What is the penalty for a woman who miscarries or has an abortion? What is the penalty for doctors who perform abortions?
Read the comments section in both articles. Needless to say the authors in both never seemed to have bothered reading the proposed laws in question.
You can oppose the murder of the unborn, but how is it fair to throw a woman into jail for the rest of her life or kill her, or even kill a doctor who provides safe medical abortion when you know nothing of the circumstances?
Is it fair to throw someone in jail for smothering a baby if I didn't know the circumstances? Oh but you're going to say....
A fetus is not a live-born baby so it is not the same as killing a baby/child/teen/adult.
Under US law, no, it's not. Then again under the law it was perfectly legal to own slaves. Oh, and tell me, what's the difference between a five month fetus and four month pre-term baby?
Can I go around smothering pre-terms? Pull the cord on the machine that's keeping them alive?
How about the rights of the woman who is carrying the clump of dividing cells/fetus - its HER body!
What about the right of the unborn, it's their body!
The woman has to count too.
Right to life takes precedence over other rights.
What is the solution
Uhm, be responsible in the first place?
Flying Dutchman wrote:Oh, get off that high horse. If its up to you those girls getting pregnant out of wedlock deserve some good whipping for fornication.