Robert Spencer Vs Shafique - Bizarre Beliefs?

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Robert Spencer vs Shafique - bizarre beliefs? Aug 20, 2011
I've decided to have a cool, rational look at the beliefs of two people to determine which of them deserves the title of biggest loon on the internet.

Since I'm of the opinion that shafique should wear the title of the web's biggest loon, for holding bizarre beliefs, I'll be quoting the posts from this forum's resident, including quotes from shafique he has said he was in agreement with and defended.

Shafique and his ilk will he able to quote posts from Robert Spencer he either wrote or quoted in his writings in agreement with.

Members are free to jump in to either comment, provide their own posts from either person they believe demonstrate the loon beliefs of that person or to cast their opinion as to which contestant is a bigger loon.

For shafique's beliefs, we have his endorsement of the writings of an anti-Semitic Muslim:

The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave....

But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Chosen and those who are Gentiles. This doctrine seems to have imprisoned the world in its grip....


The loon beliefs I've identified in the following quote are:

1) Claiming Jews are especially vile - 'segregationist'
2) Claiming the world is in danger from Jewish beliefs
3) Assigning several negative traits to Judaism - from schizophrenia to double-talk to prejudice - that the author believes now infect the world
4) Claiming Jews have divided the world between Good and Evil - which the author claims Jews believe they are the good and the gentiles are evil.
5) Claiming humanity has been divided due to the Jews and writing the world is literally in the grip of a Jewish doctrine (ie., the world is in the grip of the Jews)

These are some pretty bizarre beliefs. I hope shafique is able to find anything near as bizarre from Robert Spencer's writings, otherwise this thread will be over in the first post.


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Re: Robert Spencer vs Shafique - bizarre beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
That Dutch is directly derived from Arabic based on this:

Shafique defended this position multiple times in the past.
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Re: Robert Spencer Vs Shafique - Bizarre Beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
Ahh, the loons are in deep desperation. Spencer has been pwned on the net and exposed for the loon he is.

eh decides to give a quote that was dug up by FD in a vain attempt to distract attention away from an article I quoted. (Typical loon tactic - when can't address the facts head on, try to distract attention).

Now, the quote is being presented as my beliefs - excellent attempt, but ultimately a fail.

The record has already been set straight - the above loon fantasies once again are shown to bear no relation to reality:

shafique wrote:
kanelli wrote:Ok, let's get explicit and honest statements from Shaf, because FD thinks he is hiding his true feelings. In Fight Club FD claimed that you are anti-Semitic and a terrorist in a suit.

Ooh, a survey - just for me. :oops:

kanelli wrote:Shaf, are you anti-Semitic? Do you wish all the Jews were wiped out?


1. I do not wish all Jews to be wiped out.
2. I do not hate Judaism or Jews (or any particular religion).
3. I DO actually have some Jewish friends ( :) ) - indeed we just hosted two Israeli friends of my (youngest) brother who were over here for his wedding. (We didn't agree on some political and economic points, but got on famously despite this)
4. I give credit to Israel for its achievements, but criticise it for its crimes.

kanelli wrote:Do you support child suicide bombings, the killing of Israeli civilians including pregnant women and children, and pretty much the killing of anyone who is non-Muslim?

Easy. No.

(Not least because it offends me, and is also something forbidden by Islam)

kanelli wrote:Do you think that Israel should not exist?

Nope - it exists, period. Countries come into being via different historical routes - Israel's is not unique and is as legitimate (or artificial) as many other states - all of which have a right to exist today. They don't have a right to violate international law though, IMO.

kanelli wrote:Do you support Islamic terrorist actions?

I categorically condemn ANY act of terrorism or killing of civilians or unjust wars or murders or genocides or threats of violence against other peoples etc - whether labelled 'Islamic' or otherwise.


Can't be clearer than that. ;)

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Re: Robert Spencer Vs Shafique - Bizarre Beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
Well said Shafique, like 'I said earlier, you do know how to taim the loons ;)
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Re: Robert Spencer vs Shafique - bizarre beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
Can't be clearer than that.

So you agree the comments made by the Muslim author in the OP are anti-Semitic and do not support them?

Otherwise, holding anti-Semitic views but claiming you aren't anti-Semitic is little more than double speak.
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Re: Robert Spencer Vs Shafique - Bizarre Beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
:roll: Another failure of comprehension eh? Really??

My comments on FD's quotation are in the thread where FD first quoted them - as is the original article I posted.

Try and keep up young one.

As for my beliefs on Judaism, terrorism etc - the quote above is quite clear and free from any doublespeak.

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Re: Robert Spencer vs Shafique - bizarre beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
They are indeed, you went AWOL after you voiced your support but refused to elaborate how Jews have managed to infect the world with double talk, double think, prejudice, segregation and the whole list of qualities Joseph Goebbels would blush assigning to the Jews.

So you do you have any quotes from Robert Spencer to compare with your stated agreement of outright gutter Antisemitism or can we wrap this up and bestow you the title of biggest loon on the internet?
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Re: Robert Spencer Vs Shafique - Bizarre Beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
LOL - nice spin. Unfortunately for you, both the original article, FD's lame attempt at smoke and mirrors and my comments are there for all to see.

Bob Spencer is YOUR Guru, not mine. My views on Judaism etc are quite clearly spelled out above. Try reading them. If you're still confused, get an adult to explain it to you. :)

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Re: Robert Spencer vs Shafique - bizarre beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
^Kanelli, I haven't changed my conclusions about the article.

Your comments agreeing with the anti-Semitic article are indeed still up there.


Now, do you have any views from Robert Spencer that you would like to compare with your anti-Semitic views of the Jews?
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Re: Robert Spencer Vs Shafique - Bizarre Beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
Ah, I do love your denial of facts.

Everyone can see that you didn't actually quote me at all in your OP. Such is the way of loons. :roll:

(Are you trying to recruit me into your worship of Guru Bob :shock: )???

Edit: I guess eh's frustration stems from the news that Guru Bob is on the ropes:

and the last straw must have been the fact (not fiction) that Terrorist Brievik and Guru Bob have the same delusions:

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Re: Robert Spencer vs Shafique - bizarre beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
The Jews, especially, are segregationists, and the whole world is now suffering from this attitude. It has therefore become aggressive and dangerous. It has given birth to prejudice, schizophrenia, hypocrisy, double talk, double standards, double think, created a split between “us” and “them”, and resulted in dividing mankind into poor and rich, weak and strong, and into master and slave....

But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world’s peoples into Evil and Good come from? The first source that comes to one’s mind is the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity into those who are Chosen and those who are Gentiles. This doctrine seems to have imprisoned the world in its grip....

Care to show which of the above are 'demonstrable' facts?
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Re: Robert Spencer Vs Shafique - Bizarre Beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
LOL - young one, re-read my post above where I stated that the snippet was quoted by FD and I already stated my views in the original thread (where this snippet was meant as a smokescreen).

Why don't you look up what I said, rather than imagining a fantasy? Are you afraid to actually quote me.. ;)

Let me ask again - "why are loons allergic to facts?"

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Robert Spencer vs Shafique - bizarre beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
So you don't want to elaborate how the Jews have managed to give birth to schizophrenia, prejudice, double-talk, double-think, etc., that has put the world in their grip?

'demonstrable facts' ? You said that about the author's anti-Semitic tirade, right?
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Re: Robert Spencer Vs Shafique - Bizarre Beliefs? Aug 21, 2011
Why don't you actually look up what I said when FD first posted the snippet? Are you just lazy? Or afraid that reality does not match your fantasy?

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