Prince Charles Urges Environmentalists

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Prince Charles Urges Environmentalists Jun 10, 2010
'Follow the Islamic way to save the world,' Prince Charles urges environmentalists

Thaaaank you Mr. Charles..Are you a muslim by the way? :P I know one doesn't have to be...but you know one just wonders.. cause previously I read you a few times expressing many qualities of islam..
Incase you wish to admit Mr. Charles, don't worry they woun't take the crown away from you or that you would get killed like Diana...

Prince Charles yesterday urged the world to follow Islamic 'spiritual principles' in order to protect the environment.
In an hour-long speech, the heir to the throne argued that man's destruction of the world was contrary to the scriptures of all religions - but particularly those of Islam.
He said the current 'division' between man and nature had been caused not just by industrialisation, but also by our attitude to the environment - which goes against the grain of 'sacred traditions'.

Outspoken: Prince Charles speaks to Islamic studies scholars at Oxford. He argued that man's destruction of the world was particularly contrary to Islam
Charles, who is a practising Christian and will become the head of the Church of England when he succeeds to the throne, spoke in depth about his own study of the Koran which, he said, tells its followers that there is 'no separation between man and nature' and says we must always live within our environment's limits.
The prince was speaking to an audience of scholars at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies - which attempts to encourage a better understanding of the culture and civilisation of the religion.
His speech, merging religion with his other favourite subject, the environment, marked the 25th anniversary of the organisation, of which he is patron.
He added: 'The inconvenient truth is that we share this planet with the rest of creation for a very good reason - and that is, we cannot exist on our own without the intricately balanced web of life around us.
'Islam has always taught this and to ignore that lesson is to default on our contract with creation.'
Bored: Not everyone in the audience was as interested as Prince Charles though
Impressive setting: Charles spoke at Oxford University's Sheldonian Theatre

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Re: Prince Charles Urges Environmentalists Jun 10, 2010
Totally agree.

We need to get off of oil.

But since Muslims are such environmentalists, because of their 'scriptures', they should be leading the way to ending the consumption of oil in the world.

The burning of fossil fuels, apart from being a leading contributor to man-made global warming, is also potentially responsible for acidifying the oceans - anyone who took a high-school biology class knows that exhaling carbon dioxide from a straw into a beaker of water creates carbonic acid.

Berrin, what do you suggest would be the best way to get off of fossil fuels, in a sensible manner, and switching to alternative sources of energy and fuels that are more environmentally friendly?

Also, please share with us how countries like China will also follow suit with the rest of the world ?
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Re: Prince Charles Urges Environmentalists Jun 14, 2010
We need to get off of oil.
But since Muslims are such environmentalists, because of their 'scriptures', they should be leading the way to ending the consumption of oil in the world.

Ha ha, do you think the west could ever get rid of oil or voluntarily let the Muslims to lead, I mean that would mean the end of hegemony in the ME and central Asia. You see you should rule your own roost first, before you insinuate..

The burning of fossil fuels, apart from being a leading contributor to man-made global warming, is also potentially responsible for acidifying the oceans - anyone who took a high-school biology class knows that exhaling carbon dioxide from a straw into a beaker of water creates carbonic acid.

Not necessarily, if it wasn’t for oil, I don’t think mankind would develop as efficiently as it were when there was not enough scientific technology to bring in other methods to replace oil in various industrial products. i.e cars..
See God loves all he creates, his help comes us in abundance especially at times when humans are helpless to formulate something themselves.. then of course the end product is always ready by God as in the case of oil.

The danger actually doesn’t come from the fossil fuels; the danger comes from negligence of its use. i.e. more and more people avoid public transport and opt for luxury of self driving. Imagine an average family of 5 in which everyone owns a car including teenagers..

Any substance can be harmful or good depends on it use.. such as Nuclear elements are bad in general but some of them are good for identifying/treating human diseases if used carefully..
Too much of eating anything is bad for human body but good if in measure/small quantities..
A knife is bad for killing but good if slicing bread..

Berrin, what do you suggest would be the best way to get off of fossil fuels, in a sensible manner, and switching to alternative sources of energy and fuels that are more environmentally friendly?

It’s been explained here in part 7…

Also, please share with us how countries like China will also follow suit with the rest of the world?

before jumping on the Chinese have you looked at your own roost and cleaned it first?
Americans still deny Kyoto protocols.. ... ignatories

Also, please share with us how countries like USA will also follow suit with the rest of the world?

By behaving compatible with Islamic mandates! USA citizens too are the same product of the same Creator as the Chinese are .
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