Romney Vs Obama Then?

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Romney vs Obama then? Apr 11, 2012
With the news that Santoram is suspending his campaign, I guess that means that it will be Romney vs Obama in November then.

I can't help think that the Republicans don't want to win the election - and hence have put a candidate that is 'expendable'. Or am I being a little 'tin foil hat' with this conspiracy theory? ;)

Bora? What's your take?


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Romney Vs Obama Then? Apr 11, 2012
Santorum was doing fairly well, but I think his daughter's health issues have caused him to suspend his campaign. Suspending means he still may jump back in. It's not that the Repubs don't want to win, Mittens all they have to offer up. Besides, Mittens is very much in favor of tax the poor, tax the middle class, give the 1% more tax breaks. Mittens is a serious flip-flopper and doesn't even hide the fact that he tells crowds what they want to hear. If he has two appearances, one one he will say yes to whatever, because that's what the crowd wants to hear, and no to the same issue because that's what that particular crowd wants to hear. The one good thing I liked about Mittens is that he is strong on illegal immigrants/immigration, whereas Obama is very soft.

Female voters hate Romney. They see him as pushing women back to a time and place they fought hard to advance and to get out from under the "pregnant and barefoot, women belong in the kitchen" mentality. Although, Romney has a favorable portion of the male vote (what a surprise!!!) Romney's other issue is being pretty much a hardline Mormon. I think it's going to be close, but Obama will take it. The devil you know, the devil you don't know. Pretty much getting re-elected the same way GWB did, but IMO Al Gore would have definitely been a better President.
Bora Bora
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Re: Romney Vs Obama Then? Apr 11, 2012
Thanks Bora - interesting insights there.

Whilst the interest in the elections may pick up closer to November, so far its not just big news world wide. I can't help but contrast it with the buzz around the last election.. but then things were different on a number of levels. No incumbent, Obama and Clinton... This time round it so far feels like a bit of an anti-climax. Obama didn't live up to the promise... and much more is going on in the rest of the world... (or perhaps I'm just 4 years older and more cynical ;) )


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Romney Vs Obama Then? Apr 11, 2012
shafique ,

Wisdom comes with age Shaf (but there are the exceptions!!! :D )

Clinton and Obama held a good campaign. Clinton lost it when she started attacking Obama. Showed a side of her that the people didn't like.

On the other hand, the Repub campaign did nothing but finger point and personally attack Obama and their own opponents. Very little time was spent on promises and acknowledging what was wrong with the country.

Obama is at the right place at the right time. The economy appears to be in a recovery, as slight as it is. I was inconceivable that the US would never recover, it had to at some point as it always had, but this time it was just slower than in the past, but then again, the US is a whole different animal than it was back then. Obama is deporting illegals - he put the worst criminals on the top of the list and HLS is shipping them out.

Look, what politican doesn't get elected for making great promises. That is what Obama did, as well as every President in the past, and those in the future will do. The point is, they alone can't keep those promises, they need votes and support for the promises to become a reality. Also, Repubs never had the black vote because they are in essence racists. They never intended to support or back Obama nor govern on a bi-partisan basis. They showed 4 years of constant resistance to him, and they will either continue that path and destroy their own party, or start governing where the country is concerned, not govern based on a personal agenda. If they fail, a Democrat will see the WH after Obama. Remember, Obama - democrats - are on an uphill economic recovery. This will be a selling point for Obama's re-election and whatever Democrat runs in 2016.

BTW, Did you see the movie Game Change - about how Sarah Palin became the VP candidate? Not the most intellectual movie, but pure insight as to what McCain, McCain's people had to put up with. If you thought she wasn't the brightest light on the tree, watch it. Talk about being dim!!!!witted!!!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: Romney Vs Obama Then? Apr 11, 2012
I managed to get a copy go game change ... Will watch and get back to you.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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