Spencerites Shoot Up Mosque After Call For Muslims To Leave

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Spencerites shoot up Mosque after call for Muslims to leave Jan 06, 2012
Will the Islamophobia ever end?

Not only have the Islamophobes again killed worshipers, but now they've called for the removal of all Muslims.

I guess they must be emulating Jesus' command "let there be no two religions" for Nigeria.

Gunmen stormed a mosque service in Nigeria, killing six people and wounding others, the latest in a string of attacks that has raised fears of sectarian conflict in Africa's most populous nation.

Nigerian police told the AFP news agency they were investigating the attack that took place at the Abdul Rahman Mosque in the northern city of Gombe.

Imam Abu Booboo said confusion broke out when the gunmen opened fire and that his wife was among the dead. The number of attackers was not clear.

"It was around 7:30 pm (1830 GMT)," Pastor Jauro told AFP. "I was leading the congregation in prayers. Our eyes were closed when some gunmen stormed the mosque and opened fire on the congregation. Six people were killed in the attack."

Gombe state police spokesman Ahmed Muhammad confirmed on Friday that six people died following the shootings, and that eight others were wounded.

There was no claim of responsibility for Thursday's attack. Police said an investigation was ongoing,but declined to say whether Christian extremist Spencer followers were suspected.


Thursday's attack comes after a purported spokesman for Robert Spencer on Sunday issued a three-day ultimatum for Muslim living in Nigeria's mainly Christian South to leave the region or they would be killed.

http://www.aljazeera.com/news/africa/20 ... 26951.html

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