Pedophelia In Iran

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pedophelia in Iran Mar 18, 2012
At least 716 girls under the age of ten married off in Iran since 2009!!!
Farshid Yazdani, a member of the Association for the Defense of Children’s Rights, has raised the flag on the increasing rate of the marriage of girls under the age of 10 in Iran. He stated that in 2009, 449 girls under the age of 10 were married off. The number increased to 716 cases in 2011.

Yazdani added that the number of marriages for girls under 15 years of age has increased from 33,383 in 2006 to 35,931 in 2007, 37,996 in 2008, and 43,459 last year (please note that the dates are approximate as the statistics were given according to the Iranian calendar, which begins at the start of the Persian New Year).

According to Yazdani, the rate of marriages of girls under the age of 15 has had a 45% increase compared to marriages in other age brackets. He added that these figures are based on the statistics released by Iran’s Civil Registrations Office, and they should set off alarms for social activists and policy makers. ... c1Mw%3D%3D

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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 18, 2012
Had a quick look at Wiki as I remembered that Iran's minimum age of marriage was above 10. It lists it as 18 for men and 16 for ladies - and gives this as the source:

The minimum age of marriage in Iran is 18 for men and 16 for women and in the last year the average age when people got married was 26 for men and 23 for women.
(An article about the soaring divorce rate in Iran).

Unicef has a page on Iran, and the figures there don't match 'hidemyass' report: ... stics.html

Perhaps Mel can shed some light on which report is right - for if the minimum age is 16, how can the civil Registrations Office in Iran record over 716 girls being married in the past 2 or 3 years?

Herve - I sense an investigation on your part is due. What does the law say in Iran?

(I also note with some hilarity that 'hidemyass' site you linked to has a photo of the bridesmaid picture that herve insisted was a real Hamas bride back when he believed that the Internet hoax was real!!)


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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 18, 2012
it s called double language al shafique, it is typical with moslems, say one thing... do the exact opposite.
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 19, 2012
herve wrote:it is typical with moslems, say one thing... do the exact opposite.

Someone else said that to me in an email recently!!
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Re: pedophelia in Iran Mar 19, 2012
Was it shafique? did he ever sweet talk to you in private emails like he used to with Gerturde when he thought she was a woman? You know, he should be more carefull , he might find a BIG surprise one of these days under the burka of who ever he is sweet talking. :lol:
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 19, 2012
herve wrote:it s called double language

So, let me get this straight. You doubt the UK police and the Daily Mail when they say an attack was racially motivated when a non-white lady and her children were attacked, but yet you present a snippet from 'hidemyass' as fact, even though the law in the country means what the snippet says is illegal?

Were you really an intelligence officer? Really?

Can you at least give us a link to the alleged official statistics the 'hideymyass' snippet said he used?


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Re: pedophelia in Iran Mar 20, 2012
Khomeini also was responsible for another novel legal ruling (warning - this is mind-bogglingly disgusting):

"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, while other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, and kissing are allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister."[34][35]

Khomeini specifically described an act known as thighing that allowed an adult male to simulate sex with a female child without penetration:
"Thighing is a means for an adult male to enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her."[36] ... _Marriages

The link in the article is dead. But I'll be happy to be corrected if this is a misquote / false attribution of Khomeini.


In June, 2002 Iranian authorities approved a law raising the age at which girls can marry without parental consent from 9 to 13. The elected legislature actually passed the bill in 2000, but the "Guardian Council", a 12-man body of conservative clerics, vetoed it as contradicting Islamic Sharia law. Iran's clerical establishment insists that the marriage of young girls is a means to combat immorality. The Expediency Council, which arbitrates between the elected parliament and the theocratic Guardian Council, timidly passed the measure. The law however does not change the age at which children can get married (nine for girls and 14 for boys), but says that girls below the age of 13 and boys younger than 15 need their parents' permission and the approval of a "Righteous Court." Reformists state that the new law does not protect children, since most of those who marry at such a young age do so by force.

Iranian human-rights activists have won a partial victory in their long battle to protect children from being married off by their parents before they begin puberty. After months of deliberation, Iranian authorities recently approved a law that requires court approval for the marriage of girls below the age of 13 and boys younger than 15.

Prague, 28 June 2002 (RFE/RL) -- There are no official statistics for how many young children in Iran are married off by their parents before they become teenagers. But the practice has long been considered commonplace in the countryside and in smaller towns where traditional values rule. There, parents often arrange marriages for their children long before the children themselves are old enough to give their informed consent.

Such child marriages not only are sanctioned by tradition, they also are permitted under Iran's legal code. The law permits parents to marry off girls at the age of 9 and boys at the age of 14.

Now, however, Iranian human-rights activists have won a partial victory in a long-running battle to raise the marriage age for children.

This month, Iranian authorities approved a law requiring parents to obtain court permission for marriages of girls under the age of 13 and of boys younger than 15. At the same time, children above those ages will be allowed to marry voluntarily.

The new law is only a partial victory because Iran's reformist-dominated parliament originally had sought to extend the protection of the courts to girls under 15 and boys under 18 -- age limits higher than the law approved this month. But that higher age limit, which the parliament approved in August 2000, was challenged by the hard-line-dominated Guardian Council in a dispute that went unresolved for almost two years.

This month, the dispute between the parliament and the Guardian Council, which is responsible for assuring that legislation conforms to the values of Iran's Islamic Revolution, ended in a ruling by an arbitrating body, the Expediency Council. That council provided no details as to how its decision was reached.

Supporters of the new law say it will help reduce the number of teenage marriages in Iran and ease international criticism of the country's human-rights record. European governments, in particular, have previously criticized child marriages in Iran as a violation of human rights. Iran has sought over past years to increase its economic ties with Europe, and European states have often stressed that closer ties should include discussions of human-rights issues.

Zohreh Arzani, a female attorney in Tehran, told RFE/RL Persian Service correspondent Mahmonir Rahimi recently that the new law is a step forward for Iranian children's rights. "This is a step forward compared to legislation of 19 years ago, which said marriage before maturity is forbidden unless it is at the father's or grandfather's discretion, which, in essence, meant they could marry them off to anyone they wanted. Now, at least, they have raised the girl's age to 13 and have added a clause that [the marriage] has to be at the courts' discretion," Arzani said.

One female reformist, Fatemah Khatami, said that the new law is particularly due to the efforts of women lawmakers, who have sought to increase legal protections for girls and women. She told the Associated Press that, "This is yet another fulfillment of the promises of reformists, and especially of female lawmakers, who had promised to protect women's rights." But she added: "Still, we have a long way to go to provide adequate legal protection for women."

Yet some supporters of the new law, while welcoming it, feel it falls disappointingly short of the reformists' original hopes of sharply reducing the frequency of teenage marriage. A female member of parliament, Fatemah Rakeii, told reporters this week that even a boy of 18 years would be psychologically and economically unfit to start a family, while a girl of 15 remains a child.

The current law makes little provision for the fact that, while it extends the courts' protection to underage children, individual judges will have the power to give their permission for child marriages on a case-by-case basis. That may mean that in particularly conservative and traditional areas, some courts will respect the wishes of parents who wish to marry off their children before puberty.

Sociologists in Iran say parents who marry off their children, and particularly girls, at very young ages usually do so out of economic necessity. Abdulreza Kordi, a professor at the women's university of Al-Zahra in Tehran, told RFE/RL's Persian Service that families in tough economic straits view early marriage as a way to ease the burden of supporting their children. "Whenever there is an economic struggle, the parents' automatic defense mechanism is to transfer the burden, that is, to marry [some of the children] off. And in some cases, unpleasant traditions or tribal customs are the reason for these marriages," Kordi said.

That could mean that so long as many Iranians continue to face financial hardships, some families will continue to seek to marry off very young children. Iran's economy is struggling with double-digit inflation and unemployment and currently is unable to absorb large numbers of young job seekers entering the marketplace each year.

The Iranian government has made reviving the country's economy -- many sectors of which are dominated by inefficient quasi-state organizations -- a top priority. But so far, economic reforms have been slowed by political divisions over how to convert Iran's socialist-style economy into a competitive free-market system without risking social unrest.

So, girls can get married below 13 but these marriages need approval from the courts. But as the article says, judges from conservative regions will tend to side with the family if they want their child married before 13.

As herve's article says, hundreds of girls under the age of 10 have been married off in this manner since 2009.
event horizon
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
event horizon wrote:The link in the article is dead. But I'll be happy to be corrected if this is a misquote / false attribution of Khomeini.

I suggest you do some research and establish whether this is something that Iranian Shia do believe in. When this was last brought up on this forum (by herve pretending to be caps), it transpired to be an allegation by some Sunnis who were being critical of Shia Islam, rather than Shias explaining what they believe.

It was just another case of you guys selectively quoting and passing it off as fact.

Wikiislam is not the most reliable source. If you want to quote what Shia believe, ask the Shia - not the equivalent of a memri special.

In the meantime, let's see whether the 'hidemyass' allegation that there are official records of the 700+ child marriages can be verified. Unicef doesn't list these in their stats - so it smells fishy to me. Is 'hidemyass' right? They make the claim that the figures are official - let's see some proof of this. Should be simple if true.


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Re: pedophelia in Iran Mar 20, 2012
Well, you were certainly wrong claiming the marriageable age for Iranian females is 16.

Why should I disbelieve herve's article? It was right that females can get married at 9 & 10.

And as my article points out:

The current law makes little provision for the fact that, while it extends the courts' protection to underage children, individual judges will have the power to give their permission for child marriages on a case-by-case basis. That may mean that in particularly conservative and traditional areas, some courts will respect the wishes of parents who wish to marry off their children before puberty.

And about the Khomeini quote:

Arabic is the original version of the text, it was later translated into Farsi.

Here's the Farsi translation:

مساءله 12 - كسيكه زوجه اى كمتر از نه سال دارد وطى او براى وى جايز نيست چه اينكه زوجه دائمى باشد، و چه منقطع ، و اما ساير كام گيريها از قبيل لمس بشهوت و آغوش گرفتن و تفخيذ(4) اشكال ندارد هر چند شيرخواره باشد، و اگر قبل از نه سال او را وطى كند اگر افضاء نكرده باشد بغير از گناه چيزى بر او نيست ، و اگر كرده باشد يعنى مجراى بول و مجراى حيض او را يكى كرده باشد و يا مجراى حيض و غائط او را يكى كرده باشد تا ابد وطى او بر وى حرام مى شود، لكن در صورت دوم حكم بنابر احتياط است و در هر حال بنا بر اقوى بخاطر افضاء از همسرى او بيرون نمى شود در نتيجه همه احكام زوجيت بر او مترتب مى شود يعنى او از شوهرش و شوهرش از او ارث مى برد، و نمى تواند پنجمين زن دائم بگيرد و ازدواجش با خواهر آن زن بر او حرام است و همچنين ساير احكام ، و بر او واجب است مادامى كه آن زنده است مخارجش را بپردازد. هر چند طلاقش داده باشد، بلكه هر چند كه آن زن بعد از طلاق شوهرى ديگرى انتخاب كرده باشد كه بنابر احتياط بايد افضا كننده نفقه او را بدهد، بلكه اين حكم خالى از قوت نيست ، و نيز بر او واجب است ديه افضا را كه ديه قتل است بآن زن بپردازد اگر آن زن آزاد است نصف ديه مرد را با مهريه ايكه معين شده و بخاطر عقد دخول بگردنش آمده به او بدهد، و اگر بعد از تمام شدن نه سال با او جماع كند و او را افضاء نمايد حرام ابدى نمى شود و ديه بگردنش نمى آيد، لكن نزديكتر به احتياط آن است كه مادامى كه آن زن زنده است نفقه اش را بدهد هر چند كه بنا بر اقوى واجب نيست .

It's very common knowledge that Ayatullah Khomeini had this fatwa about baby marriages, just as most other Marja's have this same fatwa. This has been the cause of polemical attacks on Ayatullah Khomeini for ages. For example, here and here. So it's stunning that people come on here, claiming to be his ardent supporters and followers, while being completely ignorant about this. ... sylehlies/
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
event horizon wrote:Well, you were certainly wrong claiming the marriageable age for Iranian females is 16.

Was I? I gave the source of the information. Are you sure you're not quoting information that is no longer valid?

Please quote the Iranian legislation that states what the minimum marriageable age is, with a reference please.

As for the fatwa, again - you are quoting an anti-Shia poster who is being critical of the alleged condoning of child s.ex by Khomeni - and as with Caps, this is from a Muslim who is arguing that Islam does NOT allow paedophillia, and is being critical of the Shia. I suggest you get some confirmation from Shia sources that this allegation against them is true. Should be easy enough - as Shia think Khomeni was infallible, after all.

But the main issue is whether herve's OP is true or not - that there are official sources in Iran showing 700+ child marriages, and that Unicef's figure of zero is therefore incorrect. Is 'hidemyass' correct or Unicef?


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Re: pedophelia in Iran Mar 20, 2012
Please quote the Iranian legislation that states what the minimum marriageable age is, with a reference please.

Right back at you.

If you did that from the very beginning this line of discussion would be over before it began.

And I note the "anti-Shia" poster's comments (he actually identifies himself as 'Shi'i') weren't disputed on a Shite forum by Shiite posters and he provided links to his sources that one member after his post stood corrected by.

And here's another thread where this topic seems discussed.

Read through it to see what the Shiite posters say: ... age-fatwa/
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
If you and herve are right, let's see some evidence - it should be easy enough. A fatwa quoted on a forum is not evidence.

The reference I gave says the minimum age of marriage is 16 - so if this is wrong, you should be able to quote the reference to the law which says otherwise.

herve's 'hidemyass' reference alleges 700+ officially recorded child marriages. Let's see some evidence for this bold claim, especially as it doesn't seem to have reached UNICEF's statistical office.

shafique wrote:Perhaps Mel can shed some light on which report is right - for if the minimum age is 16, how can the civil Registrations Office in Iran record over 716 girls being married in the past 2 or 3 years?

Herve - I sense an investigation on your part is due. What does the law say in Iran?

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Re: pedophelia in Iran Mar 20, 2012
The reference I gave says the minimum age of marriage is 16 - so if this is wrong, you should be able to quote the reference to the law which says otherwise.

And you couldn't have done this in your initial post .... why?
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
Because herve is usually wrong when it comes to his bizare views on Islam and weird conspiracy theories - I therefore only did a few minutes of Googling. I clicked on his link, and given it contained a photo of the hamas hoax photo (of a bridesmaid), I immediately understood that herve was on to another loser.

Herve's article makes the claim of official stats, and the reference in Wiki on marriageable age contradicts what his 'hidemyass' reference says.

The onus is on herve to back up his 'hidemyass' ref, not on me.

Only a few minutes is enough to disprove most anti-Muslim conspiracy theories. Why waste any more time on it.

All you have to do to show I'm mistaken is quote what the Iranian law says about marriageable age and back up herve's wild claim that 700+ officially recorded marriages actually exist in report from the government office.


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Re: pedophelia in Iran Mar 20, 2012
This is way too funny to comment on, just for the record, EH the Farsi text you quoted has nothing to do with this subject! Also this text is full of ancient words that even I can not fully understand it! I have no idea why you posting such a long text that you have no clue about! LOL
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Re: pedophelia in Iran Mar 20, 2012
:D That's funny Mel. Most of eh's posts on Islam are from a position of extreme ignorance.. but this time it was funny!

Can you at least clear up what the minimum legal age of marriage in Iran is? The reference I got from wiki says 16 for women and 18 for men.

We can let herve see whether he can confirm that 700+ marriages are from official sources or just another conspiracy theory (from 'hidemyass'!! )

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Re: pedophelia in Iran Mar 20, 2012
I googled it Shaf, this law had changed couple of times. Once the minimum legal age was 15 for girls and 18 for guys, then it changed to 18 for girls and 20 for guys. Based on websites it is 15 for girls and 18 for guys. I don't know how effective these laws are, as there are some illegal child marriages especially in the south of Iran. I am 28 and nobody has forced me to get married yet! LOL
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
melika969 wrote:This is way too funny to comment on, just for the record, EH the Farsi text you quoted has nothing to do with this subject! Also this text is full of ancient words that even I can not fully understand it! I have no idea why you posting such a long text that you have no clue about! LOL

It is no secret Khonmeini was a sexual animal, with some very weird ideas about se.x. You can laugh at event horizon, but the sexual ideas and habits of Khomeini is what is really sad and dis.gusting.
And I am a bit surprised you are not aware of temporray child marriages in Iran (also called child protitution).
Flying Dutchman
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Re: pedophelia in Iran Mar 20, 2012
Flying Dutchman wrote:
melika969 wrote:This is way too funny to comment on, just for the record, EH the Farsi text you quoted has nothing to do with this subject! Also this text is full of ancient words that even I can not fully understand it! I have no idea why you posting such a long text that you have no clue about! LOL

It is no secret Khonmeini was a sexual animal, with some very weird ideas about se.x. You can laugh at event horizon, but the sexual ideas and habits of Khomeini is what is really sad and dis.gusting.
And I am a bit surprised you are not aware of temporray child marriages in Iran (also called child protitution).

I dont know if you are ignoring my other comment on purpose or not. I already mentioned that there are some illegal child marriages especially in the south of Iran.
Although there is no official statistics about that, as such stats will result in Human Rights pressure on the regime.

Also I don't understand how "pedophilia in Iran" is related to Khomeini's se.xual ideas. Are you saying the number of child brides that Herve mentioned were all married to Khomeini?!
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
melika969 wrote:I have no idea why you posting such a long text that you have no clue about! LOL
Because he is the LULZ!!!!!!!
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
melika969 wrote:I dont know if you are ignoring my other comment on purpose or not. I already mentioned that there are some illegal child marriages especially in the south of Iran.


--- Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:49 pm ---

Nucleus wrote:Because he is the LULZ!!!!!!!

And you are nothing but a troll Nuc.
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
melika969 wrote:I googled it Shaf, this law had changed couple of times. Once the minimum legal age was 15 for girls and 18 for guys, then it changed to 18 for girls and 20 for guys. Based on websites it is 15 for girls and 18 for guys. I don't know how effective these laws are, as there are some illegal child marriages especially in the south of Iran. I am 28 and nobody has forced me to get married yet! LOL

Thanks Mel. I can fully understand that there are some illegal marriages - but I don't think they would appear on the official records as herve's OP claims.

I always find it incredible that parents allow their children to enter into these relationships - it makes the mind boggle, whether it is very young marriages in tribal areas or teen mothers in Europe on benefits (with the approval of parents!).

I guess both herve and eh have some homework to do! ;)


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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
shafique wrote:teen mothers in Europe on benefits

Yes, at least in Europe, we tend to take care of single moms having children outside wedlock. We donot lash them.
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
You're in a grumpy mood again FD. You really shouldn't believe all the anti-Muslim bloggers - that's how herve and eh get into trouble. :roll:


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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
shafique wrote:You really shouldn't believe all the anti-Muslim bloggers

Lashes for fornicators is sharia, no Muslim denies that.
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, especially in the hands of anti-Muslims!

But try and focus FD - if you want to start yet another thread on the conditions required for various Islamic punishments, go ahead start a thread. However this thread is about herve's latest silly idea that we should believe what 'hidemyass' has to say about Iran.


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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
yes, master.
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
Now, cheer up as well. You'll feel much better when we share a laugh at herve trying to dig him out of his latest conspiracy theory. ;)

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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
shafique wrote:Now, cheer up as well. You'll feel much better when we share a laugh at herve trying to dig him out of his latest conspiracy theory.

Oh, I don't know Shaf, child marriage is a very dirty business, I donot laugh about it (you laugh at strange things shaf). And it does happen.
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Re: Pedophelia In Iran Mar 20, 2012
Focus, FD, focus. The joke is on herve's 'hidemyass' conspiracy theory that the Iranian authorities have recorded 700+ instances of these child marriages.

As I said, when we see how herve tries to justify this accusation, we non-bitter folk will laugh - just like we laughed when he insisted that the internet hoax about Hamas child weddings was real. We weren't laughing at the thought of child weddings, but at herve's silly belief that the hoax was real.

The 'hidemyass' article uses the same photo. You'd have thought herve would have learnt his lesson. I guess hatred makes one a bit blind to obvious flaws of logic (such as not checking what the legal age of marriage is in Iran).

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