The Gaza Massacre

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Re: The Gaza Massacre Jan 10, 2012
So you were telling porkies again with the 344. The 252 is also on the btselem site. Like I said first get your facts straight before you ask question about them.

Flying Dutchman
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Re: The Gaza Massacre Jan 10, 2012
shafique wrote:So, where did you get the 252 from? :
Flying Dutchman wrote:Nope, B'tselem puts the child fatality at 252. It defines children below the age of 16.

And where does it define children as below 16?

I couldn't find the 252 figure or the definition you say B'tselem uses. Just provide the link.

I understand fully why you're now trying to make out that quoting B'tselem's figure of 344 to counter your 252 claim is a 'lie' - and why you're avoiding addressing your lie about Finkelstein and satan worshippers.

When confronted with a bare-faced lie, you tend to act offensively and accuse others. Disappointed, but not surprised.

But for future reference, please give me the link to where B'tselem say that children are under 16 and where the 252 figure comes from. I'm asking nicely, after all.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: The Gaza Massacre Jan 10, 2012
You are asking nicely? You doing me a favor? Are you threatening? Btselem is aware that minors between 16-18 can combattants, so it doesnot consider them children. Get your facts straight!
Flying Dutchman
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Re: The Gaza Massacre Jan 10, 2012
Where does this belief of yours come from FD? It is not on the website - as B'tselem consistently calls those under 18 as minors.

It appears that you are confusing B'tselem with the IDF. I have found that the IDF claimed that only 89 children under age of 16 were killed in the Massacre.

By your own logic, isn't this a gross lie and cynical use of propaganda? B'tselem did indeed challenge this figure and showed it was above 200 - but it consistently showed that the total figure of minors killed is above 300.

No wonder why you haven't given us a link.

No wonder that you still won't address your lie about Finkelstein and satan-worshippers. Spin and more spin.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: The Gaza Massacre Jan 10, 2012
You didn't ask nicely :-). So after numerous misrepresentations of the btselem website, which have been exposed, now you suddenly are an expert on it. Read it more, and only come back when you have your facts straight. Consider a non reply from me, a failure to do so.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: The Gaza Massacre Jan 10, 2012
shafique wrote:When confronted with a bare-faced lie, you tend to act offensively and accuse others. Disappointed, but not surprised.

B'tselem does not represent children as only being under the age of 18 as you stated, but I see that the IDF did try and spin that it had only massacred 89 children under the age of 16 and, unsurprisingly, you have no comment on this lie.

You are now imagining that you have exposed 'numerous misrepresentations' by myself! Wow. On top of the lie about Frankenstein, you are excelling yourself in this thread.

You have no shame, obviously.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: The Gaza Massacre Jan 10, 2012
Well bly me thats twice in 12 hours, so it must be true. Also last night the wife said "Oy, for f*ck sake fd, you have no shame, no shame!"
Flying Dutchman
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Re: The Gaza Massacre Jan 10, 2012
I wonder whether you imagined that as well? Who knows? :roll:

What is about facts that brings out the troll in you FD?


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