Ok, sorry - I thought I would clarify why I used the words shouting match, so that at least there would be no confusion over my intention.
I understand that dee's questions and points to you weren't easy to read. This is a fair point.I also take on board the colour font may be viewed as aggressive (I've been married a long time, and know not to question a lady's logic!

So, let me help out here and re-format and put into paragraphs what Dee said - as I said, his arguments were well made and it seems a shame that his choice of font colour should obscure what could be an interesting discussion.
Melika wrote:
But for me, all other factors that u stated in Islamic countries, are results of religion and in particular Islam. So I see the root and origin of all those other factors brings harassment because of stupid Islamic rules, which interferes in every little details of life. And yes I know, other religions may have their own stupid rules, but it is just in Islamic countries where country laws are the same as religion rules.
Dee replied:
Ahhhhhh. I see. Now I finally understand why you post in the manner that you do. It seems that you simply type what you FEEL is correct. That above paragraph you wrote encompassed everything wrong with this thread.
This discussion was difficult enough when trying to correlate religion to harassment. All what has been going back and forth (well mostly forth) has been an analysis of two factors.
Now you have written 4 lines which are optimistic enough to claim that the factors I mentioned are all down to Islam.
The factors that I mentioned included (if my memory serves me right) illiteracy, poor education, lack of healthcare, political corruption, low income levels, general poverty, pollution....blah blah.
No offense intended but how exactly are you planning to prove to me that all those factors have been caused by Islam or religion in general? I am really looking forward to reading this.
I am not challenging you to anything but I think that it is my right to get some sort of validation for your opinions. I cannot simply say the earth is triangular and expect you to believe me. You asked me for a proper explanation and now I want one for you.
Hopefully one that is not simply "I saw, I heard, I believe).
I am prepared to listen to your rationale once you have one.
You seem to genuinely disturbed by people who "have faith" without being able to demonstrate understanding. Please explain to me how that is different from what you have just done? You seem to "have faith" that religion is the cause of factors that may or may not be related to it (similar to how there may or may not be a God). Yet you give no demonstration of understanding.
Please do not give me assumptions. Give me anything evidence-based (not copy-pasted) that properly addresses the 4 lines you have typed above and I will readily admit that I am wrong and that I have been typing nonsense.
I am not asking you for statistics and numbers. I am simply wondering if you have a thought process regarding this or if you just WANT to have this opinion.
I have answered your questions in a manner that I believe was moderately adequate. Now, I am asking you to reciprocate.
I want proper reasons for the ambitious claims you have typed in the above paragraph.
Don't take this in a rude way but I cannot continue to have a debate with your emotions any longer because we will never reach a result.
Melika also wrote:
Islam has rules for the way you eat, you dress, you talk, the way you walk, the way you take a shower, the way you buy, the way you sell, the way you date…
Believing in faith, praying so God will help you so no need to try, being hypocrite about your prayers, bashing others, restrictions on dress code and normal relationships which results in s.exual problems… yeah I know you are gonna say this is not Islam, but this is what is practicing as Islam today, and like Shaf you can not develop and promote your own version!
This is truly too much. Can you think about the validity of what you type before you unleash it on us? When did I develop or promote anything? I am not preaching to you about my religion! I was simply stating the problems I had with your logic in relating two factors I felt were not directly relevant.
That is "promoting my own version" of my religion?!
I have not said a word about my religion or beliefs in this discussion. I did not mention Islam's views on harassment. I did not quote anything religious. In fact, I tried to lay-out as secular a rationale as I possibly could.
If I had never heard of Islam, I could have made the same exact points! What the hell do you mean praying to God so "you" don't need to try?!?!?!
How about you and I (a Muslim) compare the hardships that we have each had in our lives and I will leave you to judge who has tried harder!! Who told you that we are hypocrites in our prayers or otherwise? I might be. Shaf might be. But how would you know that?! Do you know us??
Do you for once have anything tangible to provide as evidence other than what you feel is true??
Do you not have restrictions on your own dress code? Would you walk around Paris crotchless? If not, why?
Are you a hypocrite who creates restrictions that result in sexual problems?!?!?!
Are there not restrictions on dress code in every bloody country on earth?
Are you actually saying that your actual problem is with the DEGREE of restriction?
That is hugely subjective and will obviously differ from person to person and place to place. There are Nudist Churches that are readily accepted in some countries. That is an example of absolutely no restrictions. Go to church naked. If you have a problem with that or think it is strange I am sorry to tell you this but, you are creating sexual problems.
Again, jokes aside, offer some support to your opinions.
Yes, we want to hear what you think.
However, when you approach a contentious topic with potential for debate you should have something more than telling us opinions formed during god-knows what experience you have had with Muslim(s).
Bear in mind that we are not those people that when forming your opinions you felt were "hypocrites" or did not "try".
Try not to generalize. There are crap people everywhere and unfortunately that is life. It is just more obvious when it comes from a culture or a background you cannot personally relate to.
There - more readable, I think you'll agree.