Swedish MP: Islamophobia Big Problem In Europe

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Swedish MP: Islamophobia big problem in Europe Jun 26, 2012
Swedish MP speaks sense - commenting on an Amnesty International report he makes a distinction between Islamophobia and the real issue of 'radical Islamism'.

Nice to hear a politician 'tell it as it is' in this way.

Islamophobia is a big problem in Europe says Swedish MP Carl Fredrik Malm

TOT: According to Amnesty International report Muslims around the world are being discriminated and particularly in Europe. So, what are the measures you and your party have taken so far to abolish the discriminatory issues faced by the Muslims?

Carl Fredrik Malm: Islamophobia is a big problem in Europe. There is also a risk that xenophobic political parties will grow stronger now that Europe is going through hard times economically and financially. The Swedish Liberal party has a strong agenda and works extensively to counter all forms of hatred and extremism. We also believe that the EU must make it easier for immigrants from outside the EU to enter the union. Furthermore, it is important to show that Islam is not about to conquer Europe – on the contrary, many Muslims are excluded from society in many European states and face discrimination as they try to enter these societies. It is clear that radical Islamism must be opposed, but I consider these movements more as groups driven by ideology rather than religion, even if they promote and conduct their ideology and struggle on the basis of Islamic religious teachings and to a wide extent on the Islamic arena and in Muslim countries.

http://www.theoslotimes.com/index.php?o ... Itemid=714


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