Rape Definition

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Rape definition Jan 18, 2011
This story seems almost unbelievable.

Apparently, in what is claimed to be a representative survey, 61% of the males in the survey thought that forced s.ex with an aquaintance is NOT rape. Almost as shocking that 41% also didn't consider this rape.

When it came to spousal rape:
When asked whether they viewed forced sex with a spouse as rape, only 8.5 percent of women and 7.3 percent of men said yes.

But in case of forced s.ex with a stranger - 90% agreed that this was rape.


http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/ne ... e-1.337637

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Rape definition Jan 18, 2011
Not that I want to undermine your thread Mr.Sahafique,

Female $ex Offenders also do exist - http://www.csom.org/pubs/female_sex_offenders_brief.pdf , 2007 Report from the USDOJ

Although the vast majority of attention on sex crimes focuses on men as the offenders, an increased awareness of females as sex offenders has surfaced in recent years.
Because sexual victimization is significantly underreported overall, reliable information about the incidence of sex crimes committed by females is difficult to obtain
In contrast to the burgeoning body of literature describing male sex offenders, the research on female sex offenders is considerably underdeveloped. Much of what exists is purely descriptive in nature and tends to be based on small samples of women and adolescent girls in clinical settings, making it impossible to draw reliable inferences about any defining characteristics, risk factors, or offense dynamics of female sex offenders as a whole
Given the nature and dynamics of sex crimes, it should come as no surprise that individuals who commit sex offenses – regardless of gender – have several features in common


Apparently law enforcement agencies dont really know what to do when someone reports a female rapist. Lets see what happens in the future.
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Re: Rape definition Jan 19, 2011
What s your point al shafique?
How about rape definition in the UAE. You are on the wrong forum.
Still reading harretz huntin for something to bash on? It is called Dubai Forum here, that is not the place for rape surveys in Zimbabwe, Linchtenstein or Israel.
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Re: Rape Definition Jan 19, 2011
Nice to see you back again herve. I thought when I produced the evidence that Zahar had indeed given a speech at a rally rather than the imagined interview you were insisting he gave, you'd be gone for longer. ;)

Do 61% of UAE men think that forcing an aquaintance (not a spouse) to have s.ex is NOT rape?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Rape definition Jan 19, 2011
I do know that in Dubai, having sex with a 14 years girl is NOT rape.
There is no rape in dubai, victims are usually charged with prostitutions.
The only evidence you produced is your crooked way of thinking and twisting others' words.
Beside, I happen to be busy and dont have all day reading haretz, like yourself .
You are obviously bitter about the Palestinian cause, well ....you are going to be bitter for the rest of your life.
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Re: Rape definition Jan 19, 2011
Herve, do you agree with the 61% of males in the survey - that forcing a friend/acquaintance to have s.ex is NOT rape?

I'm also curious as to why you want to turn attention to the UAE.. I hope you are not trying to give us a 'what aboutery' argument.

But let me humour you a little.

Do you have any evidence that 61% of UAE men think that forcing an aquaintance to s.ex is NOT rape? I'm pretty sure that 41% of emirati women will not agree with this and will call it rape. Do you disagree?

(Note that the survey was not about judicial systems, but what people thought constituted rape. But I'm pretty sure that UAE law does consider forcing a friend into s.ex is rape - but if you have EVIDENCE to the contrary, let me know.)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Rape definition Jan 19, 2011
How about you, you seem to be an expert in everything, but what have you actually done, accomplished or created, beside bashing anything that is not muslim.
Have you ever been to Dubai?
Already close to 50% of Emirati men marry their relatives, their 1st cousins, if it is not rape, call it whatever you want, I call it sick.
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Re: Rape Definition Jan 19, 2011
LOL - all I did was ask you for evidence and whether you agreed with the 61% of men in the survey. Are you embarrassed to answer (for the record, I think that forcing anyone to have s.ex is rape - friend, stranger or spouse).

My part in this thread was to bring the evidence in the survey. Why are you upset?

(And yes, I have been to Dubai ;) ).

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Re: Rape definition Jan 19, 2011
I don't beleive there has been, or that such survey could even take place in the UAE. I base my opinion of numerous court cases where rape victims were turned to be the accused, male or female.
A rape survey in Dubai? forget it
However I do agree that forced s.ex with whoever, should be considered rape.
My question to you, was why bring a survey from Israel on Dubai Forum, it is totally biased and misplaced, and again intentionnally to creat stir against israel. get a life, go to the beach.
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Re: Rape definition Jan 19, 2011
Thanks for the advice herve.

I'm glad that we at least agree that forcing anyone to s.ex is rape. It is because I had this view that I found the 61% figure quite shocking.

As for only posting about issues in the UAE - I hope you are as voiciferous when others post material concerning the UK, Canada, USA, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Iran etc etc. Or is it you only object to news stories about a certain country?

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Re: Rape definition Jan 19, 2011
You find 61% shocking only because it is in israel, if it had been in the UAE or any other muslim place, you would not have brought it up.
For one, there are significant expat communities in Dubai, Brits, Canucks, Aussies, so it is quite understandable that Dubai Forum develops threads about these countries.
Israeli community in Dubai? :)
For 2 here are the traffic visitors origins
India 29.3%
United Arab Emirates 25.2%
Pakistan 9.7%
United Kingdom 6.2%
United States 6.1%
Philippines 2.3%
Canada 1.9%
Israel? 0.0002% ? may be
So I wonder, beside you, who can give a flying holy cow about a survey in Israel about rape.
end of the thread
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Re: Rape Definition Jan 19, 2011
Again, thanks for sharing your views.

I only asked whether you would object to posts about other countries, or whether you only object to this thread because it relates to a country that I haven't actually named in this thread (pointedly so).

The 61% of males who think that raping someone you know is not actually rape IS newsworthy in my mind - and indeed if any Muslim country has this shocking statistic, I would indeed post about it.

Note that these are people who are telling a researcher that they do not think raping someone you know is a crime! :shock:

I'm shocked that your reaction seems to be ''why are you picking on a country that I think should be left to commit crimes in peace'?

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