The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre:Zionist Fingerprints All Over

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The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre:Zionist Fingerprints All Over Nov 16, 2010
Hello, my name is Paul

I have to thank the author for this piece, because prior to today, I would have bought the media's spin that al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack in retaliation for the claims spread on al-Jazeera that female converts to Islam were being kidnapped by Egyptian Christians and that Copts were stockpiling Israeli made weapons in their churches and monasteries preparing to wage an insurgency against the Egyptian state.

The article is quite long, but the opening paragraphs provide a good preview for the overall contents of this multi-page essay detailing 'Zionist' involvement in this attack and who really operates Al Qaeda in Iraq (US/UK and Mossad):

The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over

Prior to the fascist, destructive, genocidal US-UK-Israeli occupation of Iraq, Sunni and Shia, Muslims and Christians, Arabs and Kurds lived together in a harmonious atmosphere of brotherhood and unity that paralleled that of occupied Palestine before the Zionist occupation in 1948. It is egregious. Disgusting. Despicable. Ignorant. Absurd. And erroneous on every factual basis to assert that the aforementioned ethnic and religious groups are now massacring each other, when in reality, they are being massacred by the murderous occupation armies.

Dividing Iraq via partition and driving it into a hell of ethnic cleansing was a Zionist plot that was originally designed in 1982 by Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon (1). The policies for destabilizing Iraq were reestablished in the ‘Clean Break’ papers written for mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu by Zionist spy Richard Perle and several Zionist war criminals including Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Meyrav Wurmser and Robert Loewenberg (2). Agents of the international terrorist group known as Mossad have been operating in Iraq as early as the 1950s, when the Zionist entity engaged in a false flag campaign of terror against the Iraqi-Jewish community (3). It has always been the absolute goal of the illegitimate usurping entity to destroy Iraq as a nation, so it can bring its ‘Greater Israel’ dream to fruition, settling its colonial extremists on the banks of the ancient Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

.... ... -all-over/


No one is safe from the tentacles of Paul, the Zionist octopus.

event horizon
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Re: The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre:Zionist Fingerprints All Nov 16, 2010
event horizon wrote:Image
Hello, my name is Paul

I have to thank the author for this piece, because prior to today, I would have bought the media's spin that al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack in retaliation for the claims spread on al-Jazeera that female converts to Islam were being kidnapped by Egyptian Christians and that Copts were stockpiling Israeli made weapons in their churches and monasteries preparing to wage an insurgency against the Egyptian state.

The article is quite long, but the opening paragraphs provide a good preview for the overall contents of this multi-page essay detailing 'Zionist' involvement in this attack and who really operates Al Qaeda in Iraq (US/UK and Mossad):
The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over

[quote]Prior to the fascist, destructive, genocidal US-UK-Israeli occupation of Iraq, Sunni and Shia, Muslims and Christians, Arabs and Kurds lived together in a harmonious atmosphere of brotherhood and unity that paralleled that of occupied Palestine before the Zionist occupation in 1948. It is egregious. Disgusting. Despicable. Ignorant. Absurd. And erroneous on every factual basis to assert that the aforementioned ethnic and religious groups are now massacring each other, when in reality, they are being massacred by the murderous occupation armies.

Dividing Iraq via partition and driving it into a hell of ethnic cleansing was a Zionist plot that was originally designed in 1982 by Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon (1). The policies for destabilizing Iraq were reestablished in the ‘Clean Break’ papers written for mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu by Zionist spy Richard Perle and several Zionist war criminals including Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, Meyrav Wurmser and Robert Loewenberg (2). Agents of the international terrorist group known as Mossad have been operating in Iraq as early as the 1950s, when the Zionist entity engaged in a false flag campaign of terror against the Iraqi-Jewish community (3). It has always been the absolute goal of the illegitimate usurping entity to destroy Iraq as a nation, so it can bring its ‘Greater Israel’ dream to fruition, settling its colonial extremists on the banks of the ancient Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

.... ... -all-over/


No one is safe from the tentacles of Paul, the Zionist octopus.

Where do you get this stuff??? Israeli forces inside Iraq??? :roll: :roll:
Bora Bora
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Re: The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre:Zionist Fingerprints All Nov 16, 2010
These views are pretty mainstream in certain parts of the world.

But I won't actually identify which regions I'm referring to so as not to cause insensitivity to the conspiracy crazed peoples of these nations:

event horizon
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