herve, you never say you don't have a religion here - that goes without saying, if you're white and western you ALWAYS put Christian - you can't put Jewish obviously. Although try telling them Jedi - that raises a few eyebrows lol
But in employment terms, it's one rule for all and that's that. Although I do thing they should make smokers work extra time for all the fag breaks they take.
I remeber a few years a go a taxi driver here asking me if the UK would be doing reduced hours during ramadan, I told him in not uncertain terms, absolutely not! It's not a muslim country why should they. In fact, why don't Christians get reduced working hours during lent - that fast is long than Ramadan - hmmmmmmm there you go, if Christians decided to throw their weight about like Muslims did, they'd be uproar.
You'll find on the majority of application forms here it asks what religion you are, heck they even ask you to send a photo! Which isn't the 'done' thing in other countries. Let's not forget in the UAE, when you're advertising a position, you are allowed to put, prefered nationality, age, gender etc in the ad - this is not allowed in any shape or form in other countries! But here it's acceptable to be racist, bigoted etc etc It appears to be normal practice.
Mel, you are what is classed as a non-practicing Muslim - but you wouldn't ever put that on a form here.