Schools In Gaza Forcing Girls To Wear Veil

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Schools in Gaza forcing girls to wear veil Sep 08, 2011
The article is badly translated so I can't confirm if the education ministry in Gaza said they imposed or denied the rule. But from the comments on EoZ that I took the paragraphs from, it seems that Hamas said their Islamicization of Gaza (apparently this rule included) is to erode continuing support for the Salafists.

h/t: ElderofZiyon

The 16-year old [girl] cried bitterly when her teacher at her new high school asked her to go to the office of school director. It is the first day in the first secondary (X) in her school, which she moved to after finishing her studies in a junior high school affiliated with UNRWA in Gaza City.

She recounted to the London newspaper Al Hayat: "It was a shock for me to be expelled from the classroom by the teacher, and she asked me to go to the school administration." She felt very insulted, but what made ​​her feel more offended was the discriminatory way that the teacher asked her: "Are you Muslim or Christian? Why not wear a jilbab and hijab?" The teacher said that these were the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the Hamas-led government in the Gaza Strip.

This scene repeated itself with other students suffering degrading and discriminatory treatment, witnesses told Al Hayat. The Director of allowed Christian students (after verification of their religion) not to wear veils and robes. ... l&id=19517

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Re: Schools in Gaza forcing girls to wear veil Sep 08, 2011
It is indeed inexcuseable if the Christian school children in Gaza are being forced to wear a headscarf - the snippet above says they were allowed to go bare-headed.

It does also highlight that the Palestinians living under the Military Occupation and suffering under the medieval siege aren't all Muslims.

The hard line Muslims should be ashamed - and even allowing for loon blogger's hype, this is shameful.

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Re: Schools in Gaza forcing girls to wear veil Sep 08, 2011
So is it excusable to force Muslim girls to wear veil?

-- Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:14 pm --

shafique wrote:It does also highlight that the Palestinians ........


No it does not, that has nothing to do with it. You always repeat the same propaganda
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Re: Schools In Gaza Forcing Girls To Wear Veil Sep 08, 2011
I think it is ok to have Muslim girls wear a headscarf, yes. It's called a dress code.

As for highlighting the presence of Christian Palestinians living under the Military Occupation - you'd be surprised how many people still think the Military Occupation of Palestine is a Jew vs Muslim fight - when it is a Military Occupation/Occupied struggle - with the occupied Palestinians being nonMuslim and Muslim.

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Re: Schools In Gaza Forcing Girls To Wear Veil Sep 08, 2011
shafique wrote:I think it is ok to have Muslim girls wear a headscarf, yes. It's called a dress code.


sorry Shaf I think you mis understood the question.

I said: Is it excusable TO FORCE Muslim girls to wear veil.
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Re: Schools In Gaza Forcing Girls To Wear Veil Sep 08, 2011
In the context of a school, I find it totally ok for any school to enforce their school dress code. If you are labeling this as FORCING students to wear a uniform, then this seems a bit strong. I'd say that enforcing a dress code is ok.

I'd have a big issue if they were FORCING girls to wear a face veil, but in this case it appears that since 2009 Hamas has imposed a dress code for school girls of a head scarf and jilbab.

The fact that Christian schoolgirls are exempt is ok with me too.

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Re: Schools in Gaza forcing girls to wear veil Sep 08, 2011
Glad to hear that you support enforcing dress code also when it forbides veil , like in France. do you?
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Re: Schools In Gaza Forcing Girls To Wear Veil Sep 08, 2011
Yep - I'm ok with schools enforcing a no religious symbols code - eg in France no scull caps, crucifixes etc. I was also ok with Turkish universities saying headscarfs were banned, and was ok when the ban was lifted too. Schools are free to set their dress code, and parents/pupils can act accordingly.

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Re: Schools in Gaza forcing girls to wear veil Sep 09, 2011
If you don't have a problem with school dress codes, then why do you claim you would be against forcing Christian students wearing what Muslims are required?
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Re: Schools in Gaza forcing girls to wear veil Sep 09, 2011
spot on EH :D now he is caught in his own contradictions
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Re: Schools In Gaza Forcing Girls To Wear Veil Sep 09, 2011
I see no problem in schools which have differing requirements based on the pupil's faith - just like I have no issue with British law which says that Sikhs, for example, are excempt from laws which apply to the rest of the British community (they can get away with riding a motorcycle without a helmet, and can carry ceremonial dagger around and not be prosecuted for carrying a weapon if it is shown to be for religious reasons).

Motor-Cycle Crash Helmets (Religious Exemption) Act 1976 passed by the British Parliament in 1976, Section 2A "exempts any follower of the Sikh religion while he is wearing a turban" from having to wear a crash helmet.

So a school dress code which said Jewish boys had to wear a scull cap, and non-Jewish boys didn't would be ok with me too.

Which reminds me of the Jewish school in the UK (Birmingham) where half the students are Muslim:


So, the dress code can be different for religious and gender differences - and indeed for different age groups. Nothing wrong there at all.

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Re: Schools in Gaza forcing girls to wear veil Sep 09, 2011
Separate but equal, I spose.

I think you'd have found the Jim Crow era a paradise on earth.
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Re: Schools In Gaza Forcing Girls To Wear Veil Sep 09, 2011
You want boys and girls to wear the same clothes! :shock:

Never mind eh - I understand you thought you'd won an argument this time round and were disappointed when you were proved wrong again. You're due a win any month soon. Keep trying.

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Re: Schools in Gaza forcing girls to wear veil Sep 10, 2011
You want boys and girls to wear the same clothes!

Do Muslims and non-Muslims have biological differences I should know about or is another false analogy?
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Re: Schools In Gaza Forcing Girls To Wear Veil Sep 10, 2011
Jews think they're different from everyone else, which I strongly agree on, mental & moral wise.
As for biological (again for Jews), it does varrys from one person to another, as well as from complete nations to other ;)
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