Racist Attacks: Cabinet Urged To Condemn

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Racist Attacks: Cabinet urged to condemn Nov 08, 2010
Things are not going well over in Israel. The Supreme Court was reported yesterday giving the green light to a Jews-only neighbourhood in Jaffa - and today Haaretz's editorial calls for the Israeli cabinet to break its silence over a series of racist attacks against non-Jewish citizens of Israel.

These reports are coming out almost daily and stand in stark opposition to the image Israel likes to portray of itself - as the moral underdog and victim.

The mask, as they say, has definitely slipped.

There's no need to over-hype the story, or quote it selectively - it is damning from the title to the contents.

As one commentator on the site puts it:
Decent Countries have laws protecting human rights...not Jewish rights, not Arab rights, HUMAN RIGHTS. Apparently, not here. Not only are laws lacking, but even more lacking is enforcement....equal enforcement that guarantees truly equal rights for all. Until this is true, we are no better

It is a sentiment shared by many Israelis - including the editors of Haaretz. God speed to them.:

The cabinet must end its silence over racist attacks

The cabinet, led by the prime minister and the education minister, have been silent in the face of a series of racist incidents in Safed.

Haaretz Editorial

Carmiel Mayor Adi Eldar announced late last week that he was firing deputy mayor Oren Milstein, who allegedly made numerous deprecatory comments about the Arab residents of the northern town. Eldar did the right thing.

On the day of the announcement, Safed Mayor Ilan Shohat was quoted telling Haaretz in an interview that Safed is "a symbol of coexistence between Jews and Arabs."

Shohat's empty boasts followed a series of racist incidents in his city. The 500 Arab students enrolled at Safed Academic College were the target of an ugly public attack culminating in violence against three of them.

Last month Safed Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu issued a religious ruling prohibiting Jews from renting homes to Arabs in the center.

An emergency convention of 18 area rabbis and about 400 supporters issued a call voicing a similar sentiment. Milstein supported the convention. Eli Tzvieli, an 89-year-old Safed resident, received death threats after renting an apartment to Bedouin students.

But Shohat has chosen to put a pretty face on an ugly situation. Unlike his Carmiel colleague, he did not sack his deputy who supported the rabbis' convention, and the city's rabbi kept his post, too.

The cabinet, led by the prime minister and the education minister, have been silent in the face of these disgraceful events in Safed. So too is the national student union, which did not come out in defense of its besieged colleagues in the city.

The law enforcement establishment has not as yet taken any action against the city's chief rabbi, who was charged about four and a half years ago for making racist remarks.

The charges were dropped after Eliyahu promised to retract his statements. Now he is back to his old ways, and nothing is being done about it.

This silence is even more worrisome than the events themselves. The prime minister, his ministers, Safed's mayor and the law enforcement establishment are sending the message that all is well in the northern city.

Just as the withdrawal of the indictment against Eliyahu is now proving to have been a serious error, so will this deafening silence of those who look on from the side echo loudly, and the wave of racism will only expand and gain force as a result. Responsibility will fall not only on those who lead it, but also on all those who stand silently by without taking any action.

http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/op ... s-1.323498

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Racist Attacks: Cabinet urged to condemn Nov 11, 2010
Neighboring Arabs still find Israel the only safe haven (which it is):


FAILING TO find a glimpse of hope across the greater Arab world, we must concede that Israel has become the only “safe haven” where one can be sure of his life and dignity. Yes, Israel, the state our demagogues continue to call “the alleged entity.”
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Racist Attacks: Cabinet Urged To Condemn Nov 13, 2010
Do you think the cabinet should not address the racist attacks?

Or is the argument that because Jerusalem Post thinks it is worse elsewhere we can ignore the attacks in Israel?

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