Dissapointed that wiki won't be putting them all up like before

Would be excellent reading IMO
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Meanwhile, another cable shows that a 2009 claim by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Iran was months away from achieving military nuclear capability was dismissed by the Americans as a ploy.
Regarding what he considered Iran's true nuclear capabilities, a 2007 cable quoted outgoing Mossad chief Meir Dagan as stating that Tehran was attempting to convey a "false presentation that they have mastered the uranium enrichment process."
"The reality is," Dagan said, "that they are not there yet, and they are paying a heavy political price [sanctions] for something they have yet to achieve."
Bethsmum wrote:Latest news! Colonel Gadaffi is accompanied at all times by a blonde nurse with big knockers.
Flying Dutchman wrote:The wikileaks donot present any new info about Israel so far. Most has already been stated publicly by its leaders.
More revealing are the push of Arab states against Iran (they are obviously more worried about Iran than Israel) and Irans use of the Red Cross for its military.
In a cable dating to March of 2009, Marc Sievers, the political advisor of the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, provides an overview of Israel's relations with the Gulf states, following a meeting with the head of the Middle East division of the Foreign Ministry, Yaakov Hadas.
The overview details a "good and personal relationship" to have been developed between then Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and U.A.E. Foreign Minister Abdullah Ibn Zayed, adding, however, that the two officials would not "do in public what they say behind closed doors."
While Israel and the U.A.E. do not have official diplomatic relations, the diplomatic cable exposed by WikiLeaks uncovers the secret and persistent dialogue between the two countries during the administration of former Prime Minster Ehud Olmert.