Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby.

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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote: Perhaps, he is the reason your star in a round now. It was probably dark, right?

English please you moron. This makes no sense - type slower and engage your peanut first.

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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
There, there, take it easy, you can use all the bad words you need to get it all out. :bounce:
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Not bad only took you 23 mins to reply and this time it makes sense!! You are getting better ferret.
So who is the transvestite in the avatar?
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
FD - you really are losing it.

You accuse BB of not condemning the death of the Israeli baby, and hence show off your loon credentials. The underlying assumption is clearly that Bora, an American lady, may somehow not condemn the death of a child because the child happens to be a colonist/Israeli/Jew if she does not come out and explicitly say killing of the baby is wrong.

It is a sad situation that if it was say a French child, no one would expect anyone to have to say this explicitly.

Indeed, it is because of this loon demonisation technique that I go out of my way to state the obvious - and you will note that my first reply was to condemn the killing. Bora chose not to state this obvious point, but stated it later.

By your own criteria, Bethsmum and yourself are guilty. BM not only didn't condemn the killing of the children, but made a sick joke. You haven't condemned her. By your logic, you must agree with her.

You haven't condemned the killings of the babies, but have lapsed into loon conspiracy concerning DJ's identity and have said that Palestinians hide behind their women and children - again, lapsing into the Israeli propaganda of blaming the victims.

Shame on you.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
DearJohn wrote:Not bad only took you 23 mins to reply and this time it makes sense!! You are getting better ferret.
So who is the transvestite in the avatar?

Oh great another friggin stalker. And you are trolling. If you are so interested in the guy of the avatar open another thread. :arrow:

* slams door in his face *
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
After getting owned, exits stage right !
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:^^^
After getting owned, exits stage right !

And another trolling monkey.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
shafique wrote:FD - you really are losing it.

Correction. He's lost it.

Accuses BB of not initially condemning the killing of a baby, then blames the victims instead of condemning the killing. Priceless and shameless.

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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Yep, BB you are from the goon squad, you can only parrot.

Oh lord, let me explain it to you FD. Agreeing with people is not parroting. You on the other hand are repetitive and limited in what you have to say. The only one parroting here is you, repeating what you have said over and over and over again and again and again.

You pick and choose what you will respond to. And it appears that when you can't come up with a response you resort to name calling or try to belittle people - all because they don't see it your way. Based on Sym's posts, you took the low road comparing me to him. I don't base my arguments on religion - that was his position. I base it on what I myself believe to be right or wrong. How would you like it if I compared you to a Nazi???

There are a number of points I made in my posts, and as usual you chose to overlook them. This baby was as much an innocent victim as were the Palestinian babies that died at the hands of Israeli soldiers. Why do you think that this isolated incident is greater than the hundreds of Palestinian babies killed or maimed by Israeli soldiers on an ongoing basis?

I understand the arguments that both Israel and Palestine have about their countries and citizens. I don't agree with Israel's tactics in how it has gone and will continue to go about to get what it wants. Unfortunately you can't get your head wrapped around that as you can only see Israel as the victim.
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
(Double post)
Bora Bora
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:Oh lord, let me explain it to you FD. Agreeing with people is not parroting.

Let me explain. I meant the goon squad can only pick up somebody else's argument and turn it around.

Bora Bora wrote:The only one parroting here is you

See what I mean! :D Very easy recognizable.

Besides that you have more of the same baiting tactics: twisting and distorting somebody else's words on a regular basis.
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Bora, there's clearly a pattern here.

In this thread, FD argued himself into a corner then failed his own test (after BM failed even more spectacularly)
Accuses BB of not initially condemning the killing of a baby, then blames the victims instead of condemning the killing. Priceless and shameless.

Since then, only some weird ad hominem attacks have been posted. No shame.

Same pattern in the Anti-semitism thread. His dishonesty was exposed in black and white:

And since then, neither he nor eh have referenced this deliberate and cynical misquote and twisting of someone's words, and the fact that he didn't give a reference (perhaps in a vain attempt to hide the twisting).

I.e. FD is guilty of:
Flying Dutchman wrote:twisting and distorting somebody else's words on a regular basis

Is it really so hard for fanbois to condemn the killing of babies by Israelis?

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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
shafique wrote:I.e. FD is guilty of:
Flying Dutchman wrote:twisting and distorting somebody else's words on a regular basis

Parrot! :D

Well, at least you are quoting somebody else than yourself.
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Shafique, why do you always claim someone has 'failed' when they express their opinions and they differ from yours?
Why do you feel the need to latch on to anyone who is agreeing with you at the time, by inserting smilies after their posts?

Just to point out.....

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern English refers to persons hostile to those of differing sex, race, ethnicity, religion or spirituality, nationality, language, inter-regional prejudice, gender and sexual orientation, homelessness, various medical disorders particularly behavioral disorders and addictive disorders. Forms of bigotry may have a related ideology or world views.

If you want to claim others are racist or whatever, then just take it on board that you appear to be a bigot.

-- Sat Oct 08, 2011 12:29 pm --

And a parrot LOL

:D :D :D

-- Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:59 pm --

Wow Dearjohn is sounding a bit girly all of a sudden!
You silly cow!
You chutney ferret :shock:
You bum bandit?

That's fighting talk where BM comes from! :blackeye:
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Those responsible will get a fair trial and good treatment in jail. Contrary to this fellow (hanging watched by children):

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Just to point out.....

A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern English refers to persons hostile to those of differing love, race, ethnicity, religion or spirituality, nationality, language, inter-regional prejudice, gender and sexual orientation, homelessness, various medical disorders particularly behavioral disorders and addictive disorders. Forms of bigotry may have a related ideology or world views.

BM thank you!!!! That describes FD perfectly!!!

-- Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:15 pm --

Flying Dutchman wrote:Those responsible will get a fair trial and good treatment in jail. Contrary to this fellow (hanging watched by children):


A bit off topic FD. Can you focus please. :roll:

Just how do you know for an absolute fact that they will get a fair trial and good treatment? You see, this is where you look foolish making statements like that.
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
^^^well i think we'll have to conclude that we are all bigots and racists of some description. :P
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Besides that you have more of the same baiting tactics: twisting and distorting somebody else's words on a regular basis.

I'm going to order you a pair of those special spandex undies FD. :D

-- Sat Oct 08, 2011 3:24 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:^^^well i think we'll have to conclude that we are all bigots and racists of some description. :P

You got that right!!!

Psssst!!! FD. That would include you too. :lol:
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Shafique, why do you always claim someone has 'failed' when they express their opinions and they differ from yours?

You really should try reading the posts, and understanding them BM.

I disagree with people's views all the time - and most can put across their views without having to resort to lies and deceptions.

Someone who tries to mislead people by misquoting an author, not give a reference and to compound that says that someone else agrees with the misleading quote - well, when they are exposed, they have indeed failed.

FD is really twisting like crazy - and all because in this thread he is still trying to demonise Palestinians, and refusing to condemn the killings of babies who aren't Israeli, so far at least.

The irony is that the more desperate he becomes, the less credible his posts become.

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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
I think you'll find I understand them perfectly, although you always try to make out i'm thick. FAIL :D

Stop with your blah blah, why don't you? The only reason you repeat yourself is to try to brainwash others.

You forgot to mention knickers in that last post BTW,
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
So you did understand that FD was caught out in his deception and has no answer.

You made a good impression of someone who was trying to ignore this fact. Eh is in denial, FD just doesn't want to ignore it in the hope we'll all forget.

But in this thread - isn't the major FAIL the fact FD had a go at Bora for not initially condemning the death of the Israeli baby, and the fact that you and FD are not condemning the deaths of babies killed by Israelis?

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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
BM: Brainwash people about what?
Bora Bora
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
^^^^^he won't be happy until the whole world thinks the way he does Bora. Everyone who doesn't agree with him is wrong and he is always right.

Just be thankful you aren't married to him Bora.

-- Sat Oct 08, 2011 8:56 pm --

shafique wrote:So you did understand that FD was caught out in his deception and has no answer.

You made a good impression of someone who was trying to ignore this fact. Eh is in denial, FD just doesn't want to ignore it in the hope we'll all forget.

But in this thread - isn't the major FAIL the fact FD had a go at Bora for not initially condemning the death of the Israeli baby, and the fact that you and FD are not condemning the deaths of babies killed by Israelis?


Do you never come up for breath?
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
At the risk of repeating myself ;) - why are loons so allergic to facts?

Why is stating that FD and you are not condemning the killing of babies in any way 'brainwashing' anyone?

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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Oh, I condemn all those responsible for killing babies.
Must have missed the question in all your "yaperdeyap loons blahblahblah, eh, yapderdeyap, FD, loons etc etc." posts.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
shafique wrote:At the risk of repeating myself ;) - why are loons so allergic to facts?

Why is stating that FD and you are not condemning the killing of babies in any way 'brainwashing' anyone?


Why did you never condemn the kicking to death of the 68 year old white man by that black yob in the recent riots in London? I invited you to do so on a number of occasions?

I expect you to ignore this post fatty.
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 08, 2011
FD - glad to hear that like Bora and myself you too condemn all the killings of babies.

I looked back at page 2 of this thread to where Bora posted the photos of the killed babies, and I couldn't see where you stated this in your replies.

You did say this - and also had a go at Bora for not condemning the killing of the Jewish baby:
Flying Dutchman Pali's hide behind their women and children,

So, if you're fair - the criticism you levelled at Bora (not condemning the killing - which she did later), also applies to you. Doesn't it?

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Re: Palestinians Arrested For Causing The Death Of A Baby. Oct 08, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Why did you never condemn the kicking to death of the 68 year old white man by that black yob in the recent riots in London? I invited you to do so on a number of occasions?

I expect you to ignore this post fatty.

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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 09, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:. If you are so interested in the guy of the avatar open another thread.

What guy? That's a transvestite.
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Re: Palestinians Arrested for Causing the Death of a Baby. Oct 09, 2011
Thankfully Pali terrorists didn't get their way this time, trying to lynch a man and a pregnant woman:

Palestinian Authority terrorists continued their attacks on innocent Jewish motorists over Yom Kippur, this time attacking a woman in labor and her husband as they rushed to the hospital. The husband, Ariel Goldman of Pnei Kedem, told Arutz Sheva that the two were lucky to escape with their lives.

Their ordeal began near Har Homa at 2:30 a.m., as they drove to Hadassah Ein Karem hospital in Jerusalem. Suddenly, they encountered a point in the road that had been blocked by large stones.

He finally managed to pass the stone barrier and speed away from the group of attackers, only to encounter a second group that attempted to stone the car near the Jerusalem neighborhood of Talpiot. Goldman managed to speed away a second time.

I know, some will blame this attack on the holiest jewish day on a pregnant jewish woman on the 'occupation'.
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