UN Rights Body Passes Islamophobia Resolution

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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:G you rthe kind of guy who would rather find diffrences and alienate himself further, rather than find similaritiesm common ground and try to come toghter.

Should we discuss this further with a cup of Eastern tea if you like? You know I'm not affraid to discuss matters, as long as you keep the cloak and dagger out of the room.

Maybe I'll join you in a desert trip to keep your morale up :wink:

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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
The chirstian crusades ? Nazi germany and the holocast ? The Muslim genocide in Bosnia ?

And then you say I'm in denial ? mate your closets got more skeletons then all the grave yards on this planet combined.

Like I said I'd try to reason with you but your like

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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
You are funny DD. I know about history and we are all against people like Hitler and genocide. No doubt.

Point is, that in 20 and 21st Century, we became somewhat civilized with rules of war. At least try to face your enemy when you attack. Not a coward attempt of a burka with a bomb beneath it, not even attacking the military but non-warzone cities. Thats ideology driven. Justified by Islamic martyrdom.

Is that 21st century diplomacy? Be honest here. We all know that US/British foreign policy is wrong, that out of the question. But terrorism justifies it for alot of people.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
Point is, that in 20 and 21st Century, we became somewhat civilized with rules of war. At least try to face your enemy when you attack. Not a coward attempt of a burka with a bomb beneath it, not even attacking the military but non-warzone cities. Thats ideology driven. Justified by Islamic martyrdom.

Is that 21st century diplomacy? Be honest here. We all know that US/British foreign policy is wrong, that out of the question.

But that's exactly why you don't get bombed in NL. In order to bomb war zones you need to get yourself bombed first, that's the rule of the thumb for 21st century enlightment on the expense of the gullibles. Do you see why non-warzone cities of US/British have to be bombed all the time, no matter what happens. The martyrs are the cheer leaders used for the propaganda...don't you know that RobbyG....

Not only that, anywhere you can sniff the smell of American/British coalition has to be bombed and blown continuesly to continue to wage war...God, Do you too need some mind exercises as well?

Then the Fox and CNN news lines will be bought for months if not days to tell RobbyG and alike the tale stories of Western modernizm and englishment and how islam stayed in the darkness of 7th century. :lol:
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
Berrin wrote:
Point is, that in 20 and 21st Century, we became somewhat civilized with rules of war. At least try to face your enemy when you attack. Not a coward attempt of a burka with a bomb beneath it, not even attacking the military but non-warzone cities. Thats ideology driven. Justified by Islamic martyrdom.

Is that 21st century diplomacy? Be honest here. We all know that US/British foreign policy is wrong, that out of the question.

But that's exactly why you don't get bombed in NL. In order to bomb war zones you need to get yourself bombed first, that's the rule of the thumb for 21st century enlightment on the expense of the gullibles. Do you see why non-warzone cities of US/British have to be bombed all the time, no matter what happens. The martyrs are the cheer leaders used for the propaganda...don't you know that RobbyG....

Not only that, anywhere you can sniff the smell of American/British coalition has to be bombed and blown continuesly to continue to wage war...God, Do you too need some mind exercises as well?

Then the Fox and CNN news lines will be bought for months if not days to tell RobbyG and alike the tale stories of Western modernizm and englishment and how islam stayed in the darkness of 7th century. :lol:

Look, I know that Western presence is annoying for you. You made that clear. Yes, its resource driven, no doubt.

But, the point I make, is that despite all the problems we have, the martyrdom actions are the result of religious ideology.

Just view it the other way round. When Hitler attacked the Jews in WWII, did you saw numerous Jew blowing themselves up to let their voice be heard? The answer is no.

Another wild example: Lets say Islam had an army that attacked America. Do you think the Christians would regularly do suicide bombings or would they fight in/with arms?

Christianity has changed alot over time. It modernized. Islam is still in the 7th Century with its ideology. I didn't get my information from TV. I'm reading more than you can imagine and its a real concern.

They don't even show Fox news here. In NL we don't like biased talk so there is no demand for that TV channel.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
RobbyG wrote:Point is, that in 20 and 21st Century, we became somewhat civilized with rules of war. At least try to face your enemy when you attack.

Oh no you didn't. What do you think the CIA and MI6 was invented for ?

Pot, kettle, black...Glass houses, stones blah blah.

When " your people " know the root cause of the problem is and always has been your meddleling foriegn policy. Then why not change it. Like I said even from the most sanest society when you keep on causing pain and grief on a daily basis some weak minded and willed person is going to snap. Like the dude wou armoured his catterpillar bulldozer and ran rampage in the small US town, because he got so screwed over by the town's unfairness towards him he finally took the law in his own hands, out on a suicide mission.

These poor souls are nothing but naive and impressionale flustrated people who are manipulated by evil men who have nothing to do with any religon for their own politicial gain. Some might be truly screwed in te head.

It is very evident that our are very baised towards islam and even hate it although you might not admit it for the fear of sounding politically incorrect. But have you really looked into it or you just let Fox news tell you about it. Because all of your comments clearly display your ignorance on anything related to Islam.

A simple and often used analagy. If someone crashes a car due to poor driving skilld who do you blame ? The car or the unskilled driver ?

All your opinions are based around poorly skilled drivers and you have come to the conclusion that the car is worthless as it keeps crashing everytime !
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
So according to you, because of western foreign policy (which is wrong, but my vote is too small for change), islamic terrorism is justified in non-warzone cities in Europe?

Because thats what you are saying.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:The chirstian crusades ? Nazi germany and the holocast ? The Muslim genocide in Bosnia ?

I just wonder what interest some dude without fatherland but from the middle of desert has in Yugoslavia where Slavic people, who speak Serbian language, fought each other.

It could be a surprize for him that at the same time another Slavic people, who speak Serbian language and fought each other, happened to be Orthodox and Catholic but he doesn't care for the latter because all this desert parrot knows is the world "Muslim".

That's why he called "brothers" cold-blooded killers from Chechnya, poor Palestines and so many other people, whom he has never met with.

Is it Islamic Imperialism or an ordinary parroting?
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
I just wonder what interest some dude without fatherland but from the middle of desert has in Yugoslavia where Slavic people, who speak Serbian language, fought each other.

They didn't fight, they just conquered for the cause of God, to spread the last message in the way of Islam...
Now there is difference between invasion as part of Greed and conquest to save humanity...

It could be a surprize for him that at the same time another Slavic people, who speak Serbian language and fought each other, happened to be Orthodox and Catholic but he doesn't care for the latter because all this desert parrot knows is the world "Muslim".
Well if the Orthodox and Catholic fight with each other in the name of their sects than it's their fault, God through the muslims from ME had already informed them that his last revelation and religion was Islam..

That's why he called "brothers" cold-blooded killers from Chechnya, poor Palestines and so many other people, whom he has never met with.
Is it Islamic Imperialism or an ordinary parroting?

Oiiii, Remember it was the Russian tsar who was to vilify the Ottoman state as he sat down with Britain and France to carve it up...Later Americans joined the crowd to carve up the whole world map..Do you remember?
Now of course Russia will resist against Muslim Chechnya and Dagestan to part from Russia..Why shouldn't they when the rest of Eastern Europe was allowed? So no they are indeed brothers and who knows like Americans, the Russians must be bombing their own metros and stations so that they have a reason for further pestering Chechnians to keep them within Russian control. What do you think?
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
Berrin wrote:American/British coalition has to be...blown continuesly

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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
Oiiii, Remember it was the Russian tsar who was to vilify the Ottoman state as he sat down with Britain and France to carve it up...Later Americans joined the crowd to carve up the whole world map..Do you remember?
Now of course Russia will resist against Muslim Chechnya and Dagestan to part from Russia..Why shouldn't they when the rest of Eastern Europe was allowed? So no they are indeed brothers and who knows like Americans, the Russians must be bombing their own metros and stations so that they have a reason for further pestering Chechnians to keep them within Russian control. What do you think?

Berrin, did you read my post properly or pretend that you cannot read? All those fights in Yugoslavia and Russia have nothing in common with Islam, absolutely nada, but only wars for integrity against separatist rebels. Russia "released" a number of "Muslim" states without one shot in the Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirgizstan, Azerbaijan. Every of them is much larger than Chechnja and Dagestan. Most Russian people wants to kick out those nomadic tribes, but the government is affraid of the chain retraction.

There is a Christian South Asetia nearby (in 100 km from Chechnja), which parted from Georgia. If you knew anything about Caucasian Mountains you would find that each valley there could be an independent state and Christian or Muslim, but of cause you don't need any details. It's much easier to tediously repeat word "Muslim" like parrot.

And last but not least, there were no religious people in the Soviet Union. I personally read the New Testament only at the age od 21. It was not forbidden, simply nobody had published both Bible or Koran during Soviet era.

Oiiii, Remember it was the Russian tsar who was to vilify the Ottoman state as he sat down with Britain and France to carve it up...Later Americans joined the crowd to carve up the whole world map..Do you remember?

Berrin, your ignorance has no limits. Everybody on this forum can confirm that Britain and USA has been always the worst enemies of Russia/SU except a very short period during WWII. Without English resistance Constantinipolis would have been ours in 1878 or even erlier.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
shafique wrote:Thanks for illustrating perfectly why a resolution indeed was needed.

Do you think Christianity is to blame for the Biblical war crimes being commited by the Christian LRA (murder and enslaving virgins as s.ex slaves)? Is Judaism to blame for the cold blooded killing of worshippers carried out by an immigrant from the US, a doctor and an officer in the Israeli army - Baruch Goldstein - who killed because of his religous views??

I refer you to the hypocrisy uncovered thread in the Religion section.


I doubt most members of the LRA can even read. But apart from establishing the Ten Commandments through force - similar to how mainstream Islamic ideology calls for the enforcement of Islamic law, I don't have any reason to believe that they're influenced by the texts and teachings of Christianity.

In any event, it's already been shown that the LRA is a syncretist movement that combines elements from other religions (including Islam) into its own faith/belief system. The movement is lead by a witch doctor of some type who embodies the spirit of a deceased Italian soldier - or so the story goes.

I'm more than happy to compare the LRA with Muslim terrorist groups with respect to their similarities to mainstream Christianity and Islam, respectively. Unlike the LRA, Muslim terrorist groups, such as Hamas and al-Qaeda, appeal to the texts, teachings and rulings of Orthodox Islam. These guys, even the Taliban, aren't just some cavemen who create their ideology as they go along.

It reeks of desperation whenever the KKK or the LRA are brought as examples of Christian terrorists/terrorism whenever there is a discussion on Islamic terrorism and Jihad warfare.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
Look, I know that Western presence is annoying for you. You made that clear. Yes, its resource driven, no doubt.

No.Western presence do not annoy me at all(Remember we are brothers and sisters from Adam and Eve) what actually annoys me is their greed hence their crime against humanity..In this case it is what we witness in all the muslim lands and in poorest nations where their poverty and weaknesses have been continously exploited under globolasation..
I here refer you to the teachings of Islam to understand what I am saying....

But, the point I make, is that despite all the problems we have, the martyrdom actions are the result of religious ideology.

Don't you know there are quite a few channels and websites with the stories of "martyrdom", racing their news capacity with overnight growth rate of mushrooms ..Nice way of keeping war on terror hype...You know the war mongers have to keep up with material to satisy the souls of mankind like EH and alike...

Just view it the other way round. When Hitler attacked the Jews in WWII, did you saw numerous Jew blowing themselves up to let their voice be heard? The answer is no.

Well they were just as much smart to animate the same.....however there was a difference... the oil was in the ground and wasn't pumping. After all sacrifice of few hundred jews on the expense of a jewish state and conrolling the oil wells in ME was nothing to compare in terms of value..Why and What do you think the Germans were gonna do if they won the war when they sided with Ottoman Empire..

Another wild example: Lets say Islam had an army that attacked America. Do you think the Christians would regularly do suicide bombings or would they fight in/with arms?

If Islam was a dominating power of the world, it would never have any army to attack the righteous population of the world..Its against its purpose to serve humanity...

Christianity has changed alot over time. It modernized. Islam is still in the 7th Century with its ideology.

Yes Christianity was changed over time like man made laws to suit the needs of the arrogants.. And yes it was modernised to suit the needs of the greedy and materialistic souls due to consumption capacity achieved as a result of technological advancement and the wealth it has brought..
On humanity side their democracy is only serving their best interests. The wars and foreign policies are the proof of it...If the service of their democracy wasn't for capitalist ideology then mankind should have been on the verge of eradicating poverty form world scene by now..
Hey as far as Islam concerned I refer you to the thread which was a dedication to you..

I didn't get my information from TV. I'm reading more than you can imagine and its a real concern.
They don't even show Fox news here. In NL we don't like biased talk so there is no demand for that TV channel.

LOL so the Dutch news invasion is via Youtube...Have some you tubed Robby... Hip hip huuuraaay...
I see..do you think the dutch can beat the americans on this shrewdness.. :lol:
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
Red Chief wrote:Berrin, your ignorance has no limits.

Sigh. Confirmed. :lol:
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
RobbyG wrote:So according to you, because of western foreign policy (which is wrong, but my vote is too small for change), islamic terrorism is justified in non-warzone cities in Europe?

Because thats what you are saying.

Its never justified in any shape of form. What I am saying is stop being such a jack ass, get your thumb out of your asses and stop trying steal, kill, rape, plunder and telling the rest of the world on how they should live their lives. I think if you quitely mind your own bussiness things will much more peacefull everywhere.

If your trying to drive everyone crazy all the time, don't be so surprised that a few of them actually do go crazy !

Again you show ignorance by calling it Islamic terrorism, also avoid all the points raised in both my last two posts. For a change I've tried to reason with you but again the Cap Kirk slogan fits perfectly. You really cant hear anyone over the sound of your own awesomness.

There is absolutely no point in trying discuss anything with you until your willing to look beyond your biases with a receptive and logical mind.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
I will read your post again. Just because you ask so nicely...

Gimme a minute and I'll respond. :wink:
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
No need. I'm done here, tired of going round in circles with you. Too big an ask for a grunt :!:
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:
RobbyG wrote:Point is, that in 20 and 21st Century, we became somewhat civilized with rules of war. At least try to face your enemy when you attack.

Oh no you didn't. What do you think the CIA and MI6 was invented for ?

Pot, kettle, black...Glass houses, stones blah blah.

Why do you think intelligence services are needed? Indeed, for intelligence on people that conspire to harm nations and political viewpoints. To alter an outcome of diplomacy etc. Intelligence services are used to respond before bombs go off and before nations are attacked.

Just because the Mossad hits a terrorist leader, other then an outright war effort against the Palestinians, what do you prefer? My choice is easy. Intel.

When " your people " know the root cause of the problem is and always has been your meddleling foriegn policy. Then why not change it. Like I said even from the most sanest society when you keep on causing pain and grief on a daily basis some weak minded and willed person is going to snap. Like the dude wou armoured his catterpillar bulldozer and ran rampage in the small US town, because he got so screwed over by the town's unfairness towards him he finally took the law in his own hands, out on a suicide mission.

A tiny country like us? We are glad we can contribute 1500 soldiers to help the people of Afghanistan. I would like to remind you who policy was most effective in hostile Uruzgan! http://feraljundi.com/2009/04/30/afghan ... operation/

Terror comes from ideology. The average terrorist is 23 years old, highly educated and influenced with fundamentalist ideology. Every 'safety awareness course' after 2001 terror attacks will let you keep an eye out for that fact.

These poor souls are nothing but naive and impressionale flustrated people who are manipulated by evil men who have nothing to do with any religon for their own politicial gain. Some might be truly screwed in te head.

They aren't generally poor. Most are well educated and trained by ideology by some scholar, training camp or study.

It is very evident that our are very baised towards islam and even hate it although you might not admit it for the fear of sounding politically incorrect. But have you really looked into it or you just let Fox news tell you about it. Because all of your comments clearly display your ignorance on anything related to Islam.

I think you are simply blind to accept the fact that not all muslims read the Quran the same way as you and most other people do. Read a little deeper and put off the rosy glasses for once.

A simple and often used analagy. If someone crashes a car due to poor driving skilld who do you blame ? The car or the unskilled driver ?

All your opinions are based around poorly skilled drivers and you have come to the conclusion that the car is worthless as it keeps crashing everytime !

You silence says enough.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
Berrin, your ignorance has no limits. Everybody on this forum can confirm that Britain and USA has been always the worst enemies of Russia/SU except a very short period during WWII.

You have no idea how Soviet Union and America with allies betrayed and cheated on the rest of the world...
Crikey..It looks like You have no real idea what was happening during the cold war era..
Well I’ll tell you…. Everyone was thinking that on one side there was Soviet union and on the other side it was Nato and that they were the enemies of each other. However It’s irrelevant and wasn’t the case.It was like this:
Soviet Union and America stood shoulder to shoulder to war against Germany. Germans were defeated. Then after they won the war they set around the table in Yalta/Ukraine to split and share the world countries to dominate and rule. They said this part and bit is yours and this bit and part is mine…agreed and shook hands and when they got out the meeting room they announced themselves as each others enemies..

Why did they announce themselves enemies and created a conflict environment? That’s because the only way to keep control and guard of their influential and dominated regions was through this conflict environment. (You see exploitation is needed to meet the growing demands of Western industry/ideology/Freedom)…

If there wasn’t any tension the Americans couldn’t have the Western Europe uniting around it..
Have you noticed that ideologies are always within boundaries. İ.e. Poland could never choose capitalism. France and italy can never be socialist.. Why? Cause every country will follow the ideology of the one who has the overall share.. i.e . if Portugal said that it was going to be a socialist state, then they would refuse and say you can’t because you are in somebody else’s share..
This method used for Muslim countries as well..For example after Ottomans lost the war on the table, Turkey was enforced to stay Republic, had to stay democracy and capitalist therefore on the side of the Americans.. the same can be said for Egypt…etc.

Do you now now see why there was decades of unrest both in Europe and ME? And why conflicts never came to an end due to suppression and oppression of people despite their feelings?…
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
Say Berrin, you are not a dumb boy. I know that.

But you forget one thing. Why do you think that ME nations are so gullible in delivering oil to the West? For their own power and hegemony in their rule.

Why do you think that Islam is so 'beautifully' teached among your people? Because your leaders are so corrupt, that they let themselves be bought by world superpowers to maintain the status quo and so that we pay money for their oil cheaply. Because if your people used the proceeds in society, you'd be prosperous too and not dependant on oil incomes and revenues.

You should look inwards mate, not only outwards to us. Our system of governance works. Now look at islamic suppression and governance by use of ideology. Thats the root of the problem.

See what I mean? All comes down on corrupt Arab rulers and politicians and an Islamic ideology to keep the people within their control. Religious ideology is the easiest way to get people lined up for your cause. Christianity in Europe knew that for a long time. They didn't make it either. Atheist got smarter and don't need a religious line to obey obey obey...like sheep.

We (Atheists) think for ourselves.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Love that one. I just fixed one up for you. Waiting for approval. 8)

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... Desertdude

In the mean time, this one will suit you fine for now. :mrgreen: Desh'nuh http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=desh'nuh
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 01, 2010
berrin wrote:Yes Christianity was changed over time like man made laws to suit the needs of the arrogants.. And yes it was modernised to suit the needs of the greedy and materialistic souls due to consumption capacity achieved as a result of technological advancement and the wealth it has brought..
On humanity side their democracy is only serving their best interests. The wars and foreign policies are the proof of it...If the service of their democracy wasn't for capitalist ideology then mankind should have been on the verge of eradicating poverty form world scene by now..
Hey as far as Islam concerned I refer you to the thread which was a dedication to you..

Yes, Christianity changed. It went through its reformation where the man-made beliefs and practices which had accumulated in the Western church were erased in favor of the Christianity practiced at the time of St Augustine - Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk, so he didn't take Christianity far enough back to its roots.

Islam also had a reformation. It also happened several centuries ago where an individual sought to remove the added, and often explicitly haram, beliefs and practices and return to an Islam when it was practiced in its purest form - the Islam of prophet Muhammad and the 'rightly' guided caliphs.

We have a name for that now that is often used pejoratively by heretics today - Wahhabism
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Honestly, I did not set that up. If there is somekind of date stamp on that you can check.

I didn't even know you could edit that thing ? If I was going to do something of the sort I'd make a wiki entry !
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Then its even worse than I thought! You're interested in me...(you searched me on the net) 8)

Horrible. How low can you go... :mrgreen:
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Dude dont go getting any boners yet. And NO I did not google you, but now that you mentione it would be interesting to see what dies come up?
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Allright. Just stoning the DD. All fun. :D

LoL. You brought me on ideas. Check this website. It really could be me who hosted this, I'm such a womanizer. :mrgreen:
Cmon ladies. Cheer cheer now. :lol:
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Berrin wrote:You have no idea how Soviet Union and America with allies betrayed and cheated on the rest of the world...
Crikey..It looks like You have no real idea what was happening during the cold war era..
Well I’ll tell you…. Everyone was thinking that on one side there was Soviet union and on the other side it was Nato and that they were the enemies of each other. However It’s irrelevant and wasn’t the case.It was like this:
Soviet Union and America stood shoulder to shoulder to war against Germany. Germans were defeated. Then after they won the war they set around the table in Yalta/Ukraine to split and share the world countries to dominate and rule. They said this part and bit is yours and this bit and part is mine…agreed and shook hands and when they got out the meeting room they announced themselves as each others enemies..

Why did they announce themselves enemies and created a conflict environment? That’s because the only way to keep control and guard of their influential and dominated regions was through this conflict environment. (You see exploitation is needed to meet the growing demands of Western industry/ideology/Freedom)…

If there wasn’t any tension the Americans couldn’t have the Western Europe uniting around it..
Have you noticed that ideologies are always within boundaries. İ.e. Poland could never choose capitalism. France and italy can never be socialist.. Why? Cause every country will follow the ideology of the one who has the overall share.. i.e . if Portugal said that it was going to be a socialist state, then they would refuse and say you can’t because you are in somebody else’s share..
This method used for Muslim countries as well..For example after Ottomans lost the war on the table, Turkey was enforced to stay Republic, had to stay democracy and capitalist therefore on the side of the Americans.. the same can be said for Egypt…etc.

Do you now now see why there was decades of unrest both in Europe and ME? And why conflicts never came to an end due to suppression and oppression of people despite their feelings?…

Your proof is based on absolutely wrong premises. Soviet Union alone defeated Germans. America launched their forces when situation with Germany was crystal clear. They did it to stop Soviet offensive to France and Italy, no more no less. That's why all those agreements were made to fix the status quo at that time. It wasn't friendly agreements. You think that both sides spent billions of dollars on arm race and US levied strict sanctions on SU to delude clever Berrin, and cover that they are a fake enemies in reality. It's rather intricating and costly delusion, isn't it?

You can defame the old order with two superpowers as much as you want but at that time "muslim" countries could chose and moneure between them in benefits of their own elites. Now everybody knows who is the king of the hill.
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Check this website. It really could be me who hosted this, I'm such a womanizer.

lol..That's right.You must be the first person to denounce himself..
What a great way to save yourself from future wind up eh... :lol:
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Re: UN rights body passes Islamophobia resolution Apr 02, 2010
Don't start to be the wise guy here aight!

We already have one on DF. Moi. :mrgreen:
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