Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
FD asks for experts that agree with the statistics, Nucleus provides exactly that request.

Now, let's see what FD's reaction is. I hope it is not the usual denial of facts which do not agree with the Islamophobic myths.


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Re: Terrorism in EU - Zero Deaths from Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
By the expert's own belief, all forms of terrorism are overblown if you're comparing terrorism to the murder rates of a nation. That's not what FD asked. Leave it to Muslims to deliberately misread plain English.

FD's question was about Islamic terrorism in comparison with other forms of terrorism - and the general consensus is that Islamic terrorism is the primary terrorist threat for most Western nations.
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
This thread is about the official EU stats which show 99.5% of terrorist acts not committed by Muslims.

Reconciling this fact with a belief that the 0.5% of acts (which did not kill anyone last year) constitutes the primary/biggest threat takes some serious mental gymnastics.

Facts, not hype.

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
Nucleus wrote:here is for one:

Are you serious? * just checking *
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
shafique wrote:FD asks for experts that agree with the statistics, Nucleus provides exactly that request.

Now, let's see what FD's reaction is. I hope it is not the usual denial of facts which do not agree with the Islamophobic myths.

Interesting (delayed) reaction from FD. I sense he's going for the denial route.

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Re: Terrorism in EU - Zero Deaths from Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
Nucleus doesn't provide what was asked for.

Try reading.
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
Why this sudden epidemic of epic denials eh?

Stats show 0.5% terrorist acts carried out by Muslims, you go into a tailspin denying the evident facts. Now you're defending FD's denial by joining in the denial. Classic.

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
What denial am I joining in? FD's request was never properly addressed.

Is expecting posters to read and accurately understand a post too much to ask?

Btw, what is the % of terrorist acts carried out by Brievik types in the past year?
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
99.5% of terrorist acts were carried out by non-Muslims last year in the EU. Brievik was certainly not a Muslim, so if he had carried out his killings in the EU, his atrocity would have counted towards the 99.5%. The chilling fact is that Breivik's attack is not in the 99.5%, as it occured outside the EU stats.

You're in denial that Nucleus addressed directly FD's request.

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
shafique wrote:99.5% of terrorist acts were carried out by non-Muslims last year in the EU. Brievik was certainly not a Muslim, so if he had carried out his killings in the EU, his atrocity would have counted towards the 99.5%. The chilling fact is that Breivik's attack is not in the 99.5%, as it occured outside the EU stats.

You're in denial that Nucleus addressed directly FD's request.


Here is a pictorial on his denial:

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
How old are you?

* serious question *
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 01, 2011
:D Nucleus

FD's back to his old 'smoke and mirrors' diversionary tactics I see - next thing you'll know you'll get another copy paste from a loon website. :roll:


-- Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:56 pm --

event horizon wrote:FD's question was about Islamic terrorism in comparison with other forms of terrorism - and the general consensus is that Islamic terrorism is the primary terrorist threat for most Western nations.

Hmm... let's see what the case is for eh's home country, the USA:
http://www.start.umd.edu/start/publicat ... y_2010.pdf

How serious is the current global terrorism phenomenon? Rik Legault‘s (P.1) review informs us that while terrorist attacks since the turn of the century have become progressively more dangerous worldwide, with an increasing likelihood of death and injury in a terrorist attack, they are still very rare – 100 times rarer than homicides in the U.S. Attacks on the U.S. are more likely to be on foreign soil and target selection is primarily a function of proximity.

According to James Lutz (P.2), the greatest domestic (U.S.) threat is from extreme right wing groups, including radical environmental groups. He points out that the underlying issues that motivate white supremacist, anti-abortion, tax resistor, and animal rights groups have not gone away, nor have the groups. Furthermore, the election of an African-American president may fuel the grievances and fears of white supremacist organizations. While there have been a few homegrown militant Islamist terrorist cells spawned in the U.S., in New York, Virginia, New Jersey, and Florida, the groups that were serious and capable enough to plan and execute attacks appear to be the exceptions.

Facts, not hype.

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 02, 2011
Just compare the quantity and lethality of attacks and right winger terrorism is most definitely not the greatest domestic threat.

Facts over hype - Muslim terrorists kill more Americans than all others combined and Left Winger/Environmental/Animal Rights (Animal rights activists are not right wingers) carry out more attacks than right wing terrorists.

In either category - quality or quantity, right wingers fall behind other groups.
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 02, 2011
Why the continued denial of facts?

Quantity of terrorist acts by Muslims in 2010 in EU: 0.5% of total acts.
Lethality of terrorist acts by Muslims in 2010in EU: 0 deaths.

Contrast that with the lethality and numbers which represent the 99.5% terrorist acts. Stats and refs are provided.

As for the case in the USA - I highlighted the bits in red which clearly show that your right-wing friends are the main threat in the USA when it comes to domestic terrorism, and that any Muslim McVeigh wannabes that are successful are the exception.

Facts, not hype.

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Re: Terrorism in EU - Zero Deaths from Jihadists Dec 02, 2011
I highlighted the bits in red which clearly show that your right-wing friends are the main threat in the USA when it comes to domestic terrorism

Really? Didn't see any statistics to demonstrate that belief.

Muslims have killed more Americans than right wingers and leftists have carried out far more attacks.

The bottom line is that left wingers and Muslims are the primary terrorist threat to the United States.

The facts support that view, regardless of what the far left nutters at the Southern Poverty Law Center believe.
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 02, 2011
LOL - so I quote an official US document which says that the greatest threat of domestic terrorists is from right wing groups (I even highlighted this in red for you) and you come out with your belief that it is Muslims and left wingers who are the main threat. Nice one.

So much for your 'consensus' that it is Muslims that is the main threat... now you've had to add in 'left wingers' (presumably non-Muslim left wingers) to the equation.


Facts not hype.

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 02, 2011
Strange you dismiss European and American security experts who say Islamic terrorism is the primary threat to their respective nations, as you've already done so on this thread.

Now when it comes to an article from the far Left SPLC claiming right wing terrorism is the primary threat to the United States - without backing of facts and statistics - you're quick to accept the results and ignore the facts that right wing terrorism is less frequent and lethal than Left wing and Islamic terrorism.

Once again, you're too stupid to see when your own line of arguments are used against you.

Stick to lying and trolling the other thread on the Koran and pedophilia. At least you're prolific at wasting time but empty on substance.
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 02, 2011
I'm quoting official Europol stats in this thread which show that only 0.5% of terrorist acts were carried out by Muslims last year in the EU and no deaths.

I've also debunked your assertion that the 'consensus' is that Islamic terror is the main threat - by quoting an official US paper which says the main threat is Right Wing terrorists.

It is funny that you're saying I'm in denial. Did you even look up the references and the experts quoted? One of the references is this book all about the right wingers you defend:
http://www.amazon.com/Confronting-Right ... 041531500X

Facts, not hype.

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 04, 2011
It is common knowledge that terrorism stats in Europe are biased to not offend the muslum community and avoid a bloody backlash from angry nationals. Regardless the biggest terrorist threat in Europe is muslum, as quoted by a leading anti terrorist Spanish judge.
Europe's biggest terrorist threat is Morocco (search) — seething with as many as 1,000 Al Qaeda adherents capable of homicide attacks and skilled at slipping through the continent's southern gateway, Spain's leading anti-terrorism judge testified Thursday.

"he became convinced the attacks were linked to Islamic extremists hours later after learning that a van containing detonators, explosives and a tape with Quranic verses was found near a rail station."
The fact that quranic verses were found near the attack shows that muslum terrosits base their attack from the quran.
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 04, 2011
What is 'common knowledge' is that a quoting Fox News story from 7 years (seven years ago!) in reply to a thread about 2010 statistics of terrorist acts shows that herve has no argument left. Yet another epic failure.

What has a 7 year old Fox News story got to do with the fact that 99.5% of terrorist acts last year in the EU were carried out by Non-Muslims?

Perhaps the Spanish Judge was one of those who believed the hype about Saddam's WMDs?

In any case, it shows that the hype of 7 years ago has not translated into actual terrorist attacks - either in Spain or in the rest of the EU. No wonder you're desperately searching the web for stories!

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 04, 2011
In most European countries, Islamist terrorism continues to be seen as the biggest threat to security because it attempts to cause mass casualties whereas ethno-separatist terrorism generally targets material symbols rather than individuals or groups. EU counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove said; “The European intelligence community considers that the al-Qaeda related threat is still severe and that it is still the main threat to Europe and its internal security.
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 04, 2011
I understand this belief of yours herve - however this thread showed that this belief that the main threat in the EU comes from Muslim terrorists is not supported by actual evidence.

The fact that the best you could do was dig up a 7 year old article about a Spanish judge's views speaks volumes.

Facts vs Hype.

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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 09, 2011
Main threat in Europe comes from muslums.
For political correctness , medias don't reveal the religion and the last name of the perpetrators.
This article says a "german man" . A "German man? like Hans? Fritz? Karl? No, Halil.
Bingo!, a muslum, will they have to not release the first names either?

BERLIN (AP) — Federal prosecutors say they have arrested a 27-year-old German man on charges he was part of an al-Qaida bomb plot in Europe.
Prosecutors' spokesman Marcus Koehler said in a release Thursday that suspect Halil S. was arrested in Bochum on charges of membership in a terrorist organization.
Koehler says the suspect, whose last name was not released in accordance with German privacy laws, is accused of providing financial and logistical support for three other suspects arrested in April on suspicion they were making a bomb....
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 09, 2011
So your latest theory is that it is a media conspiracy theory! :roll:

I actually quoted official Europol statistics though. Are they in on the conspiracy too?


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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 09, 2011
shafique wrote:So your latest theory is that it is a media conspiracy theory! :roll:

I actually quoted official Europol statistics though. Are they in on the conspiracy too?



It isn't a media conspiracy. The Bitish press do not refer to a person's religion, ethic background or colour.
I thought you would have known that if you were 'British'. :roll:
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 10, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:It isn't a media conspiracy. The Bitish press do not refer to a person's religion, ethic background or colour.
I thought you would have known that if you were 'British'. :roll:

Really? Are you sure you're not making excuses for the fact that only Islamophobe bloggers make the link and that the experts quoted don't agree with the bloggers?

I mean, the BBC is part of the British media, isn't it? I counted the words British and Muslim a few times in this BBC piece. What appears to me to be the case is that only Islamophobic bloggers make a link where it doesn't exist and the BBC etc do mention the religion, race etc where it is relevant:

UK's Muslim soldiers ‘fighting extremists not Muslims'

Pte El-Miniawi said he'd "happily die for and kill for" his country

With more than 600 Muslims in the British Armed Forces, do those that are deployed on the front line in Afghanistan have to reconcile their beliefs in order to fight hardline Islamic Taliban militants?

"My home is the UK. As a Muslim, that's the place I'd happily die for and kill for. That's the same way it's going to remain until my dying day.

"My entire soul belongs to the UK and I'm more than proud to fight for this country."

Pte Shehab El-Din Ahmed El-Miniawi, is serving with 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment in Helmand Province, a Taliban stronghold and scene of some of the heaviest fighting in the nation.

The only practising Muslim in his battalion, Pte El-Miniawi is on his first tour of Afghanistan.

"I came with no perception of what this place was going to be like, be it hot, be it cold, be it dangerous, be it IED (improvised explosive device)-ridden, whatever," he said.

"If you narrow it down, we're not just fighting Muslims we're fighting extremists. Every culture, every faith... has an extremist background in it.

"That's something I personally feel should be eradicated, so this is why I'm here to fight this war really."

Pte El-Miniawi said his religion was often an advantage out on patrol and the Afghan people warmed to him once they realised they shared the same faith.

"The bosses, the officers who have helped me out on the ground, have pushed me forward to talk to and engage with locals and that breaks the ice.
"It requires a lot of talking to the locals as well, understanding what their background is like, looking at what they want from us."

He said his fellow soldiers had joked with him about being Muslim, but it was not a real issue.
I don't see it as a war against Islam. Some of the work is helping people and hopefully Afghanistan to progress ”
Corporal Raziya Aslam
Army linguist

Gen Sir David Richards, Chief of the Defence Staff recently paid tribute to serving Muslim soldiers and called for more to join up.

"We've got a very bright, vibrant and growing number of Muslims in the British armed forces and they are a very important part of our lives.

"They are very proud members of the British nation but they happen to be Muslims as well, they don't think there's any contradiction at all."


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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 10, 2011
Not ‘where it is relevant’ Shaf, Just to help clear up the confusion here, the British media aren’t allowed to identify any minority ethnic or religious groups in aNEGATIVE light, within a news item, as has been stated so often before on the forum on different threads, but to identify a muslim, fighting ‘extremists’ is good propaganda from the British Army, and the MOD. But then please note! the article goes on to elaborate, the extremists referred to in the opening paragraph are ‘hardline Islamic Taliban militants’.
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 10, 2011
That is some conspiracy theory!

The media do run stories about ethnic groupings and not always in a positive light - eg the Guardian was one of many which covered the educational achievements of different ethnic groups in the UK:

http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/201 ... ent-school

Just because some Islamphobes or Xenophobes want to believe there is a racial/religious explanation (eg honour killings) does not mean there is a conspiracy theory when the media accurately report that all experts say the Islamophobes/Xenophobes are wrong.


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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 11, 2011
Hmm, you did notice that the article was a study of ALL ethnic and social classes didn't you? That's allowed of course.

What would leave the Guardian liable to prosecution under Britain's unfair race laws would be a statement such as "The vast majority of perpetrators of Honour Crimes against women in the UK are Muslim"
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Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists Dec 11, 2011
The speed at which you move the goal posts makes people's heads spin! ;)

But hey, if you want to believe Islamophobic bloggers and their conspiracy theories.. don't let me stop you.


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