A Rush To Join Mossad

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A rush to join Mossad Feb 28, 2010
Israelis rush to join Mossad after Mahmoud al-Mabhouh killing

Would you be prepared to cross-dress?(like locals) :lol: and visit a guest in an adjacent hotel room? If the answer to these questions is a resounding “yes”, and you can also act, enjoy international and third world travel with a twist and can carry off a convincing Irish or Australian gay accents, then the job could be yours.

The Israeli spy agency Mossad may be the target of international reproach since it allegedly killed the Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel this month, but at home emerging details of the operation have generated Mossad mania.

Also opticians have reported a rise in sales of the horn-rimmed glasses in the style worn by 14 of the 26 suspects, T-shirts with Mossad logos are selling out at stores and the agency has experienced a flood of applicants.

Is it any wonder? Mossad are a formidable organisation

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Re: A rush to join Mossad Feb 28, 2010
Nice one chev - LMAO.

An example of the international reproach you talk about is in this article from the FT (I won't paste the text) - it'll spoil the humour of this thread, but it is (as Finkelstein says) 'worth reading':

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: A rush to join Mossad Feb 28, 2010
True, the Mossad isnot this calculating great intelligence organization. Just as Israel isnot this all calculating force, many decisions are ad hoc. The abduction of Eichmann was world class though. About the Yom Kippur war, it was the USA that prevented Israel from a pre-emptive strike, almost leading the Israels destuction.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: A rush to join Mossad Mar 01, 2010
I agree FD - the myth of Mossad's capabilities has been one that both sides in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict have cultivated to their own ends - bizarely.

As the FT article I linked to above says, they haven't covered themselves with glory in many of their operations. The fact they were completely caught off guard in the Yom Kippur war is also mentioned (at odds with your statement above) is given as one of a list of examples of failures.

As I have said many times before, there is a gulf between the spin and reality - the Palestinian conflict is really quite simple, it is about one side thinking it is above international law and not being satisfied with winning 78% of the land, and wanting to keep more land that doesn't belong to it.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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