Romney - What Do You Think?

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Romney - What do you think? Mar 07, 2012
How about a change in topic.

What's your view on the Republican Nomination over in the USA. Is Romney looking likely to be the GOP candidate who faces Obama in Nov?

It seems to be a curious campaign - almost as if the Republicans don't really want to win this election.

The Republicans seem to be intent on internal fights.To me it would be a breakthrough to have a Mormon as the candidate and see whether the Bible belt will rally round him (some Christians don't consider Mormonism to be a Christian sect).

What do you think? Will Gingrich or Santorum be able to wrest the nomination from Romney?


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 07, 2012
Gingrich is out. Romney will be the candidate, Santorum coming in a close second. I wish Ron Paul got the nod. I tend to think that his son will run in the future. If the US is still in the same shape it is now, or worse, Ron Paul's son could be the man.

I read where the Republicans want the campaigning to slow down. They feel that will all the bickering between Romney and Santorum, voters are going to swing over to Obama.

I personally would not like to see Romney step in. Santorum would like to have the Church involved in goverment (yup), Romney brings a bit too much religion into play as well. Obama has already stepped on religion.

On the plus side for Romney is that he wants change and law enforcement with regard to the illegals in the US, while Obama panders to the illegals. ICE was just issued a hospitality handbook on illegals and adjustments are being made in the prison system to accommodate them, compliments of the US government. I don't think Obama is going to grant amnesty while still in office because too many Americans are fed up with the illegal immigrants.

Here's a sample of Santorum building foreign relations(?) in the Netherlands. Listen to the background gasps.

These are frightening to Americans how this man can show such an extreme level of ignorance. Can't blame the Dutch for being p*ssed off when someone who is running for the Presidency makes such outlandish ignorant statements.

If you watch Rachel Maddow (who I think is great):
Bora Bora
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 07, 2012
My bet is that Obama will be elected as president once more.. I have this gut feeling that he is the work of loyal righteous American deep state who are truely working for the real interests of American people, to get rid of its accumulated misery against the current statua quo which was implemented after the world wars..

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:01 pm ---

So it doesn't really matter who the weak profile republican will be :)
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 07, 2012
Berrin ,

What Obama has in his favor is that he isn't quick to go to war. Romney is sounding the war drums and America doesn't want that.

Then you have Obama who is putting Mexico and it's illegals over Americans. Obama is very pro-illegal - rough estimate is almost 12 million but some think it could be 20 million. Now that does not make Americans happy. Americans want them deported, Obama was to take care of them. Illegals in the US is a very sore issue with Americans. I am anti-illegal and one of those who wants to see them deported. Big issue is that illegals breed like rabbits and their anchor babies are US citizens and they are entitled to government handouts. Majority of people think that the illegals should be sent back and they can take their babies with them. When those little babies grow up they can return to the US legally, but the parents don't have a right to be in the country.

States are trying to implement (or enforce?) laws that impact illegals. They want police to ID people to check their legal status, they want to stop issuing driving licenses to illegals, they want companies to implement e-verify. Obama is currently taking one of the states to court because the state is coming down on illegals. This is Obama pandering for the hispanic vote. Obama is also turning the US into a welfare state and has too many ideas to create a police state. The unfortunate thing is that he will get re-elected.
Bora Bora
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 07, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:What Obama has in his favor is that he isn't quick to go to war.

I believe he will do so much more for his country but changes to get rid of deep rooted roten problems don't get resolved overnight. It takes time to settle in for the new vision...

Don't worry about illegal Mexicans, America needs cheap labour and population to face largely populated rival countries as China, India, Europe and so on..

USA is not much smaller than Europe by area. But much smaller in population 300 million vs 800 million and birth rates are dropping amongst the white.

If they legalised all those immigrants, then American state couldn't stop influx of them, plus native Americans would retaliate in anger..

Also by allowing Mexican immigrants, you would gain Mexico as a friendly neigbouring state? wouldn't you?
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 07, 2012
That Santorum is a real piece of work!

I think they should tighten up the border and rules for the future, but give an amnesty to the illegal Mexicans already there the moment. It will waste too much time and tax payer money to deport millions of Mexicans. They should focus on removing the ones that have ties to crime. The US should also stop giving US nationality to everyone born there. Only those born to parents or a parent who has US citizenship should automatically receive citizenship status. I can see problems for the babies born to illegals there, but it depends on what Americans find more important - the legality of entry or care for any innocent children born into an illegal situation... Obama is likely taking all of these things into consideration.
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 07, 2012
The scary thing is that Santorum is seen by some as a credible candidate and a potential president.

I suspect we won't hear event horizon denouncing Santorum, but he's probably one of those who think he's right. (I don't think eh is a Catholic though - although one of the many questions he's avoided is whether he agrees with the Christians who consider the pope to be the anti-Christ... hmm)


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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 07, 2012
There is one advantage to giving them amnesty. In order to get the greencard you have to prove that are can financially support a family, which would require working legally in the country. That would have to be for 10 years. Since most can't, they would have to self-deport with their children. Apparently the government has been focused on the "worst of the worst" and getting the more serious criminals out. Most Americans think that once they are caught they should be deported, but there are too many laws protecting illegals.There have been many deaths and people disabled due to illegals driving DUI. The sad part is that they only get charged with a DUI. Apparently when they get their 3rd DUI then they can be deported. Go figure.

Over $6 billion untaxed dollars gets sent out of the country every year. They work off the books, pay no taxes, and get welfare. Every time they drop another baby their government check gets increased. For them babies translate into dollars and anchors. They are uneducated, refuse to speak English, create barrios and their children end up the same way. They get the best medical care for free whereas a US citizen couldn't afford it. When they demand medical treatment for $500,000 for kidney failure treatment because they were on drugs, they scream they are entitled to it because they pay taxes. That would be city tax, pennies on the dollar, something everyone pays when they make a purchase. They demonstrate in public and make demands on government. It really is a mess. Americans are really more interested in the legality of entry. No one is asking them to leave their children behind. Many already did leave children behind in Mexico to slip into the US. Many being deported have left children behind to be placed in foster care or up for adoption. To me, no matter how bad the situation could be back home, I wouldn't give my child up for anything.

The one parent being a citizen is also something Americans want. The US gives the passport away too freely.

--- Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:09 pm ---

shafique wrote:The scary thing is that Santorum is seen by some as a credible candidate and a potential president.

After yesterday's race Romney has over 300 delegate votes, Santorum over 100. Bye by Santorum...........hello scarey man. On another forum a poster had revealed that he had been the neighbor of a a certain candidate and that candidate got a 17 year old gir pregnant, which she aborted. He also said that this candidate had a drug problem when he was in his teens. Everybody has a skeleton in his closet.
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 07, 2012
:) I tell you what Americans made big mistake when they transfered know how to Japan and China rather than Mexico and Brazil.. What do you think?..

If investment partners were south americans there would be no immigration problem into north America :)))) hmmm naughty Americans :)
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 07, 2012
Berrin ,

I don't think the US has an interest in partnering with the drug cartels in Mexico or the other South American countries. Japanese and Chinese are also educated and hard workers. Can't say that for Mexico and Mexicans and all the other illegals from South America who enter the US illegally.
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? Mar 08, 2012
It does sound like a complicated mess BB! The government needs to tighten up the ship for sure.
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? May 25, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:Then you have Obama who is putting Mexico and it's illegals over Americans. Obama is very pro-illegal - rough estimate is almost 12 million but some think it could be 20 million. Now that does not make Americans happy. Americans want them deported, Obama was to take care of them.

Bora today I learned that there is a north american union pact signed with Mexico during Bush era.. Apparently when this agreement was being negotiated it was not disclosed to the Americans in the media... Now I kinda understand why Obama is helpless...

Watch these videos.. Especially the first one from the start of 6th minutes to see how they established north american union.

Bora Bora wrote:On the plus side for Romney is that he wants change and law enforcement with regard to the illegals in the US, while Obama panders to the illegals.
Why didn't Romney raised his voice through public propaganda when north american union was agreed rather heinously.
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? May 25, 2012
Personaly I feel sorry for Obama, who got handed a completely messed up country by Bush. For non Americans what matters most is its foreign policy and he has just been like any other president in that regards.

Gitmo still stays opened, American still jumps up and down like a little puppy in front of Israel, The wars continue etc etc etc. Only think us non Americans can wish for is he stays in powers and maintains the status quo if nothing else.

And for Americans I think the best he has done is stopped the country which was leaking like a ship with more holes than swiss cheese from totally sinking or atleast keeping it afloat for the time being.
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Re: Romney - What Do You Think? May 26, 2012
As I said in the OP,I have some sympathy for the view that the Republicans really don't want to win the next election - they'd rather Obama face the crises ahead, and then aim to win the next election.

But then again, perhaps the simplest explanation is the obvious one - a c0ck up and not a conspiracy. :mrgreen:

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