A spokesman for Jaish al-Umma says his group’s purpose is “to awaken the Islamic nation from the backwardness and the ignorance the tyrant regimes in Islamic countries have caused, and to free the Muslims from the despots.” according to a spokesman for Jaish al-Umma.
The groups' rank and file members tend to fit the same profile as Hamas militants, but they are usually led by more educated types, like doctors and university professors, who see al Qaeda as their true leaders, rather than Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and- ... wdB8UvAI73
One good point from this all. The educated agree with me that Islam is backward in its current state.

So sad, they are indoctrinated by an ideology that is inherently backwards. But I can understand that its tough to drop your conviction suddenly when you are confronted by opposing forces. People tend to go into defence (of conviction), especially close minded ones, regardless how educated they may be.

Dangerous intellectuals in society. Right, Shafique?