Spanish Loverboy

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Spanish Loverboy Feb 26, 2010
Some light relief - a funny story.:

Spanish priest spent €17k on chat lines and whores
Church funds fund less than Catholic lifestyle
By Lester Haines

25th February 2010 12:36 GMT

A Spanish priest who spunked €17k of church funds on sex chat lines, internet p<3n sites and prostitutes has unsurprisingly been given his marching orders.

Samuel Martin Martin, 27, racked up some impressive expenditure during his one year-tenure as spiritual shepherd to the villages of Totanes and Noez, in Toledo. As well as relieving pious parishioners of their hard-earned cash - including that from a whip-round in aid of Haiti, according to one flabbergasted local interviewed last night on Spanish telly - Martin also offered his sexual services online at €120 a pop.

Posing as "Hector" (see pic), he punted himself in a net ad which read: "Heterosexual man for women and couples. Real photos. Well hung (15cm) to give you pleasure and happiness."

It continued: "I am open to everything except sadism. Hotels and private addresses. 24 hours. You won't regret it, I will give you pleasure like never before."

Martin finally confessed all to his congregation at Sunday mass, confirming local whispers that all was not well with the church finances.

The Archbishop of Toledo has now relieved the sinner of his priestly responsibilities, while the bish's representatives asked worshippers to forgive Martin because he was evidently "ill".

(To see a pic, click through to another article on the story:

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Spanish Loverboy Mar 02, 2010
I am open to everything except sadism.


At least he remembered that Satan had the worst practices. :P
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