The Income Tax Is A Jewish Extortion Racket

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The income tax is a Jewish extortion racket Mar 10, 2009
The income tax is a Jewish extortion racket

Every penny Americans pay in income tax only goes to pay the interest on loans our treasonous government takes out from the illegal Federal Reserve to keep it running. This loan has now reached the point where it can never be paid back.

This is EXTROTION on the highest level.

The income tax is a Jewish extortion racket. It is the duty of every American to resist Jewish Power by non-compliance with this anti-American stealing of our wealth by the most treacherous and merciless aliens in history, the Jews.

The “Internal Revenue Service” is a collection agency for the private, profit-making corporation that calls itself the Federal Reserve System. The fools who still send money to this private company can prove this by examining the backs of their cancelled checks to the IRS. It will say “Pay to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.” It doesn’t say, “Pay to the US Treasury Department.” Why do you suppose that is? Your hard-earned money goes to a private company that has never been audited, that was created by foreign Jews for their own gain. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is a private company, just like Goldman Sachs, both owned by pretty much the same people. See Lewis v. US (1982).

Aaron Russo, a producer of feature films, made a documentary film called “America: From Freedom to Fascism.” Russo has since died and his film can be seen online for free. It is based on a simple question: “Is there a law that requires any private American to file a tax return or to pay income taxes?” The answer, as we all know, is no.

But, as we also know, the truth has no place in Jewish thinking. Russo’s legacy is not the Hollywood movies he made but rather the segment in his documentary in which he interviews the Jewish former commissioner of the IRS, Sheldon Cohen. He asks Cohen to name the law that requires an American to file a tax return or pay any money? Cohen is taken aback at his effrontery and says that he didn’t expect such a question. Russo asks it again. Cohen then mutters something unintelligible, which he follows with, “You know Yiddish and you know what that means: There is no hope for you.” Russo later states that Cohen threatened him in Yiddish. For asking a simple question about the legitimacy of the income tax.

Cohen’s reason for his anger and surprise is probably this: The entire Jewish criminal enterprise of fractional reserve banking depends on having the central bank, the ultimate and most lucrative monopoly, in Jewish hands. Its authority must not be questioned! To be most lucrative, it must inflate the currency supply at will and deflate the supply when the owners wish to take over property and businesses and homes. During the inflationary periods, much of the currency has to be recovered from the unaware people through the “income tax,” lest we have too much discretionary money to buy what we need or want.

The whole idea is to keep us under control and the best way is to take away our money. That’s all this is about

Naturally, awareness of the nature of this extortion has increased and millions of Americans don’t bother to file the fake paperwork demanded by the Jews and their running dogs in the IRS. So the Jews are getting mad, as we see in this official document from the “Department of Justice” an official statement in the name of a Nathan J. Hochman, the Tax Division’s assistant attorney general. Hochman is, of course, a Jew.

The tone of this official document borders on hysteria:

Check Link : Full Article

Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Mar 10, 2009
What a bad informed writer. Just been scanning his website.
Read a few pieces and this is not to be taken serious. Trust me, 40 percent is rubbish or simply lack of understanding.

In that regard, this article is to be taken lightly. Partially true ;)
Does the britishArab want to read some real Jewish conspiracy policies?

Google the Rothschilds. ;)
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 10, 2009
You need income tax because other froms of taxes are simply not enough to fund all the government expenses on weapons, military, public trnasport and other facilities, etc.
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Mar 11, 2009
Dollar Worth 3 cents Due to Jewish Crime Network

“American people, your dollar is now worth 3 cents thanks to the Jewish Crime Network, soon your $10 bill will be worth 3 cents. This is all due to you allowing the Jewish Federal Reserve to destroy your currency in their quest for world domination.

Asians, Africans, Europeans, Hispanics, Muslims, Christians… we do not have to accept the Jewish usury paper or their vision for a chipped enslaved population. We out number the Jewish Crime Network and if we work together we can defeat this sick, child p<3n production crew of veil jackals.

Obama’s Bailout: Stealing a trillion dollars from the American people to give to the Jewish banks to loan back to the American people … at interest.
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Mar 11, 2009
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Mar 11, 2009
I read somewhere that income tax in the US is actually illegal and unconstitutional !!
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 11, 2009
britisharab wrote:Dollar Worth 3 cents Due to Jewish Crime Network

“American people, your dollar is now worth 3 cents thanks to the Jewish Crime Network, soon your $10 bill will be worth 3 cents. This is all due to you allowing the Jewish Federal Reserve to destroy your currency in their quest for world domination.

Asians, Africans, Europeans, Hispanics, Muslims, Christians… we do not have to accept the Jewish usury paper or their vision for a chipped enslaved population. We out number the Jewish Crime Network and if we work together we can defeat this sick, child p<3n production crew of veil jackals.

Obama’s Bailout: Stealing a trillion dollars from the American people to give to the Jewish banks to loan back to the American people … at interest.

I kind of had it with you by now.

What is your point?
Do you have objections towards Obama's policies? Discuss them on an even keel.
Do you have problems with the Jews? Let it off and go home.

The jews have always been traders. They know how to run a good business. Now I'm not saying they are all good. Some of the scumbag bankers out there are indeed to be given a firm lifetime sentence, but again: What is your point?

If you are revolting for a new type of genocide and another 6 million in a crazy killing spree, you should really consider yourself a moron.

Now again, What is your intention britishArab?
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 11, 2009
RobbyG wrote:If you are revolting for a new type of genocide and another 6 million in a crazy killing spree.

As most Muslims do, as you can see in this forum for example...
Flying Dutchman
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Mar 11, 2009
Flying Dutchman wrote:
RobbyG wrote:If you are revolting for a new type of genocide and another 6 million in a crazy killing spree.

As most Muslims do, as you can see in this forum for example...

Don't start that way son.
If we in the West thought the same about Africans, Asian or Arabs...for god sakes...with current technology we wipe them all out in seconds.

I don't see what this kind of talk brings both parties closer together. Do something to impact your world instead of fear mongering.

Scumbags only do so in my opinion.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Mar 12, 2009
hey british arab, just read your topic headline to conclude - biggest copy paste crap!
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Mar 13, 2009
Haven't you guys learned by now that britisharab only posts cut and paste propaganda, then leaves till he finds more useless crap to post. Just ignore him.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 13, 2009
kanelli wrote:Haven't you guys learned by now that britisharab only posts cut and paste propaganda, then leaves till he finds more useless crap to post. Just ignore him.

you just keep doing it over and over again guys ! you keep pushing ppl away from what they wana write when you don't like it.

put if the writing is to your interest you engorge them to publish book about it, get realy ppl,will you.

finally it is a public forum, everyone got the right to right and the rest could just ignore it.

kanelli , I thought you were against trolling !! your post got nothing to do with the thread :!:

good one
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