South Park Episodes Featuring Muhammad 'unsafe' To Sell

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South Park episodes featuring Muhammad 'unsafe' to sell Aug 17, 2011
Have the people at Comedy Central been listening to Robert Spencer too much?

Will Muslims insist it's perfectly safe to sell the season 14 box sets containing the episodes featuring Islam's prophet, Muhammad?

How are episodes featuring prophet Muhammad a safety concern? Why would anyone think that?

I hope Muslims, to combat 'Islamophobia' and allay fears Islam is anathema to societal norms, demand Viacom/Comedy Central include every episode, uncensored, from season 14 in their box sets.

If not, and Muslims agree with Viacom's decision, this is an example of Muslims tacitly supporting the actions of the 'tiny minority' of extremists and benefiting from their presence.

The episodes are also missing from all editions other than the US box set released in April. The reason? They were deemed unsafe to broadcast.

In a bizarre sub-plot in the two-part episode, Cruise also wrangles the prophet Muhammad into his scheme, secretly motivated by a desire to harness the prophet's "goo", which grants immunity to ridicule. Throughout, Muhammad is dressed in a bear suit, an ironic nod to the prohibition on showing images of Islam’s founding father. ... 1iycc.html

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Re: South Park episodes featuring Muhammad 'unsafe' to sell Aug 18, 2011
Tom Cruise seems to be a bit upset by being depicted as a fudge packer :shock:
Nearly as touchy as Muhammed's fans.
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