Silly To Single Out Muslims...

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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
Statistics speak for themselves, there is overwhelming evidence that the high death rates of Muslim women is due to restricted access to heath care or medical information, nothing else, and that is because of Islam. For instance Cervical cancer and breast cancer, highest rates in the world in the GCC. Muslim men tend to not allow their women be touched by male doctors or allow pictures of a woman breast in a book for self examination prevention.

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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
Again Herve I understand you have an issue with this place and a very deserving one at that. But just making willy nilly statments will just ruin your credibilty which you have plenty right now, But you don't want to become like UAEKID now do you by making outlandish allegations without any proof ! ... /3/138.pdf ... -incidence

You could argue now that stats here are not issued, released, manipulated or altered which would not be impossible to believe but we really have no evidence of that until that time we will have to give it the benefit of the doubt. And I have relatives in health care here and nothing they had said would make me believe what you have said. To the contary infact. Breast Cancer awareness is on the rise here, just last month there was a hige awareness campaign, and again from my relatives Emarati women are no longer not going to hospitals and clinics, quite the opposite. Like I said I'm not really a fan of this place anymore either and there is plenty seriously wrong here but again credit is given where credit is due. I will however agree middle to low class income people ( read 100% expats ) don't have access to good health care here but thats not the case with Emaratis.

Remeber Innocent until proven guilty and not the other way around like here. You have to apply your own standards to everything you say aswell.

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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
sage & onion wrote:I really had to laugh, what with all the talk about de-railing threads, what does the England bid for staging the World Cup have to do with this thread? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just a little bit of crack between me and Shaf, BTW Its the Russians, bummer!
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
DD, here, I am like everybody else, I read news, I don't make baseless accusations.
Even authorities have raised the alarm because of the abnormal and rasing death rates.
When an article like this other one give cultural taboos for reason of high death rates, what does that mean "cultural", is it because they dont want to say the word "Muslim". Can you tell me what is the cultural taboo in this article that is the cause of higher death rates? ... ae-a160810
I also have received letters from Mulsim women who told me that they received breast treatment too late because their husband did not let them go to the doctor.

And if I have not convinced you about Muslim biases toward women, watch this video, where a Dubai Official says that the female genital mutilation is ok as long as it is performed according to religious rules, I understand religious here being Islam, not Christian, Hare Krishna or Vishnu
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
Well ok, I guess I can with you somewhat then. But as you can see from your own post early detection is being encoraged and a lot of awarness campaigns are also going on. So it would be on the decline in the future.

But most of the taboos and stigma is more cultral rather than relgious. So still I can't agree with you 100% on this
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 02, 2010
BM, you said: "..To be honest if I was aware that any interviewee was Muslim, I would do everything in my power to avoid employing them.. Muslims are difficult to deal with in a working enviroment..." But then you also say you are not against any particular race of people.
Here is what I found on Wikipedia about bigotry (Mr. Herve may benefit from this too):

"A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern American English refers to persons hostile to those of differing race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, various mental disorders, or religion."

You also say that you speak for yourself and dont represent the British people, and in fact thats what the majority of bigotted Brits (and Frenchies) would say when you confront them. As I have said, I lived in the UK for some years and it was there I learned the concept of what racism is all about. Racism I found, was INSTITUITIONALIZED. I pity you for your xenophobia, when I can see that the world is bursting at its seams with all kinds of races, and what a difficult and uphill task it is going to be to keep your races pure and pristine as the driven snow.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Well as Russel Peters said we are all going to be beige very soon. This whole concept of white pure britishness kinda irks me and can't help but create images in my mind of white supermacist skin head groups.

Ever listened to Gorge Galloways radio shows, he given a nice earfull to a couple of callers complaing about how hard it is to be British in Britian nowadays

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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Well as Russel Peters said we are all going to be beige very soon.

BINGO ! 8)
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Well as Russel Peters said we are all going to be beige very soon. This whole concept of white pure britishness kinda irks me and can't help but create images in my mind of white supermacist skin head groups.

Ever listened to Gorge Galloways radio shows, he given a nice earfull to a couple of callers complaing about how hard it is to be British in Britian nowadays

DDS I could never take anyone seriously who dresses in a cat costume, purs and licks milk from a bowl on British TV. That man's a total fanny.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
DD, I listened to that youtube link you posted, and noticed this guy with an accent as thick as the English Channel, complaining about "Oye aim nought al-laooed tu bee Yinglish....." but then did not have the courage to say what it was that was preventing him from that......and at the same time he says he is not racist! Is that not blatant hypocrisy???
I meet White British people here who have emigrate from UK years ago and they tell me they would never go back. They were discriminated against for having the wrong accent! They got so fed up that one day they just upped and left.....
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
zonker wrote:BM, you said: "..To be honest if I was aware that any interviewee was Muslim, I would do everything in my power to avoid employing them.. Muslims are difficult to deal with in a working enviroment..." But then you also say you are not against any particular race of people.
Here is what I found on Wikipedia about bigotry (Mr. Herve may benefit from this too):

"A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern American English refers to persons hostile to those of differing race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, various mental disorders, or religion."

You also say that you speak for yourself and dont represent the British people, and in fact thats what the majority of bigotted Brits (and Frenchies) would say when you confront them. As I have said, I lived in the UK for some years and it was there I learned the concept of what racism is all about. Racism I found, was INSTITUITIONALIZED. I pity you for your xenophobia, when I can see that the world is bursting at its seams with all kinds of races, and what a difficult and uphill task it is going to be to keep your races pure and pristine as the driven snow.

Congratulations for mastering the cut and paste and Wikipedia. For your information I will post all of my original post

There is no place for the abaya in UK society. The was a case recently when some woman was attempting to teach in a UK school dressed in all her glory plus a veil. How are you to interact with kids like that? Absolutely ridiculous.

I have to tell you that if I were to interview a woman and she came dressed in that get up for the interview, she would not get the job. To be honest if I was aware that any interviewee was Muslim, I would do everything in my power to avoid employing them. By the way I work in England. Muslims are difficult to deal with in a working enviroment, wanting time of to pray and demanding different working times during Ramadan as if it was there God given right whilst the rest of us just have to get on with it. My daughter works for a large International company in Manchester. She unwisely gave a Muslim girl a job in there office. She made life uncomfortable for everyone. One day there was a conversation about marriage where the girl made some ridiculous statement. My daughter takes after her mother and says exactly what she thinks and counter acted the girls statement with a statement about Muslim men. The girl went on to make an unfounded complaint against my daughter. The Muslim girl has now left the company and all she achieved was to ensure that no Muslim ever got a job in that office again.
Give a Muslim a bad name?

To be perfectly honest you have reinforced my original thoughts with your ranting.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
BM, a EDL or BNP supporter perhaps ? ... re=related

-- Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:14 am --

This one is specialy for BM's
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:BM, a EDL or BNP supporter perhaps ? ... re=related

"... Your actually talking general rubbish..." , LMFAO ! , This guy is F'n awesome ! :)) ,
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
DDS you cannot be serious with that prat, take a look.

By the way BNP.
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:DDS you cannot be serious with that prat, take a look.

By the way BNP.

Dammit !, that was a fetish vid !
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
zubber wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:BM, a EDL or BNP supporter perhaps ? ... re=related

"... Your actually talking general rubbish..." , LMFAO ! , This guy is F'n awesome ! :)) ,

God help us all if you think Saddam Hussein's mate is awesome. Sick making TV just to up his profile, he has absolutely no credibility at all.

-- Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:28 am --

zubber wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:DDS you cannot be serious with that prat, take a look.

By the way BNP.

Dammit !, that was a fetish vid !

I'm so pleased I brought it to your attention. It makes me want to chuck every time I think of it.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
meh ! That was the big brother show thingy wanst it. Doesn't ruin his crediblity at all.

And Ah yes, the BNP. So you are a supporter of a white supremacist party then, now why doesn't that surpise me in the least bit. So much for " I'm just saying what most brits are thinking "eh ? Having gotten less than 2% of the votes in the last elections.

Anywhoo I think with that revelation this whole thread automaticaly comes to a conclusion and close
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Thanks BM , but i dont agree with him or his views , I just like his style of debating , Sure I agree with you , he is a total nutcase :)
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:meh ! That was the big brother show thingy wanst it. Doesn't ruin his crediblity at all.

And Ah yes, the BNP. So you are a supporter of a white supremacist party then, now why doesn't that surpise me in the least bit. So much for " I'm just saying what most brits are thinking "eh ? Having gotten less than 2% of the votes in the last elections.

Anywhoo I think with that revelation this whole thread automaticaly comes to a conclusion and close

Why does it get up your nose who I support in my own country?. It has no bearing on you or your life. I am free to vote for who I like and if you don't like the answer, you shouldn't have asked the question.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Tsk Tsk BM, you jumping to conclusions, Do I look like I'm bothered by it ? No I'm not maybe I should have put a smiley at the end. In fact its great to know where you stand on such issues ( although we didn't have much doubt before you told us either :D )

With that admission of "guilt" as "charged" in the OP. I think this thread is concluded. Thats all. end of really.

-- Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:51 am --

P.S : End statment copyrighted to chocs :D
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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
DDS, guilty as charged, with you as Judge and Jury? Or should I say Judge Judy. I make no secret of who I vote for if I am asked, I thought you would have already seen that when you were checking out my posts on JBRcommunity. I've never made a secret of it. I'm surprised you missed that one. I live in a free country and am free to make my own decisions which I do. If you have a problem with it, then that's your problem, As i said, if you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question.
I'm sorry but i don't understand your last PS. Can you explain that one for me?
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Uh !? Don't have your reading specs on ? I said I don't have any problems with it ? Although does seems like you want me to. On the contarary I think it takes courage in these PC times to admit your a white supremacist, no matter how flawed that thinking might be is another story altoghter and irelevant to this thread.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
kanelli wrote:MCL, you seem to be brilliantly ignorant of the fact that this forum contains a huge amount of non-Dubai content. Why do you have your boxers in a knot about this thread? By the looks of your hostility the knot is pretty tight!

Well I pick up one thread a week to try and be a part off. The dice fell on this here I am!! I'm not worked up Kanelli, I just found the entire thread to be rather malicious.
Although I do apologize if I came across as hostile, I'm generally a lot more suave :D

Bethsmum wrote:Now, If I was to follow your example, I would be jumpimg up and down demanding what this topic is all about. I don't believe I'm arrogant, what is arrogance is you starting a topic with your 'intention' of getting me to see the error of my ways.

Well with that post it's Game, Set and Match in BM's favor.

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Re: Silly to single out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Now, If I was to follow your example, I would be jumpimg up and down demanding what this topic is all about. I don't believe I'm arrogant, what is arrogance is you starting a topic with your 'intention' of getting me to see the error of my ways.
Yes, it's very easy for you to say move along if you don't like the content of this topic. When this topic has been started from something I said elsewhere I believe I have a right to contribute to it. If you don't like what you are reaping then you need to rethink your stategy going forward.

Yes, it could be viewed as arrogant that I wanted to get you to change your ways. Got me on that one!

It still doesn't let you off the hook for your arrogance that I have been sitting around waiting to pounce on you due to some grudge (that I don't have) and this thread was only started because you posted the offending material.

I have no strategy beyond discussing the illogical and unfair aspects of your statements about not hiring Muslims and how they cause problems in the workplace.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
This thread needs to be locked before it spreads any more ILL WILL.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
I can see that trying to discuss anti-Muslim bias has gone over well with non-Muslim expats. It has been an interesting learning experience for me. I wouldn't say I've been the loser, not in the slightest.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Oh K you have no idea, trying doing that in forum with 100% non muslim crowd, mostly hick and rednecks. Like walking into a lion cage drenched in spring bok blood ! LOOOL !
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Kanelli, you are not the looser, far from it on my card!
The looser is that one there......."points to the red corner.."
DD, the BNP or the British Nazi Party to give it its correct name, may have got only 2% of the vote in the UK, but thats not what the reality is with all the hypocrites wanting to show to the rest of the world their political correctness. In reality, it would get 90% of the white vote there.
Its a good thing there is a "rest of the world" out there. British Imperialism is a thing of the past. Your (Not So) Royal Family is a bunch of perverts and faggots maintained at the tax-payer's expense. Arrogance is nothing but a display of unbounded ignorance. You dont rule the world anymore, baby, yours is just a tiny island slowly sinking out of sight what with its monumental economic problems. Its not the fault of the "foreigners" you know.....forget about white supremacy.
India or China might come to your rescue if you mend your ways......
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Thats a bit far out zonk and pretty uncalled for. I'll give it the benefit of the doubt to the british people at what the stats say that only 1.9% voted BNP. But mind you thats still a disturbing figure of over 1.2 million white supremacists in the UK. Alarming actually.
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Re: Silly To Single Out Muslims... Dec 03, 2010
Whoa zonker, you're supporting my criticisms but then continue on to be just as biased about Brits etc. My main point is that people should not be stereotyping or sitting so comfortably with their own biases.
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