Al Qaeda Terrorism - Political Or Religious ?

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Re: Al Qaeda terrorism - political or religious ? Aug 03, 2010
Why are you bringing up Raymond Ibrahim ?

I quoted from the interview OBL had with an al-Jizya reporter that was cited by the Muslim 'journalist' in your other thread.

Do try and keep up.

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Re: Al Qaeda Terrorism - Political Or Religious ? Aug 03, 2010
Because you are repeating Ibrahim's spin.

Do try and keep up young one.

Let me repeat:
shafique wrote:Why ignore what Bin Laden has said the reasons for 9/11 are and believe Ibrahim's spin? Could it be because you can't handle the truth?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Al Qaeda terrorism - political or religious ? Aug 04, 2010

So quoting from the interview Hadia Mubarak used (took out of context) as her primary evidence that the 9/11 attacks were political and not religious is repeating Raymond Ibrahim's spin ?

Not only do I have the quotes from Raymond Ibrahim which prove that OBL is motivated by the texts and teachings of Islam, but we now have pretty explicit statements that OBL justifies the killing of women and children based on his interpretation of the Koran - where the source was provided for us by your author.
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Re: Al Qaeda Terrorism - Political Or Religious ? Aug 04, 2010
Nope, believing Ibrahim's spin from his hodgepodge of a book is what is wrong.

I'm just asking why you don't quote Bin Laden when he gives the explanation for 9/11 and insist that Ibrahim's version is correct? Is Ibrahim more informed about Bin Laden's motives that Bin Laden? (I wouldn't be surprised if this is your latest loon illogicality)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Al Qaeda terrorism - political or religious ? Aug 04, 2010
I quotes from OBL's speech that Hadia Mubarak used to arrive at her conclusion that that the 9/11 attacks were political, not religious.

Bin Laden explicitly said that his justification for killing women and children was religious. His words, not mine.

That you are setting up strawmen speaks volumes.
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Re: Al Qaeda Terrorism - Political Or Religious ? Aug 04, 2010
I simply asked why you believe Ibrahim's spin rather than Bin Laden's explanations about why 9/11 was carried out? (In the interview, he is asked specifically about 9/11 (the World Trade Centre) - what is his explanation for 9/11?)

I couldn't have been clearer. Will you address this question?

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