Should Bin Laden Have Been Tried?

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Should Bin Laden have been Tried? Sep 20, 2011
What's your view?

Michael Moore makes some very good arguments why Bin Laden should have been captured, put on trial and then face the ultimate penalty rather than being killed in his bedroom. Elizabeth Haselbeck disagrees, but with some weak arguments (and I don't think she was just playing the 'dumb blonde' - I suspect some do agree with her illogical arguments):


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Should Bin Laden Have Been Tried? Sep 20, 2011
I've already commented on this on the original thread, to cut a long story short, he should have been captured and put on trial.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Should Bin Laden have been Tried? Sep 20, 2011
There was nothing in Michael Moore's arguments that were particularly well thought or put. Nuremberg was a show trial so Michael Moore is saying we should have put OBL on a show trial instead of simply executing him.

Anyways, I notice there was never an uproar against Churchill or the Soviets when they both wanted to summarily execute Nazi war criminals (and many were) instead of trying them before the world - as much of a joke that notion turned out to be.
event horizon
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Re: Should Bin Laden Have Been Tried? Sep 20, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:I've already commented on this on the original thread, to cut a long story short, he should have been captured and put on trial.

Sure, may be he was innocent, huh?
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Re: Should Bin Laden Have Been Tried? Sep 20, 2011
There are many other Western war criminals out there should be tried as well, for instance G.W Bush and Tony Blair. Let alone the long list of Israeli criminals,
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Re: Should Bin Laden Have Been Tried? Sep 21, 2011
capsicum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:I've already commented on this on the original thread, to cut a long story short, he should have been captured and put on trial.

Sure, may be he was innocent, huh?

Maybe you have a brain ? But ofcourse thats too much to expect from a vegtable !
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Should Bin Laden Have Been Tried? Dec 30, 2011
event horizon wrote:Nuremberg was a show trial so Michael Moore is saying we should have put OBL on a show trial instead of simply executing him.

From a few months ago - but I missed this error by eh.

eh - can you explain how people can be aquitted in a show trial? I trust you did at least some research before you came up with this clanger - I mean, they tell you in the video in the OP that not everyone at Nurenberg trials were found guilty (and he says that that fact would make Elizabeth's 'head explode'! :D )


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Should Bin Laden Have Been Tried? Dec 30, 2011
event horizon
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Re: Should Bin Laden Have Been Tried? Dec 30, 2011
Your fail is epic.

Acquitals at Nurenberg indicate to me that it wasn't a show trial - but you seem to be siding with the tin-foil hat brigade conspiracy nuts just to save face.


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