I just don’t get it ! why is it important to fight terrorist than to fight criminals now a days ? both end up killing, raping or damaging in general other humans and properties although each is driven by different reasons.
The US which supposal the number 1 in fighting terrorists is spending more on terrorists than on criminal in their won land !! way more. The reason I’m asking is that criminals in the US are doing more damage to the US soul ,people ,society and the future of its own than terrorists does or did and are doing it with the tax payers money that is suppose to go directly to their won citizens good.
2 billion dollar is the weekly estimation of cost in the afghan war alone on the other hand take a look at this statistics :
“ 1,740 children in America have died from g.uns so far this year.
89 people killed with g.uns in America every single day.
Crime is large in the US it is a big problem partly because of the gun laws for example you can go into Asda Walmart and buy one over the counter. This is Americas biggest problem that needs to be tackled.
There is a large amount of shop robberies and violence.
In America, the crime clock continues to click: one murder every 22 minutes, one r.ape every 5 minutes, one robbery every 49 seconds, and one burglary every 10 seconds. And the cost of crime continues to mount: $78 billion for the criminal justice system, $64 billion for private protection, $202 billion in loss of life and work, $120 billion in crimes against business, $60 billion in stolen goods and fraud, $40 billion from d.rug abuse, and $110 billion from drunk driving. When you add up all the costs, crime costs Americans a stunning $675 billion each year.”
I just can’t see any efficiency or effectiveness of the US government in this field at all.
religious or race wise non Muslims are doing more damage than others