benwj wrote:shafique wrote:Which brings me to my well-worn argument that this case happened in the US and by Christians, DESPITE the laws saying this is illegal - and therefore begs the question, would there be more such crimes in the US if the law was more lenient? If not, then the legal system isn't effective - and if it does - then what is causing the US citizens to want to rape girls and then use the Bible to condone it (i.e. how many more would do it, but are stopped by the law?). (BTW Shariah also says rape is illegal, btw - and in this case there is no Shariah court who would make the victim apologise).
I think I see where you are going regarding the discipline of US citizens…
Phew, I thought I'd have to explain it again!

benwj wrote:Let’s safely assume that in a lawless US society rape would be more common.
Well, that's logical. So we can benchmark the societies by looking at the statistics of reported and estimates of unreported rapes and other violence against women.
benwj wrote:But given that arab men already get away with murder (not literally), they in effect are already living in a somewhat lawless society and deserve credit for their remarkable self-control by not committing rape more often.
Sure, that is indeed a valid hypothesis and one that we can check by looking at evidence. We won't easily be able to check self-restraint or morality, but we can look at which societies men are 'getting away with murder' (literally and figuratively) when it comes to violence against women. Then we can postulate how much higher the rate would be if the laws against these crimes were relaxed.
benwj wrote:But I have a theory for this also which brings us back to the old chestnut.
They have the luxury of feeling no shame when using a hooker, which of course is better than committing rape.
Again, a hypothesis which we can test. I presume you're arguing that men in the US have more shame (per capita) than men in the Saudi when it comes to paying for s.ex (outside marriage/girlfriend relationship). And presumably you're arguing that Saudis, because they have less shame and go with prostitutes, therefore rape less (which we can check with the statistics about rates of rape among US women vs Saudi women)
benwj wrote:I think you referred to this as a more 'honest' option than having love with a girlfriend didn’t you?
Not sure I did - but for the sake of argument, let's see where you take this train of logic.. (I do recall saying that Islam's solution is no s.ex outside of marriage - period)
benwj wrote:So the obvious solution in the US is to, instead of subsidising the bloody corn industry, they need to start subsidising the hookers (p<3n) industry.
I'm not Texan.
So, the problem in Texas and US is that there is NOT ENOUGH p<3n and if they increase it (and the hookers) then the eh's fellow countrymen will rape less.
ok, I've picked myself up off the floor - thanks for that comedy break. But perhaps I misunderstood - are you really saying that there's not enough p<3n and access to hookers in the States and that is why the violence against women is higher?
So you're not Texan - great. Did you go to PR school in Tel Aviv perchance

(I'd ask for a refund
