Sense Of Humour

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Sense of Humour Feb 12, 2010
A funny quote from Ynet of Israel this week :

Perhaps, in addition to the United Nations’ anti-Semitic tendencies, Judge Goldstone’s self-hatred, and the Palestinian attraction to white phosphorous, a small part of what the Goldstone Report says may be related to things we really did do during the Gaza war.

Only last week, for example, after months of denials and concealment efforts, the IDF admitted that it made use of white prosperous bombs in the war, and even revealed the fact that two officers were punished for it (by being deprived of their weekend vacation or something like that). Yet besides that, we’ve done nothing wrong; until further notice at least.

(seriously, the guy is intentionally funny in his article):,7340 ... 13,00.html

But a more sobering summary of the Gaza war is in this youtube film by a Canadian organisation, entitled : Did you know?


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