Antisemitism Unleashed - "People Thirst For Jews' Blood"

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Antisemitism unleashed - "People Thirst for Jews' Blood" Aug 10, 2012
*** Antisemitism unleashed (but don't expect the usual suspects to start a thread about this incident) ***

This sick quote is from cleric Salah Sultan, founder of a mosque in Ohio that Christian convert Rifqa Barry attended.

She claimed the mosque preached extremism and was predictably character assassinated by Leftist goons.

Now it turns out she was right: the founder of the mosque returned to Egypt and delivered the following blood curdling speech - remember, he was giving sermons in the US before he moved back.

Thanks MEMRI for the translation and broadcast of his sermon. Otherwise, how else would we have known about this cleric's di.sgusting views to condemn him? (video in the link)

The sermons by cleric Sallah Sultan, who founded the Ohio-based American Center for Islamic Research, were aired on July 27 and August 3.

"I travel all over the world," he says, "and I met supporters of Al-Aqsa, of the prisoners, of Jerusalem, and of Palestine – people who thirst for the blood of the Jews, and who are eager for the promised war against the sons of Zion, until Palestine is liberated in its entirety."

Sultan goes on to say that "Under the previous [Egyptian] regime over 30,000 Zionists entered Egypt every month, defiling its land. The Egyptian police were forced to protect them, while they were getting drunk and picking fights."

"There was a great scandal, when [alleged Israeli spy] Misrati and some Jews entered Egypt, in order to commit all kinds of crimes here: counterfeit dollars, taking photographs of military bases, girls with AIDS seducing young Egyptians in order to infect them, and the vilest act of all – for the price of one Egyptian pound Misrati and his gang would seduce young Egyptian boys from Cairo, Alexandria and Upper Egypt. They took young children who did not know any better and sodomized them."

In 2010, Sultan accused Zionists of making Pesach matzas from the blood of Christian children. In 2011, he declared that a 1994 edict that called for the murder of "every Zionist who enters Egypt – tourist or not" would be renewed. ... CTwP6DbAfy

Salah Sultan is the president of the Islamic American University, and was the head of the Muslim American Society’s Department of Islamic Research and Studies ... indid=1387

Antisemitic rhetoric comes with a price. How many more Muhamed Merahs, berrins and shafiques need to exist before we get real and look at what feeds their hate? Could it have anything to do with clerics like Salah Sultan?

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