57% identified themselves as Muslims first, 21% identified themselves as Palestinians first, 19% as human beings first and 5% as Arabs first.
The increase in adherence to religious identity is also reflected in the system preferred by the Palestinian people.
About 40% of the respondents said that they believe that the Islamic caliphate is the best system for Palestinians, 24% chose a system like one of the Arab countries, and 12 % prefer a system like one of the European countries.
Now this begs the question, how will future elections in the W. Bank turn out if Palestinians could vote for candidates who espouse ideology of Hamas or Hizb-ut-tahrir?
http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2011/0 ... amist.html
It's also worth pointing out that Palestinians in Gaza celebrated the recent unity deal between Hamas and Fatah by holding pictures of Osama bin Laden.