You first mention that the Jewish terrorist attacks (I'm not saying Jewish Extremists, don't tell Tom Jones I'm bashing Jews now) were not half hearted terrorist attacks because they 'blew up' Americans.
So, how many Americans were blown up (killed) and how many of these terrorist attacks resulted in deaths or even fatalities - and if the attack did not result in death or injury, was that because of bad timing rather than intention and design of the Jewish terrorist attack?
Anyways, happy to compare the Muslim and Jewish terrorist attack to determine if the Muslim terrorist attacks were just halfhearted attempts to get attention or were assassination and mass murder plots.
In Europe the stats are even more stark - 99.6% of terrorist acts were not carried out by Muslims.
Sure, if you don't include countries where there is an Islamic insurgency raging on. Russia is in Europe.
But why not look at fatalities? Surely, someone else has the good common sense to distinguish train bombings from a pipe bomb detonated in an open field after the authorities were notified by the terrorist group to evacuate the surrounding area?
are considered state terrorist acts - would you agree? I think those deaths alone outnumber your lists of Muslim civilians killed by Muslim violence - and that's before we get to the numbers killed by Israel in Palestine and Lebanon, America in Iraq and Afghanistan etc.
Good point, using your revised definition of terrorism, Muslim terrorist groups are second only to state actors.
But they are far ahead of other religious or political groups when we use the standard definition of terrorism.
Oh, and BTW, which definition did Danios (or the FBI) use when he created that thread you copy/pasted from?