Real Jewish People Speak The Truth

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Real Jewish people speak the truth Jan 19, 2009
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Jan 19, 2009
Brother I am amazed at the humility and feeling of weakness/inferiority displayed by muslims in western countries while (nonmuslim) westerners are freely running amuck in Muslim countries like UAE and Qatar even Turkey.

We must be resolute, have the confidence in our true and righteous path of moral rectitude.
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Jan 19, 2009
Well you go and do that on your own 'brother' and leave the rest of us to get on with each other.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 19, 2009
I am starting now to feel there is another side to the conflict between Israel and Palestine. I am starting to think that the Palestinians have not only been fighting Israel, Israel itself has been created by some other countries who have been using the name of Israel as proxy in order to hide their real identities. These countries have been doing what they can behind the scene to destroy Palestinians and to steal their lands.

Despite what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians, and despite the fact that Israel has broken every international laws and UN laws, and despite it has been occupying Palestinians’ land illegally, and despite it has killed over 1400 people more than half of them are kids and women over 20 days, not mention, destroying so many homes and livelihoods. The six leaders - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian President Silvio Berlusconi, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, were in Israel Sunday 17/01/2009 pledging full support to the Israel and promising to provide full assistance to stop Hamas from rearming.

Before this, I been asking myself so many questions, but these leaders’ visit has made me think and carefully analyzed their stances. Some of these questions are:

1: Why haven’t European countries enforce peace resolution as they have done in so many difficult conflicts?
2: Why Western Media have been sided my Israel and bias against the Palestinian?
3: Why haven’t European leaders for once dissonance Israel’s brutal action toward the Palestinians?
4: Why the European countries have never hesitated in providing full support to Israel regardless of whether its right or wrong? I am not including the American here because we all knew it stance already.

I honestly thought these leaders would feel moral obligation to condemn Israel on what it has been doing to the Palestinians and on its recent crime against humanity. Or demand justice for Palestinians, or at least show support and mercy to the starving, traumatize and imprisoned people in Gaza, by visiting them. Because that’s what any human being who believes in justice, peace and humans right would do.

I am starting to peace the puzzle about the fact that why the media in the West have been overtly sided by the Israel, and intentionally distort the facts of the conflict. If that’s their leaders’ stance than why would we expect their Media to be any different?

Call me crazy, but we ought to wake up and recognize the world for what it’s. Because any logical and good analyst would easily arrives at the truth once he/she studies what has been going on in this conflict.

Palestine you will never die, people who love justice and human right will be with you all the way. I promise you justice will prevail.
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Jan 19, 2009
Of course there are always agendas behind such things. But on the flipside, why should it be upto us to stop it? And looking at the other side of the fence, why are none of the arab nations jumping in to assist Palestine? There's always two sides to everything.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 19, 2009
Humbleman wrote:1: Why haven’t European countries enforce peace resolution as they have done in so many difficult conflicts?
2: Why Western Media have been sided my Israel and bias against the Palestinian?
3: Why haven’t European leaders for once dissonance Israel’s brutal action toward the Palestinians?
4: Why the European countries have never hesitated in providing full support to Israel regardless of whether its right or wrong? I am not including the American here because we all knew it stance already.


comaan humbleman, you have to give them credit, just yesterday UK, France and Germany were welling to send battle ships to monitor the weapons smuggling into GAZA... not to send medication not to financially help the families of over 1200 dead children and women not to stop the Altar of those ones not build home and shelters not to bring water ,food and electricity but to monitor weapons smuggling

and some are only worried about a f***** fish in captivity in UAE
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Jan 19, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:Of course there are always agendas behind such things. But on the flipside, why should it be upto us to stop it? And looking at the other side of the fence, why are none of the arab nations jumping in to assist Palestine? There's always two sides to everything.

The Arabs have been standing by what is just and right as many others non Western countries around the world. Palestine has been under brutal occupation. Before you say because Palestinian are Muslims, let me say Palestine is full of Christian Palestinians too.

Even though the Arab leaders have been incompetent to take a firm stand against the conflict, they’ve tried many times to reach out to Israel, they’ve even pressured the Palestinians to give up some of their rights so they could meet Israel in the middle, but all their attempts have been in vain, brushed aside by Israel and it’s masters.

I thought we should stand by what’s fair, not rally behind injustice.
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Jan 19, 2009
I'm we aware of the different religions within Palestine. But this conflict is never ending. An agreement will never be met - sadly. And all that will happen is the constant waste of innocent lives - on both sides.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 19, 2009
Choco, setting inactive is not the answer either.

Why are not those leaders especially the powerful ones enforce a fair peace resolution and end this conflict once and for all.

The French President Nicolas Sarkozy peace solution is more feasible to end this conflict - Israel brushed aside too.

Here is part his peace solution:

"The time to make peace is now," he told the Israelis. "Tomorrow, it will be too late." Rarely has a foreign leader spelled out so clearly what Israel has to do for peace - and what it has sought at all costs to avoid.
Sarkozy laid particular emphasis on three points, which he hammered in at every opportunity. The first, and most important, was this: "Israel's security will not be truly assured until we see, at last, at its side an independent, modern, democratic and viable Palestinian state."
Two other themes were given equal prominence - and were equally unwelcome to many Israelis. "There can be no peace without an immediate and complete halt to settlements," he declared. The settlers, he said, should be compensated and brought back to Israel. And then - in a statement which was nothing less than sacrilege for Israeli hard-liners - he added: "There can be no peace without recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of two states and the guarantee of free access to the holy places for all religions."
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Jan 19, 2009
Well it a good effort, I'll give him that. But there's no talking to some people clearly.

Like I said, it's an ongoing issue that I don't think will ever get resolved sadly.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 19, 2009
So if all the 'Arab' states are so all fired up and keen to kick the Israelis, get an army together and have a go...

But they won't.

Because most of them rely on their relations with the US and the other nations everyone here is bleating about to shore up their economies or to provide them with aid. Or educating their kids. Or allowing them nice apartments overlooking Central park that they can fill with alcohol, drugs and hookers.

Talk about biting the hand that feeds...

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Jan 19, 2009
Unfortunately that’s sound true DK

I must say though, Middle Eastern people don’t want the death of Israelis people, they are humans too. So war is not the answer at all.

If the world truly wants to end hates, terrorisms, death and destruction, then the world has to step up to the plate and end this one. For goodness, how hard can’t be!
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Jan 21, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:So if all the 'Arab' states are so all fired up and keen to kick the Israelis, get an army together and have a go...

But they won't.

Because most of them rely on their relations with the US and the other nations everyone here is bleating about to shore up their economies or to provide them with aid. Or educating their kids. Or allowing them nice apartments overlooking Central park that they can fill with alcohol, drugs and hookers.

Talk about biting the hand that feeds...

:roll: :roll: :roll:


No, that's because secularism is a disease and it has afflicted many an Arab country including Egypt, Jordan and even Emiratis seem to be afflicted by this Western disease that they are spreading contagiously.

All that the Arab world needs is to remove American puppet government figureheads, like Hosni of Egypt (Misr) and so on. It also needs great relation with Iran, Pakistan or any and all Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and so on.

Combining military forces under one command, making surgical strikes on Zionist territory and taking out their nukes and WMD options, paralyzing their 'economy' i.e. blocking the conduit that is USA donation to Zionists, setting up a common economic political and scientifc and religious block is the answer.

It will also be a stark reminder to USA and all other Western countries to not intervene on behalf of Zionists if this united military front has a few hundred nuclear capable ICBMs targetted at USA's major cities on east, west coasts, and mid western, southern regions as well.

The threat of intervening at the Zionists' behest need to be way too much for the USA to sit idly by while the tumour of Zionism is exterminated.
Dubai chat master
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Jan 21, 2009
MB, are you aware that you are using western language, western technology and US development(internet) to publish your BS here?
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 21, 2009
muslimbangladeshi wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:So if all the 'Arab' states are so all fired up and keen to kick the Israelis, get an army together and have a go...

But they won't.

Because most of them rely on their relations with the US and the other nations everyone here is bleating about to shore up their economies or to provide them with aid. Or educating their kids. Or allowing them nice apartments overlooking Central park that they can fill with alcohol, drugs and hookers.

Talk about biting the hand that feeds...

:roll: :roll: :roll:


No, that's because secularism is a disease and it has afflicted many an Arab country including Egypt, Jordan and even Emiratis seem to be afflicted by this Western disease that they are spreading contagiously.

All that the Arab world needs is to remove American puppet government figureheads, like Hosni of Egypt (Misr) and so on. It also needs great relation with Iran, Pakistan or any and all Muslim countries like Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and so on.

Combining military forces under one command, making surgical strikes on Zionist territory and taking out their nukes and WMD options, paralyzing their 'economy' i.e. blocking the conduit that is USA donation to Zionists, setting up a common economic political and scientifc and religious block is the answer.

It will also be a stark reminder to USA and all other Western countries to not intervene on behalf of Zionists if this united military front has a few hundred nuclear capable ICBMs targetted at USA's major cities on east, west coasts, and mid western, southern regions as well.

The threat of intervening at the Zionists' behest need to be way too much for the USA to sit idly by while the tumour of Zionism is exterminated.

Well now MB, showing your true colours as a good 'Muslim'? Advocating putting together a strike force to attack Israel and kill people? Targeting US cities with ICBM's (That you don't have unless Saddam really did ship out his WOMD's on ship before the inspectors got there) Thats against the prime tenets of Islam!! You are supposed to be a peace loving 'brother' who wishes to unite the other peace loving muslim nations...

You hypocrite! After all your pious posturing, you are nothing but a blood thirsty extremist! Do us all a favour, go to suicide bombers school and practice!

I think the expression 'Hoisted by your own patade!' is relevant here.

You are Achemed the Dead Terrorist!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Jan 21, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:So if all the 'Arab' states are so all fired up and keen to kick the Israelis, get an army together and have a go...

But they won't.

No, they can't.
Red Chief
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Jan 22, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:
Well now MB, showing your true colours as a good 'Muslim'? Advocating putting together a strike force to attack Israel and kill people? Targeting US cities with ICBM's (That you don't have unless Saddam really did ship out his WOMD's on ship before the inspectors got there) Thats against the prime tenets of Islam!! You are supposed to be a peace loving 'brother' who wishes to unite the other peace loving muslim nations...

You hypocrite! After all your pious posturing, you are nothing but a blood thirsty extremist! Do us all a favour, go to suicide bombers school and practice!

I think the expression 'Hoisted by your own patade!' is relevant here.

You are Achemed the Dead Terrorist!

:roll: :roll: :roll:


You are an idiot, I'm afraid mr knighted homosexual.

You are John the Perverted Homosexual. We all know Westerners are just homosexual who love it up their a***.

You don't even understand 'deterrence' and Mutually Assured Destruction which helps prevent violence from breaking out.

Palestinians are peaceful as is, what are the faults of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Afghan Palestinian Somalia etc civilians? They were killed and they were helpless.

Defense is a right for such persons and we must ensure it.
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Jan 22, 2009
TheChoosen wrote:MB, are you aware that you are using western language, western technology and US development(internet) to publish your BS here?

TC, are you aware there was never a western 'invention' prior to learning copying and borrowing from Muslims and what are today also Muslim countries?

Are you aware that Westerners only came to prominence thanks to stealing resources from natives and aborigines of Africa, north america, australia, south america?

There are English Muslims too, there is no 'inherently Muslim' language although the Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic. Even today many Arab Christians exist.

NB I just noticed you said, Internet is a USA development. Is that true? I don't think so. No one country developed the Internet as it is, it was developed over the years, in stages.
Dubai chat master
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Jan 24, 2009
Chocoholic wrote:I'm we aware of the different religions within Palestine. But this conflict is never ending. An agreement will never be met - sadly. And all that will happen is the constant waste of innocent lives - on both sides.

sadly its only one side ...
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Jan 25, 2009
muslimbangladeshi wrote:
TheChoosen wrote:MB, are you aware that you are using western language, western technology and US development(internet) to publish your BS here?

TC, are you aware there was never a western 'invention' prior to learning copying and borrowing from Muslims and what are today also Muslim countries?

Nothing except the invention of the wheel, metal, navigation, exploration etc. etc....So the paintings in the caves of Lasceaux were done by a Muslim? Head out of ass time!

Are you aware that Westerners only came to prominence thanks to stealing resources from natives and aborigines of Africa, north america, australia, south america?

They came to prominence THEN discovered these places because they were smart and brave enough to venture out from their homelands...many of them before Islam had even been though of.

There are English Muslims too, there is no 'inherently Muslim' language although the Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic. Even today many Arab Christians exist.

Yes they do. But you would persecute them and try and force them to be Muslim.

NB I just noticed you said, Internet is a USA development. Is that true? I don't think so. No one country developed the Internet as it is, it was developed over the years, in stages.

The internet was actually invented by one man:

Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA (born 8 June 1955) is an English computer scientist credited with inventing the World Wide Web. On 25 December 1990 he implemented the first successful communication between an HTTP client and server via the Internet with the help of Robert Cailliau and a young student staff at CERN. He was ranked Joint First alongside Albert Hofmann in The Telegraph's list of 100 greatest living geniuses. Berners-Lee is the director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which oversees the Web's continued development, the founder of the World Wide Web Foundation and he is a senior researcher and holder of the 3Com Founders Chair at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

He is not Muslim.

Go play on the freeway. Oh, I forgot, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY!!!

If you did, you would probably try and claim it was invented by a Muslim!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Dubai Knight
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Jan 26, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:
muslimbangladeshi wrote:TC, are you aware there was never a western 'invention' prior to learning copying and borrowing from Muslims and what are today also Muslim countries?

Nothing except the invention of the wheel, metal, navigation, exploration etc. etc....So the paintings in the caves of Lasceaux were done by a Muslim? Head out of a#s time!

Wheel? Metal?Navigation? Exploration?

Are you joking?

The very first civilizations in the history of mankind were in Iraq/Syria, and their neighbours including Egypt, Persia, Indus Valley not to forget China.

Where was UK in all these 'inventions"? Pulling your "head out of a#s" as you aptly mentioned?

Are you aware that Westerners only came to prominence thanks to stealing resources from natives and aborigines of Africa, north america, australia, south america?

They came to prominence THEN discovered these places because they were smart and brave enough to venture out from their homelands...many of them before Islam had even been though of.

What a moron.

Muslims were the first to be able to use astronomy, so much so that even today many aspects of 'western' astronomy uses Muslim Arabs' inventions - concepts, names and so on. Zenith, azimuth, so many constellations, navigation techniques (to find direction to Makkah) and so on were Muslim inventions of course. What were the Westerners doing? Let's not mention, as your signature tells us all there is to it.

There are English Muslims too, there is no 'inherently Muslim' language although the Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic. Even today many Arab Christians exist.

Yes they do. But you would persecute them and try and force them to be Muslim.

Another one of your pulling 'head out of a#s' moments, typical of western barbaric savage homosexual behaviours I suppose?

NB I just noticed you said, Internet is a USA development. Is that true? I don't think so. No one country developed the Internet as it is, it was developed over the years, in stages.

The internet was actually invented by one man:

Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA (born 8 June 1955) is an English computer scientist credited with inventing the World Wide Web. On 25 December 1990 he implemented the first successful communication between an HTTP client and server via the Internet with the help of Robert Cailliau and a young student staff at CERN. He was ranked Joint First alongside Albert Hofmann in The Telegraph's list of 100 greatest living geniuses. Berners-Lee is the director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which oversees the Web's continued development, the founder of the World Wide Web Foundation and he is a senior researcher and holder of the 3Com Founders Chair at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

He is not Muslim.

Go play on the freeway. Oh, I forgot, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY!!!

If you did, you would probably try and claim it was invented by a Muslim!

:roll: :roll: :roll:


TC said Internet was invented by USA, now you say it was not.
Get your bloody facts right will you?
I know Westerners are prone to hypocrisy, creating trouble, more hypocrisy, homosexual, lewd, lascivious, promiscuous, drunken stupor and their drug abusing habits lead to incestous paedophile beastial behaviour that civilized beings can't tolerate.

But you have to stop spreading this illness around the world. We need to 'quarantine' you so to speak, the disease is taking 'pandemic' proportions thanks to immorality of Westerners.
Dubai chat master
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Jan 26, 2009
Hmmm and I suppose the Romans never invented anything, nor the Egyptians - ancient, non-muslim and the Greeks either. Hmm maybe you need to go do some historical research.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 26, 2009
Egyptians Westerners? :lol:

Greeks didn't copy from Egypt?

Romans were mostly militaristic and only ruled Europe, hardly an invention of note.
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Jan 26, 2009
muslimbangladeshi wrote:Egyptians Westerners? :lol:

Greeks didn't copy from Egypt?

Romans were mostly militaristic and only ruled Europe, hardly an invention of note.

The cradle of modern civilisation is BELIEVED to have been between the Tigris and Euphrates where Homo Sapiens first evolved, however hominids and early ancestors first dropped out of the trees in the Rift Valley of Africa.

One of those small brained, prehistoric, neanderthal, semi-sentient apes has been since discovered living in Dakha, posting on an English speaking forum about life in Dubai, a place he has never been and which he knows nothing about. Like so many other things he rants on about...

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Jan 26, 2009
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Jan 28, 2009
Dubai Knight wrote:
muslimbangladeshi wrote:Egyptians Westerners? :lol:

Greeks didn't copy from Egypt?

Romans were mostly militaristic and only ruled Europe, hardly an invention of note.

The cradle of modern civilisation is BELIEVED to have been between the Tigris and Euphrates where Homo Sapiens first evolved, however hominids and early ancestors first dropped out of the trees in the Rift Valley of Africa.

One of those small brained, prehistoric, neanderthal, semi-sentient apes has been since discovered living in Dakha, posting on an English speaking forum about life in Dubai, a place he has never been and which he knows nothing about. Like so many other things he rants on about...

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Most historical facts are BELIEVED to be so.

I never knew you moved to 'Dakha'.
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Jan 30, 2009
I don't know why anyone bothers to debate with MB. I find him to be a source of humor, pathetic as he is, I have to laugh at him. This has to be one very lonely, sick guy who lives in his own delusional world. Hates Westerners, non-Muslims and clearly women. I'm sure he's wearing his happy pants when posting since this is where he probably gets his thrills.
Bora Bora
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Jan 30, 2009
Bora Bora wrote:I don't know why anyone bothers to debate with MB. I find him to be a source of humor, pathetic as he is, I have to laugh at him. This has to be one very lonely, sick guy who lives in his own delusional world. Hates Westerners, non-Muslims and clearly women. I'm sure he's wearing his happy pants when posting since this is where he probably gets his thrills.

Congrats, you got the point!!! :twisted: :twisted:
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Jan 30, 2009
Enough abuse.

Thread locked.

:( :( :(

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