Synagogue In A Mosque

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Synagogue in a Mosque Jan 28, 2012
A rather heart-warming piece of news from a Jewish site - about a Synagogue in NYC that is housed in a mosque. It appears that the Jews there aren't obviously readers (or more to the point, believers) of all the anti-Muslim websites and blogs that are sure that Islam teaches hatred of Jews etc.

(BTW - we saw in a thread last year that Jews are allowed to worship within mosques, but not within churches:


Near the corner of Westchester Avenue and Pugsley Street in Parkchester, just off the elevated tracks of the No. 6 train, Yaakov Wayne Baumann stood outside a graffiti-covered storefront on a chilly Saturday morning. Suited up in a black overcoat with a matching wide-brimmed black fedora, the thickly bearded 42-year-old chatted with elderly congregants as they entered the building for Shabbat service.

The only unusual detail: This synagogue is a mosque.

Or rather, it’s housed inside a mosque. That’s right: Members of the Chabad of East Bronx, an ultra-Orthodox synagogue, worship in the Islamic Cultural Center of North America, which is home to the Al-Iman mosque.

“People have a misconception that Muslims hate Jews,” said Baumann. “But here is an example of them working with us.”

Indeed, though conventionally viewed as adversaries both here and abroad, the Jews and Muslims of the Bronx have been propelled into an unlikely bond by a demographic shift. The borough was once home to an estimated 630,000 Jews, but by 2002 that number had dropped to 45,100, according to a study by the Jewish Community Relations Council. At the same time, the Muslim population has been increasing. In Parkchester alone, there are currently five mosques, including Masjid Al-Iman.
... ... nx-tale-3/


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 28, 2012
It appears that the Jews there aren't obviously readers (or more to the point, believers) of all the anti-Muslim websites and blogs that are sure that Islam teaches hatred of Jews etc.

That's why you can count on more than one hand the Islamic countries where synagogues and churches can be freely built.
event horizon
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 28, 2012
You really should take a leaf out of the Jewish Americans in the story and stop believing the bloggers that are feeding you all this Islamophobic myths eh.

This is a very positive story - please try and keep your hatred of Muslims out of this thread.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Synagogue in a Mosque Jan 28, 2012
The story is a positive reminder of the religious freedoms in the United States - which contrast with Islamic law that would make this story impossible if these Jews had lived in Islamic nations.
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 28, 2012
Excellent - I'm glad we agree it is positive.

What part of Islamic law are the American Muslims contravening then, according to you? The Jewish law allows them to worship in mosques, after all - so no issues with the Jews. Please don't tell me you're still under the impression that anti-Muslim bloggers' version of Islam is true. You should know better by now.

As the article says:
“People have a misconception that Muslims hate Jews,” said Baumann. “But here is an example of them working with us.”

Perhaps the bloggers you like to quote are those who have this 'misconception'?

Also, it appears that it was the Muslims who initiated the offer and this had nothing to do with the American government or constitution.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 28, 2012
It is positive story. Nice to hear!

shafique wrote: Please don't tell me you're still under the impression that anti-Muslim bloggers' version of Islam is true.

Which version is that? The one that doesn't allow any Ahmadi building of worship in the Arab world?
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 28, 2012
eh is well aware of the blogger version of Islam I'm referring to - indeed, it is the one where the misconception that 'Muslims hate Jews' as qutoed in the article is believed.

You see, there's a difference between real life and what eh believes to be true! ;)

But glad you agree, FD, this is indeed a positive story. No need to for you to try (and fail) to bring up whataboutery arguments here - just focus on the story. You can if you try. ;)


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Synagogue in a Mosque Jan 28, 2012
Please don't tell me you're still under the impression that anti-Muslim bloggers' version of Islam is true.

What's the difference between the "anti-Muslim bloggers's" version of Islam and the Ahmadi version of Islam?

Is one more true than the other or are they both as far out and equally rejected by mainstream Islam?

How do you assess the "truth" in either, btw?
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 28, 2012
Try and keep up eh. Your blogger version of Islam has the misconception that Muslims hate Jews - as cited in the article. Did you not read that bit and note who was saying it?

That's how you distinguish truth from blogger spin.


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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 28, 2012
What misconception are you referring to? You mean actual evidence that the majority of Muslims in the world share your own antisemitic views on Jews?

event horizon
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 29, 2012
event horizon wrote:What misconception are you referring to?


“People have a misconception that Muslims hate Jews,” said Baumann. “But here is an example of them working with us.”

I'm surprised that you are confused. But then again, you do keep insisting that I'm an anti-Semite and that Hitler is left wing! Next you'll be telling us you agree with Pam Geller etc who believe Obama is a Muslim, or that donkeys can talk! :D :roll:


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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 29, 2012
It's only stupid people who keep the fires of hatred going. They're all people of the 'Book' after all, so what difference does it make? You do know there's a Synagogue in Dubai don't you? It;s pretty hard to find, but it's no secret. Besides, any true believer would know that these buldings are merely bricks and mortar and that's not where God lives - you're fickle if you think it has any relevance or mor importance because you pray in a 'building'.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 29, 2012
Chocoholic wrote: You do know there's a Synagogue in Dubai don't you? It;s pretty hard to find, but it's no secret

Where is it? I know there was supposed to be one, but if it ever was, is it still there? I really doubt there was really one to start with. No-one has seen it, and no-one knows where it is exactly.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 29, 2012

Your blogger version of Islam has the misconception that Muslims hate Jews - as cited in the article. Did you not read that bit and note who was saying it?

I'm sorry, why does one person's opinion prove that Muslims don't hate Jews? Did Baumann view the survey or has he experienced Antisemitic laws against Jews legislated in Islamic countries?
event horizon
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 30, 2012
event horizon wrote:I'm sorry, why does one person's opinion prove that Muslims don't hate Jews?

Because in this case it is a real life example vs the Islamophobic blogger theories that you want to believe in as being true.

Simple really - it is fact vs blogger spin.

It is fascinating how your hatred of Islam and Muslims comes through even in such a positive thread. You really can't help yourself can you?


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 30, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:Where is it? I know there was supposed to be one, but if it ever was, is it still there? I really doubt there was really one to start with. No-one has seen it, and no-one knows where it is exactly.

That's interesting FD. I just googled it and was directed to Choc's favourite expatwoman site. There was a very interesting discussion going on as to whether all Jewish people are considered to be Israeli by the UAE authorities. Someone then pointed out that not all Catholics were from Rome.
It then followed that one of the villas in Jumeirah might be a synagogue.
I somehow doubt if there is a synagogue in Dubai (but there is one in Doha, it seems :D )
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 30, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:There was a very interesting discussion going on as to whether all Jewish people are considered to be Israeli by the UAE authorities

Right after the assissanation of the Hamas militant in Dubai, I do believe UAE border authorities were trying to pick out jews in general, who were travelling on Western passport. They are not to hard to recogize, they usualy carry an unusual amount of duty free plastic bags, :-). I really doubt whether some-one named Moshe Cohen could enter the UAE nowadyas.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 30, 2012
Because in this case it is a real life example vs the Islamophobic blogger theories that you want to believe in as being true.

You mean one opinion vs actual Islamic law and credible surveys done in the Muslim world showing widespread Jew hatred amongst Muslims?
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Re: Synagogue In A Mosque Jan 31, 2012
One real life person who is interacting with Muslims and experiencing Islam first hand does indeed trump your bloggers' fantasies. I've told you this many times before - believing what you read on the anti-Islam blogs will always get you into trouble when the facts are revealed.

Your denial of reality is sad - even in this positive thread your hatred of Muslims colours your posts. All that hatred can't be good for you.


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