Sarky Calls Netti A Liar

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Sarky calls Netti a Liar Nov 08, 2011
... and Obama doesn't seem to disagree...

French President Nicolas Sarkozy called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "liar" in remarks to US President Barack Obama overheard by journalists.

"I can't stand him any more, he's a liar," Mr Sarkozy said in French.

"You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day," Mr Obama replied.

The exchange at the G20 summit was quoted by a French website, Arret sur Images, and confirmed by other media.

The remarks - during a private conversation - were overheard by a few journalists last week but were not initially reported, the BBC's Christian Fraser in Paris says.

As noted in previous threads, Israel is not having a good time of late in the old spinning the truth game they got away with in the past!


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Sarky Calls Netti A Liar Nov 08, 2011
Don't you just love it!!! (we know that Netti won't). Would give anything to be a fly on the wall when Netti blasts Obama. Maybe it will be a chance for Obama to tell Netti exactly what he has wanted to say for the longest time, and every US president before him.
Bora Bora
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Re: Sarky calls Netti a Liar Nov 08, 2011
Well Sarkosy doesn't like Dave either so Netanyahu is in good company.

Who takes any notice of the vertically challenged French man anyway?

And as for Obama, he'll be history in a year making way for someone else with a strange name like Newt Gringrich.

What mother would call her son, Newt?
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Re: Sarky Calls Netti A Liar Nov 09, 2011
Let's face it BM, they all talk about each other behind their backs. What you see is not what you get.

Newt doesn't stand a chance, thank goodness. All the candidates are pure shite!!! Wall Street made more money in the past 2.5 years with Obama than the years before. Perry shows up to give a speech liquored up. Herman Cain came up with his 999, which I think he misread 666 on the back of Perry's head when he was passed out on the table. Mitt Romney can't remember what he agreed to or disagreed to last month. I don't think any of them can read a map. The only one who is worth anything is Ron Paul, but he has a snowball's chance in hEll because he's too pro-America.

Obama is pushing this jobs bill, which is to create jobs. His first act: pay companies that hire vets. :shock: $5,600 per vet that isn't disabled, and $6,900 per disabled vets and an additional tax break of $2,500 for each vet hired if they were unemployed for one month. That's not creating, it's replacing. Some vets don't take kindly that he is using them as a smoke screen for something that isn't worth a lick just to make himself look good. Obama even supported those rag-tag OSWs. Have you seen the reports that are coming out on them?? They use children as shields. WTF??? Everything that Obama proposes still favors corporate and banking who are turning huge profits. Programs that are desperately needed are being cut left and right, yet the money still flows out of the country propping up other countries.

Just when we are reducing our troops and getting them out of Iraq and Afghanistan Israel wants to go to war with Iran. That means the US will get dragged in. And then Russia and China will make their moves against the US and Israel. Israel is going to be known for starting WWIII.

I guess it will have to take another failure to run the US for another 4 years before things change.
Bora Bora
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Re: Sarky calls Netti a Liar Nov 09, 2011
It could have been worse Bora, at least you don't have the threat of Sara Palin.
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