don't know Tom.

I hear different things from different sources - the usual talking point is that without illegal (Mexican) immigrants, this nation would fall apart or come to grinding halt.

But in reality, how many unskilled workers can a nation take?

How many people qualified to pick strawberries are really needed?

The demand is probably the same now as it was in the sixties before the massive amounts of illegal immigration we are now experiencing.

But regardless of whether or not unskilled labor drives our economy - I'm not convinced it does - what about money that is sent back to Mexico or Central America?

Or the fact that illegal immigrants are W-2, their pay checks aren't deducted for Uncle Sam, and at the end of the year, their employers fire them when their Social Security numbers turn out to be fakes. (that's even assuming many employers even bother to verify their Social Security numbers).

And since illegal immigrants don't have insurance, when they get sick, they visit the ER rather than the local doctor for treatment.

I don't think you'll find a consensus that illegal immigration necessarily benefits the economy. Sure, employers are happy about hiring cheap labor, but is exploitation a valid reason to justify it?

You have good points EH, but you need to look at the whole forest, not just the trees.

I can also add one more point to the above. Illegals also pose a huge problem to law enforcement because most are untraceable and carry fake IDs!!

However, they have become a necessarily evil, due to their massive presence. It is not in our interest to round them up and deport them, until we have a sensible, sure fire plan on how to fill the huge gap they will leave behind -- something that's not easy to do.

It is clear that America cannot live without them for the time being!!

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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 22, 2010
This raises even more questions, Hangover 2 drops Mel Gibson. This despite the fact that he's not been convicted of anything yet.
These Hollywood studios have no qualms working with rapists like Polanski and Tyson but Gibson is too evil for them?

The whole Oksana incident too is now fast breaking up as it is now becoming quite evident that Gibson was framed.

Isn't this all a bit too obvious TJ, EH?
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 22, 2010
^And it all seems to have stemmed from producing a film that was faithful to the New Testament account of Jesus' life, trial and crucifixion.

He seems to be a believer in the Bible and yet I suspect that many Christians think Mel 'evil' as you say.

Seems pretty obvious...

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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 22, 2010
IDK, I think it was only the liberals who attacked The Passion and claimed that Jews were on the verge of being thrown into the ovens if this movie was shown.

It wasn't until what Gibson said when he was pulled over where he lost support from most conservatives/non-liberal-loon types.
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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 23, 2010
This threat is an empty chocolate box
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 24, 2010
I must be getting a bit old - I had to look up what 'IDK' meant :)

(It means 'I don't know')

event horizon wrote:IDK, I think it was only the liberals who attacked The Passion and claimed that Jews were on the verge of being thrown into the ovens if this movie was shown.

Well, a quick Google search show that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was among those who labelled Mel as an anti-semite for his film (at the time):

Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ: Legitimizing Anti-Semitism
An Interview with Abraham H. Foxman

Foxman has been called a lot of things in his time (not least by the acerbic pen of Finkelstein), but a liberal lefty - never. ;)

So, eh - 'IDK' it was indeed! I'm happy to have been able to help in clarify this point for you.

eh - you should come to the aid of your fellow Christian Gibson - for the film does accurately portray what the NT authors of the Bible says happened at Jesus' trial and crucifixion etc.

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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 24, 2010
Foxman has also wanted to ban parts of the New Testament he doesn't like.

So it's no surprise that a person who is the Jewish equivalent of the NAACP and is quick to play the 'race card' at every opportunity he can get would brand Mel Gibson's movie as anti-Semitic.

But most Americans aren't members of the Foxman or members of the ADL and The Passion wasn't universally condemned as anti-Semitic by most moderates or conservatives. It was only the Liberals (and the ADL is liberal on most issues) that came out to smear Gibson over a silly movie that I have never seen.

So, you would be wrong to claim that. It wasn't until a drunk Gibson was pulled over that his popularity suffered - and it has suffered since then because of his anti-black and other weird recorded comments.

shafique wrote:Foxman has been called a lot of things in his time (not least by the acerbic pen of Finkelstein), but a liberal lefty - never.

Oh dear.

It appears O Wise One has been pontificating on a subject he knows nothing about. A quick copy/paste from Wikipedia should bring you up to speed.

Foxman is most likely a political liberal - supports gay rights (marriage, scoutmasters), abortion as a form of birth control, affirmative action but is simply a Hawkish supporter of Israel and vocal against anyone he perceives as being anti-Semitic.

But that's no surprise, liberals have an inbuilt victim merchant chip programmed into their frontal lobe.

Support for gay rights

Foxman's support for gay rights in America placed him at odds with many Orthodox Jews. Concerning the former, which involved his protest in 2000–2001 of a case (Boy Scouts of America v. Dale) in which "the Supreme Court ruled that the Boy Scouts of America could exclude a gay scoutmaster because of his sexual orientation"; it was reported that "For many Jewish groups that work with the Boy Scouts – mainly Reform temples and Jewish community centers – the ensuing year has been marked by soul-searching, as they grappled with whether they should end their ties to the organization because of the organization's stance on gays," and that "Within the Jewish community, Orthodox groups supported the ruling, saying civic organizations should be empowered to determine their own message – but most Jewish organizations condemned it as endorsing discrimination." According to that report published a year later, in 2001, "the Anti-Defamation League's national director, Abraham Foxman, and its national chairman, Howard Berkowitz, said in a statement at the time: "We are stunned that in the year 2000 the Supreme Court could issue such a decision.... This decision effectively states that as long as an organization avows an anti-homosexual position, it is free to discriminate against gay and lesbian Americans."[11]

'Foxman has been called a lot of things in his time (not least by the acerbic pen of Finkelstein), but a liberal lefty - never.' - O Wise One
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 24, 2010
eh - you started by saying 'idk' about the incident. Now you are embarrassing yourself. I suggest you go back and look at what is being discussed in this thread - is there anyone who is arguing that Gibson was universally viewed as an anti-semite for his film showing the Biblical account of Jesus' trial?


The argument is that this WAS viewed as anti-Semitic by some (eg the ADL, but not exclusively them - you can do your own google search), and that the campaign against Gibson kicked off at that point. You have obviously drunk the Kool-aid and I can only imagine that you were too young to remember the furore that the film kicked up, and are probably getting your info from your usual 'reliable' sources.

So, are you +seriously+ calling Abe Foxman a 'liberal lefty' - or are you just making another one of your embarrassing pontifications based on your quick interpretation of a wiki entry? (C'mon you know you can't be taken seriously with this line)

Anyway - I was giving you some credit for your ignorance of the events around the Passion of Christ, as you were probably still more interested in Teenage Ninja Turtles rather than Guru Bob's imaginary Jihadi Warriors, so just gave you the ADL's rants about the film as an example.

But hey, if you wish to make believe that Gibson wasn't targeted as an Anti-Semite for his film based on the Bible - then we'll just add this incident to the long list of loon versions of history which belong on the shelf next to other fairy tales.

Abe Foxman is 'most likely a political liberal' - that was a good one! eh and IDK strikes again!

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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 24, 2010
It is also interesting to Note that there was a campaign by Jewish groups to have Gibson's film banned or not shown on the grounds that it may lead to violence - i.e. impose limits on free speech because it may cause offence or cause some to be violent in reaction.

A whole list of articles from the time documenting this campaign.

The film was released, but the vilification continued.

What is surprising is that loons today decide to side with those who opposed Gibson for accurately portraying what was in the Bible! Why disown a fellow Christian for being too Christian?

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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 24, 2010
The film was released, but the vilification continued.

Yes, by liberals and NAACP like minded groups.

You really have a disconnect with American politics if you want to claim that most Jews are not liberally oriented.

Oh, and did Foxman support gay scout leaders or not?

Zionist politicians in Israel are definitely left of center in American politics, they only connect with Republicans over a strong alliance with the state of Israel and America.

Other than that, they typically support issues (universal health care, gays in the Israeli military) that most Republican politicians would balk at.
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 24, 2010
I'll just put your weird characterisation of Foxman as a liberal in with your other kooky ideas. But hey, you're entitled to them.

So, coming back to Gibson - now that you've seen the list of those calling him an anti-Semite for accurately portraying what was in the Bible, how can you stand by your earlier argument that he was only seen as anti-Semite after the arrest incident?

You are Christian, right? Shouldn't you be supporting Gibson for sticking to his Christian views about the Bible? Or does being smeared by the ADL trump believing in the New Testament?

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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 24, 2010
"Jewish leaders said Thursday a major film distributor has decided not to release Mel Gibson's "The Passion" and urged others to follow suit, saying it could trigger anti-Semitic crimes by suggesting Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus. But like much of the debate around the film, the claim itself became immersed in controversy and confusion. In Los Angeles late Thursday, Gibson spokesman Alan Neirob said there was never any distribution agreement between Gibson's production company, Icon, and 20th Century Fox. Dov Hikind, a Democratic state assemblyman and Jewish community activist, had raised the issue in a sidewalk news conference outside the midtown headquarters of News Corp., the parent company of Fox. "This film is dangerous for Jews all over the world ... and takes us back to the Dark Ages," Hikind said. "I am concerned that it will lead to violence against Jews." Hikind read an e-mail saying the company's 20th Century Fox subsidiary would not join with Gibson's Icon in putting the film in theaters. "Icon has indicated to us that it has a number of alternative distribution options that it is pursuing. In light of that, Fox and Icon have agreed not to partner on this project," said the e-mail. It was signed by Juda Engelmayer, a vice president of Rubenstein Associates Inc., a New York public relations firm that represents News Corp. Hikind said Miramax, Paramount and other distributors should also reject the picture because of the "potential for violence" generated by its portrayal of Jews. "The Passion," which actor and Academy Award-winning director Gibson spent nearly $30 million to produce, has spawned controversy well ahead of its scheduled spring release. The Catholic church formally rejected Jewish culpability in Christ's death nearly 40 years ago. Many conservative Christians say the film powerfully depicts the last 12 hours of Jesus' life. Gibson has defended it as faithful to the Gospels and said it is intended "to inspire, not offend." The film's dialogue is entirely in Latin and Aramaic. Hikind, joined by City Council members Simcha Felder and David Weprin, noted that Gibson and his father, a "Holocaust denier," belong to an ultraconservative Catholic movement that rejects Vatican authority, including its 1965 edict absolving Jews in Jesus' death. Although Gibson has shown the "The Passion" to selected audiences, Hikind said he had seen only a seven-minute clip, which he called "graphic beyond description ... enough to scare the daylights out of me." He said Gibson had a right to make the film and he was not trying to censor it, but he was asking distributors and others to recognize Jewish "sensitivity" on the subject. "It's not a question of censorship," Hikind said. "I am expressing my feelings, my right of freedom of speech, and others are doing what they think is right. ... Mel Gibson is doing precisely the same. Others will have to make their own choices as to what they do or not do."

All three persons I highlighted are Democrats.

So, let's go back to my earlier comments so old loon can understand:

event horizon wrote:IDK, I think it was only the liberals who attacked The Passion and claimed that Jews were on the verge of being thrown into the ovens if this movie was shown.

Republican politicians never came after Gibson.

George Bush (who condemned the Muhammad cartoons and said Islam was a religion of peace) never condemned Mel Gibson.

Mainstream Americans never went after Gibson.

It was only liberals and victim merchants who went after Gibson for his movie - and that movie grossed hundreds of millions of dollars.

Even liberal film critic, Roger Ebert, managed to duck the party line and praise the film.


And yes, it is laughable for someone to claim that Abe Foxman, who supports Gay scout leaders in the Boy Scouts, is not a political liberal.

Pray tell, on what issue besides ones that involve Zionism or Israel is Foxman on the right of the political spectrum, O Wise One?

Censorship and playing the race card is a hallmark of the Left-Liberals.

Just ask DD whenever he gets his burka in a wad.
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 25, 2010
Yawn. ADL's main activities are supporting Israel - so asking us to ignore their main activity is like saying:
"Apart from the KKK's views on Blacks - aren't they liberal do-good Christians?". But as I said, you are free to label the ADL as you like - let's get back to the vilification of Mel (which we all now agree did start with his accurate portrayal of Biblical account of Jesus' trial etc).

Let me ask again:
You are Christian, right? Shouldn't you be supporting Gibson for sticking to his Christian views about the Bible? Or does being smeared by the ADL trump believing in the New Testament?

Why the smoke and mirrors? Or perhaps you do support Gibson after all?

You seem to be distancing yourself from the slurs against Gibson made because of the film.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!! Oct 25, 2010
"Apart from the KKK's views on Blacks - aren't they liberal do-good Christians?"

On what issue are the Klan on the left of the political spectrum?

BTW, that's not what you originally said of Abe Foxman.

Face it, Foxman is a political liberal - he supports gays becoming scout leaders. You will find no conservative Republican who supports that issue.

His liberal bias and victim merchant mentality influenced his decision in condemning Gibson.

But as I said, you are free to label the ADL as you like

So, besides some members of the ADL - the Jewish version of the NAACP - and liberals, most Americans saw nothing wrong with Mel Gibson's 'The Passion'. IE., his views are not representative of most Americans.

Thanks for confirming this fact.

Even Roger Ebert who called the parody film 'StarShip Troopers' and 'Dirty Harry' fascist praised this film.

It was only liberals, of the victim merchant variety, who claimed this movie was anti-Semitic.
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Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!! Oct 25, 2010
Ok, so you believe the ADL is a leftist organisation - you're entitled to your weird views. Whether they are lefty or not, doesn't change the fact that this Jewish organisation accused Gibson of being anti-Semitic for portraying accurately in his film what is in the Bible.

shafique wrote:Let me ask again:
You are Christian, right? Shouldn't you be supporting Gibson for sticking to his Christian views about the Bible? Or does being smeared by the ADL trump believing in the New Testament?

Why the smoke and mirrors? Or perhaps you do support Gibson after all?

You seem to be distancing yourself from the slurs against Gibson made because of the film.

Are you ashamed to answer the questions?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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