UN Rights Body Passes Islamophobia Resolution

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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Your proof is based on absolutely wrong premises. Soviet Union alone defeated Germans. America launched their forces when situation with Germany was crystal clear. They did it to stop Soviet offensive to France and Italy, no more no less. That's why all those agreements were made to fix the status quo at that time. It wasn't friendly agreements. You think that both sides spent billions of dollars on arm race and US levied strict sanctions on SU to delude clever Berrin, and cover that they are a fake enemies in reality. It's rather intricating and costly delusion, isn't it?

Unfortunatly what I say is what we saw throughout the history..
If you are talking about the power of states than I would say this..
France and England competed with the Ottoman Khilafah for nearly three centuries until the mid-18th century. On the eve of WW1 Germany shifted the global balance of power, whilst France and Britain competed with it. After WW1 Britain emerged as the worlds power and France competed with it. Germany once again challenged Britain as the world’s superpower and only WW2 stopped German hegemony. The US emerged the world’s superpower after WW2 and was challenged by the Soviet Union for five decades until its collapse in 1990.

When it comes to America...
at the beginning of the 20th century the US had emerged as the most powerful capitalist economy in the world, but at this point it did not have a world role commensurate with its growing power. The fundamental imperialist clashes therefore took place in Europe both in 1914 and 1939 in the form of conflict between a British led alliance and a German led alliance. In the first instance the US intervened in 1917 to tip the balance in favour of the British led alliance. In the second instance, when the US came into the war in 1941, its power quickly made it the dominant force in the alliance.The result was that in 1945 it was in absolute and relative terms the most powerful economy in the world with, on some calculations, 50 percent of world manufacturing output. It now had a role of global leadership to match. This produced a degree of friction with Britain and France--powers in relative decline which still hankered after their old role. But this was minimised as a result of a more fundamental clash that now emerged with another former wartime ally in the anti-Hitler alliance, Russia.

But Since Germans were the allies of the Ottoman Empire, Russia too was against the Ottoman Empire' victory hence stood on the side of Britian and France and agreed on the secret Sykes Picot agreement in 1916 to divede the Ottoman Empire and beat the Germans...(agreement was signed 27th April 1917)

So in actual terms we can say that the interests of both American led allies and USSR' were meeting. Hence they made Yalta Conference and carved up the world nations in agreement..
And of course after countries were shared amongst themselves, competition for advancement started..
If one of them lacked strength, loosing power could fall apart from this magic created,since hegemony was on the suppressed and oppressed nations..Strong armies needed in this case, incase there were revoltions and ethnic rebellion groups within states..However Russian failure didn't arrive becouse Russians and Americans wanted to fight, rahter it was becouse communism as an economic model failed Russians to catch up with Capitalism..

You can defame the old order with two superpowers as much as you want but at that time "muslim" countries could chose and moneure between them in benefits of their own elites. Now everybody knows who is the king of the hill

Crikey you have no idea how the Ottoman khilafat was carved up by the British led allies...
Here enjoy reading...Don't forget to read the Russian role...
http://www.khilafat.org/newPages/Books/ ... troyed.pdf

But hey Chief I have a good read for you...Don't become hysterical like I do alright.
Theses on the Balkan War

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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Say Berrin, you are not a dumb boy. I know that.

by RobbyG » Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:38 pm
Red Chief wrote:
Berrin, your ignorance has no limits.

Sigh. Confirmed.

But I was... :shock:

But you forget one thing. Why do you think that ME nations are so gullible in delivering oil to the West? For their own power and hegemony in their rule.

I've never heard a nation who can feed their stomach on crude oil when there are no means of agriculture or industry...

Why do you think that Islam is so 'beautifully' teached among your people?

Ask the Brits and their coalition...Wahabbism was never meant to be a religion but was supported in the best interest of Allies' hegemony..
http://www.khilafat.org/newPages/Books/ ... troyed.pdf
Read the section for The birth of the Wahhabis and the Saudi rule, and Arousing the nationalist
chauvinism and the separatist tendencies in order to alter political and legal system...as well as missinory of cultural influence that torns people apart from real teachings of religion and education in real sense..

Because your leaders are so corrupt, that they let themselves be bought by world superpowers to maintain the status quo and so that we pay money for their oil cheaply. Because if your people used the proceeds in society, you'd be prosperous too and not dependant on oil incomes and revenues.
Now look at islamic suppression and governance by use of ideology. Thats the root of the problem.

This situation in the Muslim world stems from the colonial era and is summed up best by David Fromkin, Professor and expert on Economic History at the University of Chicago “Massive amounts of the wealth of the old Ottoman Empire were now claimed by the victors. But one must remember that the Islamic empire had tried for centuries to conquer Christian Europe and the power brokers deciding the fate of those defeated people were naturally determined that these countries should never be able to organize and threaten Western interests again. With centuries of mercantilist experience, Britain and France created small, unstable states whose rulers needed their support to stay in power. The development and trade of these states were controlled and they were meant never again to be a threat to the West. These external powers then made contracts with their puppets to buy Arab resources cheaply, making the feudal elite enormously wealthy while leaving most citizens in poverty”

(Why has the muslim world failed to develop?)
http://adnan-globalissues.blogspot.com/ ... velop.html

You should look inwards mate, not only outwards to us. Our system of governance works.
See what I mean? All comes down on corrupt Arab rulers and politicians and an Islamic ideology to keep the people within their control. Religious ideology is the easiest way to get people lined up for your cause.

Your system Work for yourselves. If you stop it to work for yourselves and consider others than islam will find it's role in governance..But the West doesn't want that...So everyone cripples..
Understanding the global balance of power
http://adnan-globalissues.blogspot.com/ ... power.html
The Islamic world and oil
http://adnan-globalissues.blogspot.com/ ... d-oil.html

Christianity in Europe knew that for a long time. They didn't make it either. Atheist got smarter and don't need a religious line to obey obey obey...like sheep.
We (Atheists) think for ourselves.

Atheism was exactly what cripples both christianity and islam through the greed of capitalism.
Just remember that Christianity had so much more in common with islam than Atheist secularist vanity.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Berrin, stop arguing with yourself and wasting your time typing irrelevant information. It does not matter which tactical agreements Russia or another country signed. Both Western Powers (Munchen) and Soviet Union (Moscow) signed them even with Hitler at the beggining of WWII. Those documents didn't make any of them friends.

Different countries have own long-term interests. That's why they signed such agreements. Russia has been a landlock country and its main aim in Turkey was straits only. Britain wanted to control all sea ways and so its interest was opposite.

P.S. Berrin, I am sorry but I don't read sites like khalifat, ixgfdejkp or foxnews. I have enough water in my tap. Try to find something more neutral and respectable to support your position.

P.P.S. Thank you for your inf. about Sykes-Picot agreement. I did not know about that and read about it with interest here.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sykes%E2%8 ... _Agreement
but it looks absolutely irrelevant to Russia.

As for WWI, Russia was poor prepared to the war and its partisipation was absolutely crazy. I think that the true reason was the huge Russian debt to France.
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