Racist Rabbis Blame Torah

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Racist Rabbis Blame Torah Dec 07, 2010
"Racism originated in the Torah," said Rabbi Yosef Scheinen..

Top rabbis move to forbid renting homes to Arabs, say 'Israel belongs to Jews'

Dozens of Israel's municipal chief rabbis signed on to the ruling, which comes just months after the chief rabbi of Safed initiated a call urging Jews to refrain from renting or selling apartments to non-Jews.

http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/to ... s-1.329327


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Racist Rabbis Blame Torah Dec 09, 2010
To be fair, some Rabbis are showing a sense of decency in Israel and refusing to join the racist rabbis:

"What if there was a similar call in Berlin against renting properties to Jews?" asks Rabbi Steinman.

http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/le ... s-1.329493

(as students of history know - the Nazis did indeed issue instructions to boycott Jews in the run up to WWII)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Racist Rabbis Blame Torah Dec 10, 2010
Some more positive news (a good day for this, so far) - two of the racist rabbis are backing down:

Amid uproar, two rabbis pull their names from letter forbidding rental of homes to Arabs
Rabbis remove their signatures after ultra-Orthodox leader denounces the religious ruling.

By Yair Ettinger
Two municipal chief rabbis decided on Thursday to remove their signatures from a religious ruling forbidding Israeli Jews from renting homes to gentiles.

http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/am ... s-1.329751

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