Suicide Bombing Prompted By Sacrilegious Tile

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Suicide bombing prompted by sacrilegious tile Jun 18, 2011
It's the occupation, stupid:

ISLAMABAD: A terrorist outfit targeted a bank in Islamabad on June 13 because its floor tiles and their design were strikingly analogous to the sacred name, Allah, and the bank did not change them despite complaints to its management.

A bank guard was killed and four others were injured in last Monday’s suicide attack on an Islamabad branch of a bank. The bank administration was cautioned by a section of the outfit that had even lodged a written complaint with Islamabad’s Industrial Area Police Station two years back following the direct warning to bank officials, it is reliably learnt.

Bank officials confirmed to The News on condition of anonymity that the administration received complaints about the design of the floor tiles, and that some individuals had also met the management official in this regard but neither the area police nor the bank administration took any action on the objections raised by the grdoup. ... =6/18/2011

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