Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border

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Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 18, 2011
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 18, 2011
My guess is that their hair color is dark and they are Muslim.
Considering previous statements, the Norwegian ambassador will blame it on the occupation, but will go ballistic when blaming the recent Norwegian attack on Norwegian government policies.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 19, 2011
An Israeli plane had been chasing militant infiltrators along the border between Taba and Eliat and one Egyptian Central Security officer and two Central Security men were caught in the line of fire," the army official said.

so Israeli fired in the Egyptians land!
I wish Israel understand that Egypt is not Gazza...
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 19, 2011

The Israeli Military Occupiers recently have been bombing Gaza and have killed people there. It looks like some militants have launched attacks on soldiers in a bus (and by the usual convention in fight against the occupation will be presented as 'we targeted military targets, the civilians killed were collateral damage. It is the fault of those we were firing at - not our fault for launching the attack.')

The Israeli Military Occupiers have now retaliated and killed Palestinians in Gaza. Loons will continue to blame Islam/Muslims. Deja vu, all over again. :roll:

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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 19, 2011
hmmm...shooting on innocent civilians traveling in a bus justifiable for shaf...we see where your values are
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 19, 2011
^What did I tell you about using Google to check your facts caps (or even about your comprehension skills)!.. really, you're from the shallow end of the loon genepool, aren't you?

Do you still believe in the tooth fairy? Vegetable by name, vegetable by intellect! :D

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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 19, 2011
what facts other than gunmen killed six civilians in an ambush in southern Israel.
@ Shaf... Don't you consider the gunmen terrorists?
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 19, 2011
capsicum wrote:what facts other than gunmen killed six civilians in an ambush in southern Israel.
@ Shaf... Don't you consider the gunmen terrorists?

I guess he's claiming the attack was in retaliation for the recent deaths of Gazan rocket launchers Israel killed after they fired rockets into Israel.

That's how the loon mind works.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 19, 2011
@caps - do you consider the Israelis who kill Palestinian civilians in Gaza to be terrorists when they use the excuse 'we were targeting military men'?

How is it different from the non-Israeli militants targetting soldiers (who fired back, remember)?

If one set is a terrorist, so is the other. If one isn't, the other isn't either.

Any Arab targetting civilians is a terrorist, any Israeli targetting civilians is a terrorist (like Goldstein). IF these militants were targetting civilians, they would be terrorists. They actually launched an attack on soldiers. Israel bombed police recruits in Gaza in last full scale attack on Gaza, that arguably was an act of terrorism - don't you think?

(BTW, is it a sign of madness to debate with a vegetable? :D )

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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 19, 2011
hey actually launched an attack on soldiers.

They actually fired an RPG at a civilian car killing four civilians.
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 19, 2011
^Just like the Israeli Military Occupation Army bombing civilians in Gaza - they will also say that this happened during a firefight with the Israeli Miltiary Occupation forces who were firing back at them.

As I said, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Fanbois excuse the Occupying Military Army when it kills civilians - saying 'but it was really an attack on militant targets'. How is this different?

I understand there is one major difference - it is usually the Occupying Army doing all the killing and excluding news cameras from the areas of their attacks.

As I said, IF the militants were targetting civilians, then they would clearly be terrorists. In this case they launched an attack on armed Occupation Army soldiers.

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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 19, 2011
As I said, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Fanbois excuse the Occupying Military Army when it kills civilians - saying 'but it was really an attack on militant targets'. How is this different?

I'll have to recall those days when Palestinian terrorists weren't indiscriminately killing civilians, back in the day before Israel began assassinating them.

As I said, IF the militants were targetting civilians, then they would clearly be terrorists. In this case they launched an attack on armed Occupation Army soldiers.

Try again. The Palestinian terrorists shot an RPG at a civilian car carrying civilians.

Nice spin calling soldiers and civilians inside Israel 'occupation soldiers'.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 20, 2011
What has your nostalgia got to do with this engagement by militants on soldiers of the Israeli Occupation Army?

Within hours Israel bombs Gaza and in the process has killed some civilians, including one child.

Tit for Tat. Both as bad as each other - only one side is doing most of the dying and one side is doing most of the killing. One side happens to be the ones living under Military Occupation the other the one doing the Military Occupation. Facts are facts.

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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 20, 2011
Words like ´civilian´ and ´innocent´ are just empty words. Many consider the whole of Israels (jewish) population as just (reservist) soldiers and the country as on big army barrack.
What can be seen as a civilian car, can also be seen as an army vehicle with a (reservist) soldier in it.

`Occupation` has different meanings likewise. A large portion of Pali population sees the whole of Israel as occupying Palestine. Westerners think that when they hear ´Occupyed Territory´ the Westbank is meant. Not so. Hamas refers to the IDF as ZOF (Zionist Occupation Forces): Everything with jewish sovereignty is considered Occupyed.

People using terms like Occupation Forces just try to hide their true intentions.
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 20, 2011
Both as bad as each other

Nice moral equivalency. But society does judge people by their targets and intent.

Otherwise, with your brilliant line of logic, manslaughter and first degree murder would be treated the same way.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 20, 2011
shafique wrote:What has your nostalgia got to do with this engagement by militants on soldiers of the Israeli Occupation Army?


The bigot has spoken, the attack was on CIVILIANS, not on soldiers. but according to al shafique, there are no civilians in Israel.
And the attack took place in Israel, not in occupied territories.
Al shafique sounds like Imam Abdul Makin and Islamic lawyer anjem Choudary who stated that non muslims are never considered innocent.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 20, 2011
herve wrote:
shafique wrote:What has your nostalgia got to do with this engagement by militants on soldiers of the Israeli Occupation Army?


The bigot has spoken, the attack was on CIVILIANS, not on soldiers. but according to al shafique, there are no civilians in Israel.
And the attack took place in Israel, not in occupied territories.
Al shafique sounds like Imam Abdul Makin and Islamic lawyer anjem Choudary who stated that non muslims are never considered innocent.

Seems like another bizarre belief of shafique's we can chalk up.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 20, 2011
herve wrote:
shafique wrote:What has your nostalgia got to do with this engagement by militants on soldiers of the Israeli Occupation Army?


The bigot has spoken, the attack was on CIVILIANS, not on soldiers. but according to al shafique, there are no civilians in Israel.
And the attack took place in Israel, not in occupied territories.
Al shafique sounds like Imam Abdul Makin and Islamic lawyer anjem Choudary who stated that non muslims are never considered innocent.

And now the anti semite has spoken.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 20, 2011
Israelis on the Egyptian border killing Egyptians?? Should be interesting to see how that plays out. Egypt is not happy. As Mahmoud said: Egypt is not Palestine. Israel may have won the war with Egypt, but they didn't get to keep Egypt or it's people.

Egyptians outside the Israeli embassy protesting and flag burning. If this blows up, who is Israel going to deal with in the Egyptian government? Oh, wait!!! There is no President, the government is in chaos - so I guess it will be the Egyptian army and the people. Can't see how Israel is going to justify this to Obomba and Egypt.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 21, 2011
^Interestingly, Israel has apologised for killing the Egyptians.

Baby steps are to be welcomed.

As for the usual fanbois aversion to facts - it is fascinating how just mentioning verifiable, uncontroversial facts leads to ad hominem attacks and silly attempts at smoke screens.

Quite predictable.

Mention fact that Israel is killing Palestinians in Gaza and the attack on the soldiers was a retaliation - and you get loon rants about supporting terrorism.

Mention the fact that the fight is over Israel's Military Occupation, or that the Military Occupiers are killing more Palestinians (militants AND civilians) and you get smoke-screens.

But as I say, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. I don't condone any excuses for killing civilians when launching attacks on what you believe are military targets. Israel is wrong when she does it, Palestinian militants are wrong when they do it. Israel is the bigger culprit - just look at the body counts. The media coverage of course does not reflect body counts, of course - but the Israeli spin no longer works as it once did. No wonder fanbois are agitated by facts.

BTW - first time I've seen reference to 'Obomba' :D

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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 21, 2011
Typical loon tactic - when can't address the facts head on, try to distract attention

I see our resident fanboi for Hamas and Pali terror can't bring himself to acknowledge the basic facts that the Palestinian Arab Muslim terrorists who infiltrated Israel proper from unoccupied Gaza did indeed target civilians by firing an RPG on a civilian highway at a civilian vehicle carrying civilians.

Repeating fantasies and ignoring facts will not change the reality on the ground, no matter how desperate our resident loon pleads for us to wear the same pocket blinders he puts on whenever discussing Palestinians and the terrorist group Hamas.

The facts, once again, are that Palestinian Arab Muslim terrorists did indeed target civilians when they carried out terrorist attacks from within Israel - all the media reports state this as well, which I suppose is strong reason to suppose why shafique has not quoted any established media source for this attack.
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 21, 2011
Seems to be some confusion how many and how the Egyptian soldiers/police men died. Allegedly the terrorists also wore Egyptian uniforms.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 21, 2011
I read that on EoZ explaining why Pali terror groups haven't taken credit for the attack - the attackers allegedly killed several Egyptian soldiers and that would have negative impact on any Pali terror group claiming responsibility among Egyptians.

Do you have any new information about the circumstances of the killing of the Egyptian soldiers?

It also wouldn't be the first time Pali terrorists have killed Egyptian soldiers.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 21, 2011
what exactly is your source of information!! or is it all assumptions! not new, huh..
may be this remove some of the claimed confusion.

http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/meast/08/ ... index.html

and to save all the expected debates there is one FACT:

Israel IDF has shoot Egyptians on the Egyptian lands.

everything else is $#it.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 22, 2011
Can't wait to hear the Israeli spin on this one.
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 22, 2011
^or the fanbois excuses/conspiracy theories! :shock:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 22, 2011
event horizon wrote:Do you have any new information about the circumstances of the killing of the Egyptian soldiers?

No but apparently a day after the terrorist attack, a suicide bomber targetted an Egyptian army post near the place of the attack.
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 23, 2011
We can add another victim of dark haired Palestinian Arab, Muslim terror attacks. This one was actually initially reported (and still believed by many) as a civilian victim of an Israeli air strike targeting Palestinian terrorists:

Between Friday, 19 August and Sunday, 21 August, initial reports indicate that the Israeli Air Force carried out approximately 30 air strikes on the Gaza Strip, resulting in the killing of seven Palestinians, and the injury of approximately 30 additional Palestinians. Tank fire from Israel forces stationed along the border and at sea was also reported, without casualty or damage. During the same period, tens of rockets and mortars fired by Palestinian armed groups towards cities in southern Israel resulted in the death of one Israeli civilian and the injury of six, including a baby and a nine-yearold child. One Palestinian child, 13-years-old, was also killed, and six others injured, when a GRAD rocket fired by Palestinian armed groups fell short.

http://www.ochaopt.org/documents/ocha_o ... nglish.pdf
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Re: Terrorists kill 6 in Israel near Egypt border Aug 26, 2011
Interesting article from Ha'aretz:

At least some of the attackers wore brown uniforms, similar to those used by the Egyptian Army.


Despite protests in Cairo, it is clear there is an awareness in Egypt of the possibility that some soldiers serving near the area of the attack had been involved in the shooting at Israelis.


Egyptian soldiers were seen holding three men at gunpoint.

When the Israeli officers asked for the captives to be handed over, an Egyptian officer claimed that they were Egyptian soldiers. At some point the troops came under fire, and a sniper killed the anti-terrorist police officer Pascal Avrahami..

http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/ne ... l-1.380321
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Re: Terrorists Kill 6 In Israel Near Egypt Border Aug 26, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:what exactly is your source of information!! or is it all assumptions! not new, huh..
may be this remove some of the claimed confusion.

http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/meast/08/ ... index.html

and to save all the expected debates there is one FACT:

Israel IDF has shoot Egyptians on the Egyptian lands.

everything else is $#it.

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